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  • 2 weeks later...

Do the Rest yourself :) aint that hard i gave you an example


Ps: dont pm me for help i am Currently not active working on l2j due to final exams

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Acabo de probar el paste y esta incompleto -.-"

eng?? anyway the version was a very  "lite" version of a community board as i said before its not incompleto.


but i am comming back to l2j the next weeks after a while now, i am currently working on a old acis Rev from me, i will provide soon a new Community board including much more Features.


here a small pic of it




News/Changelog and Server History's will be read via XML so no more time burning editing



Yes is the patch is incomplete  :-\


do you actually for gods sake read the thread!?



Sharing my Community Board but a "lite" Version


Contains only


- Index html

- Pvp Table html

- Top Pvp basic code


you can easly add new Features



wich means the share is not Incomplete i just didnt share all of it just a LITE version


I was trying to add top pk but i have a little problem. i created new file playerlist1 for pk but i dont know how to connect it in TopBBSManager. Here is my code.

		else if (command.startsWith("_bbshome;"))
      PlayerList pl = new PlayerList();
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");st.nextToken();
		int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/" + idp + ".htm");
		if (content == null)
			content = "<html><body><br><br><center>404 :File not found: 'data/html/CommunityBoard/" + idp
			+ ".htm' </center></body></html>";
		content = content.replaceAll("%PlayerList%", pl.loadPlayerList());
		separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
	else if (command.startsWith("_bbshome;"))
      PlayerList1 pl = new PlayerList1();
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");st.nextToken();
		int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/" + idp + ".htm");
		if (content == null)
			content = "<html><body><br><br><center>404 :File not found: 'data/html/CommunityBoard/" + idp
			+ ".htm' </center></body></html>";
		content = content.replaceAll("%PlayerList1%", pl.loadPlayerList1());
		separateAndSend(content, activeChar);

the problem is that i see %PlayerList1% instead of statistics..errorhg.jpg

Could u help me?

  • 2 months later...

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