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Πρόβλημα με το port 9014 asap?! :/



Καλησπέρα μέλη του mxc 9α ή9ελα την βοήθεια σας γιατί έχω ένα μικρό πρόβλημα...

Λοιπόν ας 3εκινήσουμε...


Ανοίγω τον server κανονικά και ενώ είναι ανοιχτά όλα τα ports 7777 / 2106 / 9014

όλα είναι online εκτός του 9014 δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω τον λόγο για αυτό και κάνω post εδώ!


η άλλη περίπτωση είναι το να ανοί3ω τον server και να ανοίγουν κανονικά τα ports και να παίζουν άτομα και να σταματάει ο server χωρίς καμιά απολύτως ενέργεια μου δηλαδή δεν είμαι καν στο pc και η θύρα 9014 πέφτει μόνη της...


Firewall: εντελώς κλειστό και από windows 7 και από router.

Ports: ανοιχτά όλα!

Λειτουργικό : Windows 7 ( εάν και δεν νομίζω να ευθύνεται αυτό γιατί ο server μου τρέχει κανονικά όταν η θύρα 9014 δεν είναι πεσμένη :S )

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file to 9014 dn einai aparetito na to anigis ta simantika einai 7777, 2106 ;)


Μα τα 7777 , 2106 είναι ανοιχτά μια χαρά μα μόνο όταν είναι ανοιχτό και το 9014 μόνο τότε μπορούν να μπουν όλοι!! :/

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(GM)Larr0ulk0s 8a prepi na mas diksis kamia foto na doume ti ekanes ....


Εχ9ές το βράδυ ήταν κανονικα ο σερβερ ανοιχτός όλα ανοιχτα ...


Όσο για το GM ... Dev ήμουν αλλά τα έχω παρατήσει τελευταία και τώρα έτσι αρχισα λίγο παλι κάτι ψιλά μόνο και μόνο για να περνάει η ώρα πιο πολύ για έναν φίλο μου :)

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stile foto na doume ti ekanes.....



απο τι πράγμα φώτο? απο gameserver/login? από port? από τι?


Πληροφοριακα στο gameserver/loginserver δεν έχω ούτε ένα error αρα δεν νομίζω...!!! δευτερων από port επίσης δεν νομίζω γιατί είχα ανοιχτό server κάτι μήνες με τα ίδια settings ακριβώς !!!

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Antivirus κλειστό?

Βάλε εδώ να δούμε πως έχεις τα config.


Antivirus κλειστό κανονικά!!!






# ===================================#

#  Game Server Settings            #

# ===================================#

# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server.

# This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router.

# Dumbed Down Definitions...

# LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you.

# WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet).

# x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Networking

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

# Common settings...

# - If you are playing alone on a test server

# 192.168.x.x - This is if you are on a 192.168.x.x type network (behind a standard consumer router) and want other computers from JUST the internal network to be able to connect

# x.x.x.x - WAN IP obtained from http://www.whatismyip.com/. This is if you want people outside your internal network to be able to connect to your server.

# If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Enter here (ip) address of your game server, or use the symbol *

