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plzzzzzzzzzzz bring Xerath to me to test!im eager to fight him

you kitty -.-

i Wanna a match with you these days,we didnt play like a month now together


anyway On topic , Xerath is Rly OP and he has skills for cooldown and range

he is imba ;d


Dudes, I just had a game Xerath.That guy is OP man, I'm telling you.Especially after mid-game.His fckin' range is so big.Even bigger than nocturne's lol


hes is not op he is OP OP his damn w gives him a lot of damn range a gives him magic penetration also his damn passive is making him Beast againist dps


*i played on North America and a xerath from the enemy team open my A**


i also know that as well he do the spotlights with his people -.-


The thing is that Phreak is Platinum (1800+) and makes the spotlights while playing against unrankeds...


Well to tell the truth he has huge range but hopefully he can die easy.


don't think so... i build him around 160 armor 3k hp.. mr is low tho...

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