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What do you look for in a Lineage2 server?

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Hi guys ! I am admin - developer in my friends server and, in order to make our server better, we want to learn of what are you looking for in a server. We have played Lineage2 from c1 years in many servers ( including official ) and we have managed to create some custom things in our server ( taking in account what do WE look in a server )


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the fisrt thing i look into a server when i join it is no armors/weapons/set for buy or enchant with donations

2.-If a see in the forums a gm to friendly with some player and to rude with the others servers i get off that server

3.-Balanced skills i mean i am sick of seen always humans or orcs nothing more pff

4.-Help the newbie players (adena, more powerfull starting items) its dificult to a solo player to start from 0

5.-if you are puting custom items make it normal to get it because always is the same one are with the itmes needed to buy the customs items is controled by an ally with moron players make an area for solo players (with lower drop rate) and a normal area with high drop rate but only the strongs will be there

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1) Special Areas - Farm Areas

2) Special Armors & Skills

3) Balanced Classes

4) Accept Donators & Donations , NOT Overpowered!!

5) No lagg

6) Active Staff

7) Custom Events

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1. No lag

2. No corruption

3. Donations allowed(but donators get some special hair accesory etc, not weapon/armor/jewels etc)

4. Events

5. Balanced classes

6. No customs (exception is hair accessory and other things that make chars look better/diffrent)

7. Many players and good pvp/sieges.

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1- if u plan add gm shops, make sure u wont add enchants for sale, and enchant sucess rate will be very lower from +3 to dont cause unbalances in the game..+25 gear sucks a lot


2- balanced pvp (what depends on equipments)


3- no changes in skills, maybe only erase, so summoners can play and do their job


4- if u plan add mana pots, make it regeneration effect with long reuse delay like 15 seconds, so ppl wont be able to spam


5- no changes in raid boss stats, like some dumb servers like Supreme making the raid boss 30% weaker to physical damage


6- middle rates so ppl can enjoy pvp too





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