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In my opinion the biggest fail server was L2insomnia just because it went from 2000+ players at launch, down to literally ~20 players in about 2 months and shutdown. I guess no one likes C5 anymore.  :-\

  On 1/22/2012 at 5:30 PM, asdf0rakos said:

l2 survival , h5 russian FAIL files.

most epic fail server in the world.

l2 survival had at least a decent community so I give my voice for Dragon network - Shadow x10 (in fact all DN servers are poop but this was epic) & l2Sandora and l2Borderline.
  On 11/2/2011 at 6:39 PM, Yarobi said:

Anything opened by Greeks/Lithuanians


Never say this one never never. If i got a deddicated we will see if LT // GR Servers are sucks, you will just not up from your playing time just that i have to say. Cause my idea about game side, never can be in your fantasy, and the server that i want to open i want to open it 1 time and for lot years.


That i have to say.


The most fail server was:

L2Dalexni. (just playing for months and then closed) lOl

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