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[Exploit] Level Up your low lvl char fast!


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Some servers has some buggy skills. Which can mean that at some servers the succes rate is higher. But at servers like Supremel2/Frienzl2 and couple of others they have checked these kind of things more. So succes rate of a lethal strike is barely much. So it's just pure luck. Still the way i have been lovin' was that a tank pooled loads of mobs then just let them die by Sucide cannon of a WS. But that is allready fixed by the lvl limit what ncsoft is using.

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Dunno how it is in other servers but in my server you get the % exp from the mobs the same % damage you dealt...

Eg. if char A hits the mob for 1/3 of it health and char B the remaining 2/3 then char A gets 1/3 of the exp and char B 2/3... unless they are in party ofc... then the normal party-rules counts

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