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Good evening.

I give a Project Freya for beginners who might need it.

Fixes have been made from the known to exist here in mxc.

other have fixed by L2J Server, other by me.


It has several Custom Config.

I think for Newbies is pretty good, I Online Server with this Project, 90 + people everyday just topzone!

You'll find it quite satisfactory!

I know it is a simple Project, maybe everyone can make a case, but others do not know.



In Config need change something.

Need change the " x-y-z in spawn location, and in custom color need a color code, otherwise it leads to trouble Gameserver!!

# Set true for custom spawn location.
CustomSpawn = False

SpawnX = 17092

SpawnY = 276415

SpawnZ = -7553


#Author TheEnd
NameColorSystem = False
NameColor = FFF000

# This is the amount of goldbars that a new character starts their character with. 
# Default: 0
StartingGBCount = 50000000
# This is the id of goldbars
# Default : 3470
StartingGBId = 57


Inside contains:


Geodata & Pathcodes









Anti-Phx Announce
Anti-Phx Enchant
Get Clan Skills Without Restart.
Olympiad, Deny Same Ip.
L2phx Critical Error Exploit.
Java Force Bug.
Java CP Exploit.
Olympiad Protection.
Pre frenzy and other shits.
Enchant Bug Fix.
Olympiad Balanced Regen.
Clan Skills in Olympiad Fix.
Oly fake death exploit fix.
MultiSell Bug Fix.
Over Enchant Trade Bug Fix.
Trade bug fix.
Stuck augument fix.
Bug with target Fix.
Disable blessed spiritshots (BSS) for oly.
Bug with symbols.
Black Icon On Multisell Fixed.
Before Oly No Shits.
No Enchant Near Warehouse.
No Enchant In Move.
Flood Protection.



HopZone Vote Reward Or Topzone ( Link )
Custom Sub Class Level.
Custom starting lvl.
Custom spawn location.
Custom Title On New Characters.
More Subclasses Than 3.
Autoannounce Pk, PvP and All kills.
Flagged Players Can't Use Gatekeeper.
Olympiad Heroes Config.
Banking System ( .deposit .withdraw )
PvP / Pk Reward Item.
Hero Status For PvP Kills ( With Config )
Olympiad, Deny Same Ip Config.
Classes Balances.
Custom Name Color.
Custom Starting GB. ( You can change item )
Clan name to Clan Member Title.
Xp / Sp Reward System.
PK Protection To Low Level Characters.
Take Clan Skills Without Restart.
Banking System.
Welcome message.



TvT Event.


Other NPC:

Wedding System. ( L2J Server )

Gm Shop Like Character With Full Items. ID: 36603 ( PHOTO )

Gatekeeper Like Character With All Areas. ID: 36604 ( PHOTO )

Buffer Like Character. ID: 36609 ( PHOTO )

Server Info. ID: 36606 ( PHOTO )

Augmenter Npc Like Character. ID: 36600 ( PHOTO )

Noblesse Manager Like Character. ID: 36608 ( PHOTO )

PvP / Pk Manager Like Character. ID: 36601 ( PHOTO )

Warehouse Manager. ID: 36605 ( PHOTO )




Within the Project has all the NPC, Multisell from Gm Shop and such.

The Source is purely on whether you want to build one yourself!


You will see a folder on SQL Custom SQL, they do the " Execute Sql " Once you Install the Database to get the NPC.


Dude is this l2Brick based?I use it and I'd say it looks like it in some points.I know you said L2j but...Anyway I'll test it thanks for share...!

L2J Server Based.

Nothing to do with L2Brick.


[GR]:Απλά κλαίω xD

[GR] Γιατί ρε συ?

  • 1 month later...

It shows an error in Java


Starting L2J Game Server.


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/l2jserve

/gameserver/GameServer : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)

        at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)

        at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)

        at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)

        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

Could not find the main class: com.l2jserver.gameserver.GameServer.  Program wi

l exit.


Server terminated abnormaly



server terminated


Press any key to continue . . .


gia soy agorina kai sixaritiria gia to server soy to ida kai moy aresai an exeis tin kalosin epidi den gjinete poia me compile to freya mporeis na valis to dikos soy eclipse eki mesa kai to workspace mazh me to server an to exeis fisika apothikevmeno akoma gt prospathw edo kai mia bdomada na kanw compile to freya kai den gjinete den ksero ti exoyn kanei ayt i alli pantos an to kaneis ayto tha boithisis pola pedia kai mena poio poli apoloys , perimeno mia apantisi an mporeis i oxi  gia na kserw efkaristo


baium missing the  "action" command from html

and you cant press the wake up baium..fix it

also antharas script eror..stuck on status1 didnt go on status 2 to spawn him

btw nice pack  and thanks

  • 1 month later...
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