GameserverHostname = *

GameserverPort = 7777


# Configure your external ip

ExternalHostname = ipserver.no-ip.biz


# Configure your internal ip

InternalHostname =


# Bunch ID and game server. It is better not to change.

LoginPort = 9014

LoginHost =


# Database Pool Type

# Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP

# c3p0: more stable

# BoneCP: more performance



# Parameters Databases - MYSQL

Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/beta_version

# Login - Mysql's user

Login = root

# Password - Mysql's Password

Password =

# Attention: lazy init connections disabled!

# Please, set only real values for your database

# Default: 100

MaximumDbConnections = 50


# Default: 0

MaximumDbIdleTime = 0


# The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms)

# 0 - to remove restrictions

TimeOutConDb = 0


# The timeout before the single connection must be closed (in ms)

# if a connection life is more then this timeout, a Runtime Exception

# is rised up. Post the exception on forum (www.l2jcorelia.com) to solve

# it.



# Sets number of partitions to use.- BoneCP

# In order to reduce lock contention and thus improve performance,

# each incoming connection request picks off a connection from a pool that has thread-affinity,

# i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, the better your performance will be for the case

# when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start

# to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out).

PartitionCount = 3


# Setting emulation off the kernel (package SendStatus)

RemoteWhoLog = True

RemoteWhoSendTrash = True

RemoteWhoMaxOnline = 329

RemoteOnlineIncrement = 50

RemoteWhoForceInc = 50

RemotePrivStoreFactor = 12


# Datapack folder

# DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack





#                      corelia Dev.Team                      #


# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server.

# Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to

# - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose)

# - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network)

# - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet)

# - Questions? => http://l2jcorelia.com


# * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig"

# **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com

# ===================================================================================================


# ================================================================

# General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!!

# ================================================================


# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

ExternalHostname = ipserver.no-ip.biz


# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

InternalHostname =


# Bind ip of the loginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs

LoginserverHostname = *

LoginserverPort = 2106


# How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned

LoginTryBeforeBan = 20


# Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) 

LoginBlockAfterBan = 600

GMMinLevel = 100


# The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs 

LoginHostname =


# The port on which login will listen for GameServers

LoginPort = 9014


# If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots

AcceptNewGameServer = True


# If False, the licence (after the login) will not be shown

# It is highly recomended for Account Seciurity to leave this option as defalut (True)

ShowLicence = False


# Database Pool Type

# Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP

# c3p0: more stable

# BoneCP: more performance



# Database info





# Database Settings





# Parameters Databases - MYSQL

# Login - Mysql's user

Login = root

# Password - Mysql's Password

Password =

# maximum number of simultaneous connecting to the database

MaximumDbConnections = 50


# Default: 0

MaximumDbIdleTime = 0


# The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms)

# default 0 disabled

TimeOutConDb = 0


# Sets number of partitions to use. - BoneCP

# In order to reduce lock contention and thus improve performance,

# each incoming connection request picks off a connection from a pool that has thread-affinity,

# i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, the better your performance will be for the case

# when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start

# to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out).

PartitionCount = 3


# Limit fast connections (input username / password)

FastConnectionLimit = 15

# Time of the normal connection (in ms)

NormalConnectionTime = 700

# Time fast connection (in ms)

FastConnectionTime = 350

# Maximum connections with the 1st IP

MaxConnectionPerIP = 50



# The lifetime of the session with the login server.

SessionTTL = 25000

MaxSessions = 100


# Choose the option: "true", to create an account when logging in automatically

AutoCreateAccounts = True


# Time to renew the IP address of the server in minutes (for dynamic IP)

IpUpdateTime = 0


# The configuration of the local subnet

# Example : 192.168

# Ppimer : 10.1

NetworkList = 192.168.;10.0.


# ===============================================================

# Test server configuration, not to switch on the game server!  =

# ===============================================================

# Use the GG client authentication

# Login server access let the client without GameGuard

ForceGGAuth = False


# Including protection from flood

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

EnableFloodProtection = True


# Enable mode "debugging"

# With debug you will see more log on console and more messages in game.

Debug = False


# Switched on "development"

Developer = False


# =============================================================

# Anti Ddos protection.

# This system works with iptables

# =============================================================

# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7777 -j DROP

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

# IMPORTANT: Active only with LINUX OS.

EnableDdosProSystem = False

# String deny_comms

# IMPORTANT: If you don't know what is it, leave as default

Deny_noallow_ip_ddos = /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 13 -p tcp --dport 7777 -s $IP -j ACCEPT

# Active full log on Login Server console about Ddos protection

Fulllog_mode_print = false



# Additional login server logs settings    -


Debug = False

Assert = False

Developer = False

EnableAllExceptionsLog = false

DebugPackets = false

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Antivirus κλειστό κανονικά!!!






# ===================================#

#  Game Server Settings            #

# ===================================#

# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server.

