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[GUIDE] Warwick, the Blood Hunter (Lanewick)

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Warwick counted himself amongst the most powerful and revered men in his home city-state of Zaun.  Over the course of his infamous career as an alchemist, Warwick won many honors for his craft, not the least of which was a lucrative offer for service in the Noxian military during their campaigns against Ionia.  Sequestered in his labs far from the front lines, Warwick and his apprentice Singed toiled relentlessly to manufacture all manner of appalling concoctions for the Noxian army.  So potent was his art that even the greatest of Ionia's healers - under the leadership of the Starchild Soraka - struggled to combat the poisons and chemical weapons generated by his despicable mind.  Warwick's reign of terror grew so horrific that his very name became a curse in the eyes of his Ionian foes, and they began referring to him only as ''the Deathmaker.''


But even one under the protection of the Noxian High Command is not wholly beyond the reach of retribution.  For as Soraka strode across the myriad of death and destruction left in the wake of one of Warwick's chemical attacks, her heart finally gave way.  She called down the wrath of the cosmos on Warwick, wishing that his form should mirror the cruelty in his heart - a curse that would come at the price of her aspiring divinity.  Within his laboratory, a terrible thirst took hold over Warwick. As his apprentice looked on in horror, Warwick threw open the doors to his bastion and sprinted off toward parts unknown, a bloodcurdling howling marking his passage. He had become a werewolf; a wild, murderous beast.  Today, the Blood Hunter fights for Noxus within the League of Legends... thankful of the curse that his now-mortal enemy bestowed upon him.


''The rage of the beast now complements his predatory spirit.'' -- Singed, the Mad Chemist, upon witnessing his master's transformation


Why Lanewick?


Warwick is (or was) known for having incredible sustain in the jungle. You couldn't kill him because he just healed to much and he always had full or near full health while jungling. However, Warwick (and Udyr) can take their amazing jungle sustain out of the Jungle and into the lane where they become unstoppable beasts. Generally the only issue they have with laning is mana which is why it is crucial you pick up a large mana pool or decent mana regen at some point.


Don't try and duo lane warwick though. You'll run oom from all the harass, your sustain during early laning levels really relies on being able to 1v1. Sometimes you can 1v2 but it really depends on the enemy and unless the enemy team has no jungler try and solo top as much as possible. Going 1v2 won't hurt your lane but it will hurt your team because you're not shutting down the enemy like you normally should.




    More Farm

    More Kills

    Denied Enemy

    More Build Choices


    More Damage

    Your Jungler Gets Kills

    Enemy Jungler Can't Kill

    You Will Not Die!





    Less Ganking

    Harder To Get Around

    No Smite

    Can't Push Lane Fast


Warwick Level 18 Stats





Skills/Skill Order


passive.pngEternal Thirst (Passive): Each of Warwick's attacks will heal him for 6/12/18 health. Each successive attack against the same target will restore increasing a-beep-ts of health to Warwick.


17270649.pngHungering Strike: Strikes an enemy for the greater value between 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+100% of ability power) and 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20% of the target's maximum health (can only do flat damage to monsters), and heals Warwick for 80% of the damage dealt.


Cooldown 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds

Cost 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana

Range 400


20081214.pngHunters Call: Warwick lets out a howl that inspires all nearby allied champions. This increases Warwick's attack speed by 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% and all nearby friendly champions' attack speed by half of that for 10 seconds.


Cooldown 30 / 27 / 24 / 21 / 18 seconds

Cost 35 mana

Range 20


94672602.pngBlood Scent: Passive: Warwick senses enemy champions under 50% life within 1500 / 2300 / 3100 / 3900 / 4700 distance of him while he detects a low-health enemy, he gains 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Movement Speed.


Cooldown 45 / 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 seconds

Range 20


65733261.pngInfinite Duress: Warwick lunges at an enemy Champion, stunning and making them unable to use summoner spells for 1.7 seconds. While they are stunned, Warwick quickly strikes the target 5 times for 33% of his attack damage plus 40 / 60 / 80. Warwick gains an additional 30% lifesteal while performing Infinite Duress.


Cooldown 100 seconds

Cost 100 / 125 / 150 mana

Range 700


Skill Order




E or W doesn't really matter, I just prefer E as personal preference for movement speed.






Utility Pros


    Mana Regen, Health Regen


    Movement Speed

    Summoner Spell CDR




Defensive Pros


    Armor, Magic Resist


    Damage Reduction



Offensive Pros



    Magic Penetration








9x mark4.pngGreater Mark of Insight (+0.95 Magic Penetration)

9x seal2.pngGreater Seal of Evasion (+0.75% Dodge)

9x glyph4.pngGreater Glyph of Shielding (+0.15 Magic resesit per level [+2.7 at champion level 18])

3x quint3.pngGreater Quintessence of Swiftness (+1.5% Movement Speed)




Start with item8.gif

First Recall buy -> item8.gifitem8.gif& item25.gif

Next -> Update your boots into item75.gif, buy item113jpg.png& item50.gif

Next -> Update your Kindlegem & your Glacial shroud into item87.gif& frozenheartc.gif

Next -> Sell 1 Doran's Ring and buy


Next -> Update your Hextech Revolver into item108.jpg

Next -> Sell 1 Doran's Ring, your next item is item62.gif& then sell your last Doran's Ring and close your build with item64.gif


My standard build with Warwick is

item75.gifitem87.giffrozenheartc.gifitem108.jpg  item62.gifitem64.gif


With Heavy AP Enemies



With Heavy AD Enemies



Early/Mid Game


Early Game (Laning Phase) generally you should play passively unless against a real pushover (Malzahar, Yi, Etc). Focus on farming until level 6-7 then start harassing hardcore with Q. Harass them down to 500 or lower then combo them (Q + Ult + Ignite + Q) for easy kills. Don't be to aggressive to early though, if your heal is to weak you take more harass from creeps.


