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Lawl, i'm so impressed and inlove with her, my new favourite character. Such a great DPS! No cost on skills and spam of them 24/7, just amazing. Mass stun, knock, damage combo, ultimate increase all other skills + doing slash damage once, and i'm having a shield. Lawl!

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U wanna get ppl to buy her???

she sucks... no she REALLY SUCKS HARD!!!

not a jungler not a solo laner... maybe a duo laner..but then again not ranged and gets harrassed the sh*t out of her

great DPS??  i can just assume as ur from bulgaria u did not play her as ur  on eu server..except u have us acc like i do...but dude did u play against noobs and got fed or what cuz playing her..playing against her...she just sucks


i spoke with Dan Dinh and he is the same opinion as i am

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Stonewall rated her as a Tier 2 jungler.


Haven't tried her, personally though.

jungler? hmm her dashing may be really usefull for ganks :P
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1.Riven is enough good  on solo lane

2.I  think he sux cause No enough dmg

3.I jungle with her but i need enough help  to kill blue  or without GG dead...

champion who cant kill blue alone is worthless jungler :D
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long time to see a champion which cost under 6300 >.>


Lately they used us to release only 6300 IP champs.

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1.Riven is enough good  on solo lane

2.I  think he sux cause No enough dmg

3.I jungle with her but i need enough help  to kill blue  or without GG dead...


you are stupid


she doesnt has mp so why u need blue? lol start from the wolves or other minion camp and after 2-3 lvl go to blue or red :S

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champion who cant kill blue alone is worthless jungler :D

LoL i just say i can jungle..

you are stupid


she doesnt has mp so why u need blue? lol start from the wolves or other minion camp and after 2-3 lvl go to blue or red :S

Hmm LOL! blue  isnt only for mana ... cdr u know what means?

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