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Android - Game Diego [Opinions - Ideas]

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Hello, my android game called diego, is under heavy development since 3 months +


Its side scroll 2D game, similar to mario, but much more advanced, plus android market lacks this kind of games.


Thats how does it look (test version, still a lot of to do, plus graphic improvements ofc)




Level Editor:





Little description:


- there will be couple of words (normal/winter/jungle/under water etc)

- there will be 18 levels per each word

- achievements integration


And here's my question for android devices users, would you like to play such game?


Also I would be glad if someone can provide some ideas, about different ideas about features to this game, because till now game environment is quite poor, for now I have implemented:


- Boss AI, there will be special Boss after every X Levels completed

- obstacles such as Saw, collapsing/crushing boxes, saw and so on

- monsters - birds/ants for now

- moving platforms (right/left or up/down movement direction)

- and some more, but still I need to implement more features


... to make game more attractive, so thanks for every idea!

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holy shit, great matim.


Is there any link to try it out or its still in beta?


Also it would be better to focus on 2 buttons only, left and right panel. Its way to hard to play with the touch pad controling 4 moves of your character with only 1 finger.

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Soon there will be beta version available, maybe I will be even able to finish game development till end of the year (but graphic part is still not done) when whole development will be finished, I will be able to focus at level creation part (won't take long time, since I made simple level editor)


About controller, there is multi touch, in fact left/right movement is really simple, you don't even have to detach the finger from the screen (just moving finger like you would use normal game pad) And to jump, you simply have to press screen in any suitable position for your (in this case its most likely left bottom corner, which is most comfortable while you are holding your phone in a hand in landscape view)


It could be confusing because on screen, you can see controller with 4 available directions (digital controller) but in fact only 2 are supported, right left, and jump function is executed in way i mentioned above, look of the controller is temporary.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Bump, is there someone who is able to provide some ideas, about new features  :)?

Don't fall down from big games such lineage 2 to android bullcrap. By the way it's very interesting :)

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Nice job Matim

but as i can see in the screen its like you are playing in desert lack of objects  you need to implement more objects

and also it will be hard to control moving you can do left button in the left of screen  to move left and right button in the right of screen to move right and button in the middle to jump

P.S just giving my opinion

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You could disable the controller and make it move by movement i've seen those kinds of games are missing mostly . Everyone got a smartphone nowdays with those potentials .

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Nice job Matim

but as i can see in the screen its like you are playing in desert lack of objects  you need to implement more objects

and also it will be hard to control moving you can do left button in the left of screen  to move left and right button in the right of screen to move right and button in the middle to jump

P.S just giving my opinion


Its hard to explain, but it works quite cool (I mean controller) Its like analog button like in game pad (but digital, limited only to right/left movement) There is full multi touch, so there there is no difficulty with controlling character, jumping (you simply have to tap screen to jump, anywhere)


About lack of objects, you are right, its quite poor atm, till now it has:


- collapsing boxes (collapsing, after X seconds, after contact with player's feet)

- crushing box (hitting ground every X seconds, cool shake camera effect implemented  ;D)

- circular saw

- spikes

- moving platform (up/down, right/left)

- some plants, trees, blushes (still lack of them)

- some kinds of monsters


I'm talking with Australian Game Studio, about cooperation, they will take care about beauty full 2.5D Graphic - so everything will be professional  ;)



Thanks for answers. 


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hmm.. let's see if my beautiful mind (I can get ideas like no one else), can help you.




Of course there's the obvious classic ones:


*Fire that is active a few millisecs.

*Clouds to make you climb up.

*Bombs like in mario, coming from nowhere.


How ever, you want something unique?


Obstacles could be something like:


*An angry garderner with a lawn mower coming towards you.

*De-hydrated flower that if you click on it will instantly grow far up in the sky, so you can climb it and continue with ur "quest".

*A pair of garden scissors lying in a bush or on the ground, walk over it and you'll "power up" and make u run faster (cuz it cuts the obstacles).

*A Rainbow can appear anytime, follow it until a lepricon is there with extra lives.


just a few of many things that comes out of my mind when I see those images.


Good luck!

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  • 5 weeks later...

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