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Custom Pvp Zone ( Freya - H5 ) Up-Dated

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Mhm ok ok nice mhm i have error on gameserver , please create a new zone  mhm coordinates:

Spawn 1: 130593 114556 -3742

Spawn 2: 122072 113725 -3796


I have problem on creation new zone on data/zone please help


ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301895 in file: pvp_zones.xml

ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301896 in file: pvp_zones.xml


Mhm i don't have tabele on my base please help me ;/

what do you mean ?
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I have problem to add new zone to data/zone i dont no ;/ and have problem on my gameserver ;/ please send to me files zone on coordinates


Spawn 1: 130593 114556 -3742

Spawn 2: 122072 113725 -3796


This is my spawn , please help me ;/ im check this file , thanks


and no table on my database ;/ please help server don't read my zone , custom zone add to files pvp_zones.xml


and have this problem

ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301895 in file: pvp_zones.xml
ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301896 in file: pvp_zones.xml


Never please send to me pm on files please help ;/

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I have problem to add new zone to data/zone i dont no ;/ and have problem on my gameserver ;/ please send to me files zone on coordinates


Spawn 1: 130593 114556 -3742

Spawn 2: 122072 113725 -3796


This is my spawn , please help me ;/ im check this file , thanks


and no table on my database ;/ please help server don't read my zone , custom zone add to files pvp_zones.xml


and have this problem

ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301895 in file: pvp_zones.xml
ZoneData: Bad data for zone: 301896 in file: pvp_zones.xml


Never please send to me pm on files please help ;/

Ok i will pm you in some minutes because i am busy right now !
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Nice share! Also could be adapted in Zones xml with :

<stat name="skillIdLvl" val="skill-lvl;" /> 


yeah sure , but this way you have the opotrunity to add custom effects on enter/death or whetever you want !


thanks for comment m8 :)

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  • 3 months later...

I would like to see


this is why i hate this post count policy, its full of spammers!


well, on toppic.

Never first of, thanks for share.

second, i've a doubt, i created on my server a rotating custom pvp zones with teleports to them in 4 diffrent spawns.

i would like to add this to my system. the question is this, when i create this new pvp zone, when i asign coords after the comand .res the player will spawn anywhere those coords? within the zone? or i sould hardcode different spawn cords?


then: some not-so-but-in-a-way-noobish question.


1) i cannot find any guide of how to create new zones, can anyone share a link or so?

2) as for this code, i think it would be a nice addon an animation onKill, let us say, when a pvp is done or a pk, the player gets the skill animation of for eg shield fortress. i understand this part is not rocket cience, (but for me its not a peace of cake)



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  • 1 month later...

I use hi5, I have a question if they come healers in the area with the command never die. ress how I can fix it?

what do you mean ?they can use .res only when they are dead !
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