Try and keep your lane warded at all times (should be top lane) and always focus on last hitting. Pay attention to other lanes though. If you get a chance go and gank Midlane with your ultimate. If you're having difficulty in lane just focus on farming and wait for jungle ganks, once you get one you'll be able to take advantage.


If you do take advantage of your lane opponent go ahead and zone them (but make sure you have a ward). The cs they lose will really hurt their entire team for Mid-game. You don't need to zone them out of experience but rather just last hitting. Also remember, dying to deny them 20 creeps ain't worth it. Just don't die. Always pay attention to the map and call mia, if not for you, for your team.


Mid Game (Post Laning Phase, Pre Full Build Phase) is mostly about lane control, dragon control, buff control, and baron control. Keep wards up on Dragon/Baron at all times and if possible also the enemy buffs. Pay attention for any chance you get to gank an enemy. Generally try and stay as a team until you get a chance to gank. Keep lanes pushed but don't risk tower-diving. Take Dragon and Enemy Buffs whenever possible. If you kill an enemy near baron take it before they can respawn.


This phase is all about establishing map control. Whoever wins this phase generally wins the game. This phase is over as soon as one team has taken enough of an advantage over the other team to be able to push freely without fear. If you start Mid Game behind the enemy team this is your chance to make up for it with good teamwork. Stay as a team AT ALL TIMES.


If you do run into a fair 5v5 fight make sure to fight on your terms and not theirs. You initiate where you want to fight and do not let them initiate onto you. Focus the most threatening opponent first always in order to confirm you win the fight. Just play smart and you'll come out of the Mid Game Phase as the victor and most likely win the game from there.




Late Game/Team fights


Late Game is where you should shine the most. You should be quite unkillable by now and the fact the enemy team let the game last this long means this is where you win. Because you're unstoppable you take control of dragon and baron and both jungles. Stay as a team and you initiate fights onto their squishiest champion. You deal enough damage now you are enough of a threat for the enemy team to actually focus you, even though it will get them nowhere.


Basically, by this late in the game you either won or you lost. Try and catch anyone out of position and dive if you must (if you're gonna dive try and do it when they're not all together). If they're diving your team just go for their highest damage and let your team deal with the rest. The only reason this late in the game you should be dying is if you were dumb and bought MBR + Wit's End instead of replacing MBR with enough tanky not to die.


Team Fights are fun as Lanewick. You're the tank but not the initiator. Although if needed you can initiate. When either your team initiates or the enemy team does then you go ahead and jump onto the enemies most threatening player. You can initiate but it's not optimal. If their low chase for the kill, if not go for the next person in line. Once the team fight is over use your E and tanky-ness to chase any survivors and finish them off. Push a tower if you can/take baron/dragon.


Generally, just focus the squishiest enemy. If there is a Kat/Fiddle on the enemy team you can save your ultimate for when they ult to shut them down. Try to avoid getting to close to the rest of your team if the enemy team has an amumu/alistar so the CC is split up. But most importantly, just tank for your team. Take the CC and the shots if you can.





Even when laning as Warwick you still should gank. If you get a break in lane go mid and attempt a gank. If you have some armor feel free to run in behind the enemy turret or even dive if they're low enough. Otherwise run in from the side spamming pings for your ally. Try and use Q first and save your ultimate for when they flash but make sure to ult them before they reach their turret. If enemy jungler is mid ult the enemy mid in 9/10 situations (shaco being the 1/10) because mid is almost certain to do more damage.


Whatever you do, do not bait your ally to his death. If your ally is low it is your fault for running in because he wanted to help because you could not do it alone. Don't do that. You'll blame him for dying but he had good intentions and you triggered it, it is your fault. And remember, if you succeed go take dragon for the extra gold while you're down there.


That was all, hope you like it. If not GET THE -beep- OUT !



Images from Leaguecraft.com

A little part from "Early/Mid/Late game text taken from mobafire.com


Agree but this build is not your for sure.


The guide is not just the build. Tbh most people use about the same builds at mid/high Elo.


Some credits added, don't fuck my brain. Of course i add some things that i found on web.


Don't even give a shit for comments like "this isn't yours".

Search and if you find the same guide put it in my ass.


Decent guide.Have you ever tried AP WW though?


When people refer to AP ww (aka magewick) they do not mean that you're building AP... Just Doran's Ring, Sorc Shoes and items that deal magic damage (Wit's End, Madred's Bloodrazor, Sunfire Cape). These items are awesome on WW since his ulti applies their on-hit effects 6 times in 2 seconds and he's got huge AS thanks to his W.


When people refer to AP ww (aka magewick) they do not mean that you're building AP... Just Doran's Ring, Sorc Shoes and items that deal magic damage (Wit's End, Madred's Bloodrazor, Sunfire Cape). These items are awesome on WW since his ulti applies their on-hit effects 6 times in 2 seconds and he's got huge AS thanks to his W.


You just build 2 or 3 dorans ring for start. Sorc boots. Then you're going for tanky items who give you magic damage. Withs end-> Magic res & Magic Damage, Madred-> Armor & Magic Damage. Sometimes i build hextech too if the game is going well but is not a good option always. Sometimes the only magic damage that i have is for dorans ring cause im going full tank. Is situational.

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