# This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router.

# Dumbed Down Definitions...

# LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you.

# WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet).

# x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Networking

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

# Common settings...

# - If you are playing alone on a test server

# 192.168.x.x - This is if you are on a 192.168.x.x type network (behind a standard consumer router) and want other computers from JUST the internal network to be able to connect

# x.x.x.x - WAN IP obtained from http://www.whatismyip.com/. This is if you want people outside your internal network to be able to connect to your server.

# If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Enter here (ip) address of your game server, or use the symbol *

GameserverHostname = *

GameserverPort = 7777


# Configure your external ip

ExternalHostname = ipserver.no-ip.biz


# Configure your internal ip

InternalHostname = <--edo prepi na valis tin lan ip (cmd) ipconfig (Διεύθυνση IPv4. . . . . . . . . . : )

# Bunch ID and game server. It is better not to change.

LoginPort = 9014

LoginHost =


# Database Pool Type

# Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP

# c3p0: more stable

# BoneCP: more performance



# Parameters Databases - MYSQL

Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/beta_version

# Login - Mysql's user

Login = root

# Password - Mysql's Password

Password =

# Attention: lazy init connections disabled!

# Please, set only real values for your database

# Default: 100

MaximumDbConnections = 50


# Default: 0

MaximumDbIdleTime = 0


# The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms)

# 0 - to remove restrictions

TimeOutConDb = 0


# The timeout before the single connection must be closed (in ms)

# if a connection life is more then this timeout, a Runtime Exception

# is rised up. Post the exception on forum (www.l2jcorelia.com) to solve

# it.



# Sets number of partitions to use.- BoneCP

# In order to reduce lock contention and thus improve performance,

# each incoming connection request picks off a connection from a pool that has thread-affinity,

# i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, the better your performance will be for the case

# when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start

# to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out).

PartitionCount = 3


# Setting emulation off the kernel (package SendStatus)

RemoteWhoLog = True

RemoteWhoSendTrash = True

RemoteWhoMaxOnline = 329

RemoteOnlineIncrement = 50

RemoteWhoForceInc = 50

RemotePrivStoreFactor = 12


# Datapack folder

# DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack





#                      corelia Dev.Team                      #


# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server.

# Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to

# - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose)

# - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network)

# - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet)

# - Questions? => http://l2jcorelia.com


# * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig"

# **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com

# ===================================================================================================


# ================================================================

# General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!!

# ================================================================


# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

ExternalHostname = ipserver.no-ip.biz


# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

InternalHostname = <--edo prepi na valis tin lan ip (cmd) ipconfig (Διεύθυνση IPv4. . . . . . . . . . : )


# Bind ip of the loginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs

LoginserverHostname = *

LoginserverPort = 2106


# How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned

LoginTryBeforeBan = 20


# Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) 

