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Its not just like retail, the pvp is like retail in terms of balance, but the features are great :D....


They make people who work hard like do a quest get better reward then person who simply buy item from GM shop (which btw is BADA$$!)


And yah xD... comunity is awesome :D


Yeah they are hard to get :)... painful process for the great stuff :D, you earn what you work for, but its on a much faster passed rate. For example, retail will take 1 year game play to do what you can do in 1 month on this server :)


Also 24 buff slot keeps the classes balanced


there is NO donations


the buffs last 5 hours (so you don't always have buff lags :D)


No Lag, and its on a temporary server PC atm :D... new server PC will come sometime this week.... :/ can't wait :D


Yeah :), the server is still growing, and players that act like you is the reason why there is less players there :/..... you should give the server a chance and play on it because its really good, and if you miss the begining and only come when its very popular you will have missed many good friendships, and fun times.


At the moment there are about 40-50 players online when I am playing. The time you posted is when all are sleeping hahaha... most players are from the USA.


Guess what :)... turns out r4mmstein became a GM on the server, and today I was checking the logs for Ahmed and guess what I found :).....


Following have been banned for corruption: GM Ramm (yeah thats you r4mmstein), Imperator, VirtualCrim, Virtual, eSp1NoZa, EmperorSid, ERI, Ramm, SilverJerry


Banned for corruption on the account enchanting player items in a illegitimate way!


BB :) your characters have been banned, you may still play as a player if you wish lol....... GL to ya



scorpius, you must do a "full check" on lineaeg 2 like 2-3 times and then modify hosts file, and then you can login :)... if you don't then it won't let you through, you need latest L2 :)


ej retard.


ask ahmed better, it was not  a corruption.. i cant say why i do that "korruption" but it was for the server, ask ahmed and stop bla bla bla..




:) any time a GM or Admin gives his alts items or another player items that give a advantage over any other player means its corruption :D don't matter what for it was done (except if its donations, but here is no donations allowed!)


So, I'm sure the wiser thing for you to do is admit your "korruption" and gtfo this awesome server :) but hey if i'm wrong in what I said above someone please correct me how its "not a corruption" Lulz


want to know why  i do that. ok listen retard kid


server is new, and no many ppl , if new player come and see that only 4 players online they leave atm.


i use bots, cauz i work in a net coffe, and i have oppend many pc at same time and log bots.

to raise the player number. same thing do ahmed and evasion (dont remember the name of other gm)


so take a sleep and come back




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