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Looking for professional l2j dev.





I'm looking for a l2j dev for a serious server project.

Gameplay will be discussed in a private chat, although the chronicle will be Interlude.


I will be the one that stands for all the costs, and the payment will also be discussed in a private conversation.


This isn't the first time I've administrated a server, 2 years ago, wont mention the servers name, I hosted a L2 server, because of my ideas and my teamwork we got around 1k euros every 2nd week, not bad.


What I'm looking for in a developer is:


*Great knowledge in java coding.. If you think you're a dev just because you can do some custom armors and edit config.properties, then get lost.


*You have to speak GOOD English, I do not want someone that I can't communicate with!


*Team player, that's almost my #1 rule, without working as a team, the server will be dead before it opens.


*Active, if you're offline 99% of the week, then there's no possibility for us to grow.


Note: You will not have access to the server machine. Perhaps in the future.


If you're interested, send me a pm, and I'll provide you with my msn adress.

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That's what little I basically want to introduce you, in addition to other dev systems more difficult and disruptive from your ideas.


see enchant item reward for pvp equip only into some server (maybe L2Pride, L2LandofDreams). I cannot find any free share.

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you don't expect to find a good developer for interlude all pepole's that they are still engaged with interlude

are kids that still learning, i hope you to find someone to do our job but don't expecting for something special :)

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Your enchant reward, pvp reward, zone grade and more is already shared for FREE. durrrr.


Sweet, downloaded an awesome buffer and did some HTML modifications. I'm a java developer!

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Sweet, downloaded an awesome buffer and did some HTML modifications. I'm a java developer!

That's apples, mate! You won't believe what I've done today!! I've managed to remove the system message that says "welcome to l2j, the project is founded by l2chef...". Are you getting jealous of my superior java skills?

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Stay on initial subject people.


There is all time someone better than you at the end of the chain (the end of the chain is the 7y old Chinese kid which got a far better IQ than you and is HUMBLE => don't laugh of others weaknesses.


And perhaps it's not even the end of the chain if there is a 6y old Russian little girl which is even more clever than the 7 years old boy, HUMBLE and CUTE.


So to conclude : be humble and stay on topic :P.

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In fact, every person may call him self L2J Developer (or what ever shit developer)


Why? Reason is obvious (but not for everyone) misunderstanding word developer


But some people feel better calling them self as a developer.


I'm also against people without experience/knowledge, pretending to be developers, but who cares.


You are editing buffer? Means you are developing it, means you are developer.


In really general and literal sense, but still it does  :D

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