LoginBlockAfterBan = 600

GMMinLevel = 100


# The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs 

LoginHostname = <--edo to asteraki *


# The port on which login will listen for GameServers

LoginPort = 9014


# If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots

AcceptNewGameServer = True


# If False, the licence (after the login) will not be shown

# It is highly recomended for Account Seciurity to leave this option as defalut (True)

ShowLicence = False


# Database Pool Type

# Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP

# c3p0: more stable

# BoneCP: more performance



# Database info





# Database Settings





# Parameters Databases - MYSQL

# Login - Mysql's user

Login = root

# Password - Mysql's Password

Password =

# maximum number of simultaneous connecting to the database

MaximumDbConnections = 50


# Default: 0

MaximumDbIdleTime = 0


# The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms)

# default 0 disabled

TimeOutConDb = 0


# Sets number of partitions to use. - BoneCP

# In order to reduce lock contention and thus improve performance,

# each incoming connection request picks off a connection from a pool that has thread-affinity,

# i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, the better your performance will be for the case

# when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start

# to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out).

PartitionCount = 3


# Limit fast connections (input username / password)

FastConnectionLimit = 15

# Time of the normal connection (in ms)

NormalConnectionTime = 700

# Time fast connection (in ms)

FastConnectionTime = 350

# Maximum connections with the 1st IP

MaxConnectionPerIP = 50



# The lifetime of the session with the login server.

SessionTTL = 25000

MaxSessions = 100


# Choose the option: "true", to create an account when logging in automatically

AutoCreateAccounts = True


# Time to renew the IP address of the server in minutes (for dynamic IP)

IpUpdateTime = 0


# The configuration of the local subnet

# Example : 192.168

# Ppimer : 10.1

NetworkList = 192.168.;10.0.


# ===============================================================

# Test server configuration, not to switch on the game server!  =

# ===============================================================

# Use the GG client authentication

# Login server access let the client without GameGuard

ForceGGAuth = False


# Including protection from flood

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

EnableFloodProtection = True


# Enable mode "debugging"

# With debug you will see more log on console and more messages in game.

Debug = False


# Switched on "development"

Developer = False


# =============================================================

# Anti Ddos protection.

# This system works with iptables

# =============================================================

# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7777 -j DROP

# IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.

# IMPORTANT: Active only with LINUX OS.

EnableDdosProSystem = False

# String deny_comms

# IMPORTANT: If you don't know what is it, leave as default

Deny_noallow_ip_ddos = /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 13 -p tcp --dport 7777 -s $IP -j ACCEPT

# Active full log on Login Server console about Ddos protection

Fulllog_mode_print = false



# Additional login server logs settings    -


Debug = False

Assert = False

Developer = False

EnableAllExceptionsLog = false

DebugPackets = false


dokimase ke pes mas

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    • ENGLISH As you know, we have always profiled in the development of Java emulators, we continue to do our favorite thing, and now we have the opportunity to provide you with services in the field of private development of L2 assemblies Essence, Classic and High Five, which we have been doing in recent years, we have not been working on basic builds for a long time and work only on contracts for the world's best projects. These are the best builds we can offer, we have test servers and we can show them to you on the test, and if you are very good at gameplay, you will see a big difference in the quality and detail of the official content compared to the basic builds. These are the best top solutions in the world, which are currently used to implement the largest projects in the world. We guarantee 100% implementation of all official content. If you have any questions about testing, discussions, etc., please contact our studio and we will discuss everything. At the moment, you can get acquainted with the preliminary information and prices for Private L2 contracts here: Private Server packs L2 Essence 464, 447, 388, 362, 286 protocols Private server packs L2Classic Private server pack High Five РУССКИЙ --------------------------------------------- Как вы знаете мы всегда профилировались на разработке в сфере Java эмуляторов, мы продолжаем заниматься своим любимым делом, и сейчас у нас появилась возможность предоставлять вам услуги в сфере приватных разработок L2 сборок Essence, Classic и High Five, которыми мы занимаемся последние годы, мы уже давно не работаем над базовыми сборками и работаем только на контрактах для лучших мировых проектов. Это лучшие сборки, которые мы можем предложить, у нас есть тестовые сервера, и мы можем показать их вам на тесте, и если вы очень хорошо разбираетесь в игровом процессе, вы увидите большую разницу в качестве и детализации официального контента по сравнению с базовыми сборками. Это лучшие топовые решения в мире, которые на данный момент используются для реализации крупнейших проектов в мире. Мы даем гарантии - 100% реализации всего официального контента. По вопросам тестирования, обсуждений и тд - пишите по контактам нашей студии и мы все обсудим. На данный момент вы можете ознакомиться с предварительной информацией и ценами на Приватные контракты L2 тут: Приватные Сборки L2 Essence 464, 447, 388, 362, 286 protocols Приватные Сборки L2Classic Приватная Сборка High Five -------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts: Telegram: https://t.me/L2scripts Whatsapp, Viber: +1 (916) 226 1910 С уважением, Администрация !
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    • its AAC features... izi check add new acc here and later go to system folder and find last file with new date... have data.dat in system ? 
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