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Irelia OFF Tank!


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First of all i try to farm a many crips to make fast items.






my skills :




my items:




my masteries:




my runes:




my tactics:

Tactic on lane

like i say i farm like a crazy to make very fast my build. and i try to make sure kills i don't risk it.


Tactic on gangs

i use my Q to go fast on victim i use my E to stun/slow to kill him fast and easy and if he run under a tower and i  have warmorg and many hp i use ghost to dive under tower using my R and i leave with flash.


Tactic on mass fight

i am trying to stun the carry first and i after killing the easy victims like ashe/yi :)


Remeber to use your W on fights



I hope you like it ;) and sry for my english

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i put

philopher stone(which i sell it after trinity)

1.merc boots or ninja tabi (depends on enemy team most threatening champs)

2.trinity force

3.randuins omen

4.Wits end

5.Force or nature/Guardian Angel



this way i go heavy offtank(sometimes tank) with DPS features(from true damage-wits end-base damage-ulti)


so hard to die so easy to kill.i have tried this myself who i am an average irelia player.anima might know better


btw solo top always

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This guide is wrong in everything.


Irelia should use Ignite instead of Ghost at 90 % of the games. She is anti-carry so she needs to get the carry down fast, and reduce the heal it takes from its support.


Max Q first really? If you are against a lane bully like Rumble that does not let you get close to creeps, your only way to farm is last hit with Q. If your Q is at a rank higher than 2, then you'll run out of mana easily. On the other hand, if you max W first and E second you have strong lane sustain, strong true damage early and stronger CC.


Frozen Mallet? Warmongs? No trinity? Not a single AS item? wth?


About runes... Too bored to search what these runes are for.

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This guide is wrong in everything.


Irelia should use Ignite instead of Ghost at 90 % of the games. She is anti-carry so she needs to get the carry down fast, and reduce the heal it takes from its support.


Max Q first really? If you are against a lane bully like Rumble that does not let you get close to creeps, your only way to farm is last hit with Q. If your Q is at a rank higher than 2, then you'll run out of mana easily. On the other hand, if you max W first and E second you have strong lane sustain, strong true damage early and stronger CC.


Frozen Mallet? Warmongs? No trinity? Not a single AS item? wth?


About runes... Too bored to search what these runes are for.


I totally agree on that.Irelia being off-tank and DPS at the same time makes her impossible to kill.Just avoid the Warmogs and build a Trinity Force instead and you'll see the difference.


Moreover, the guide could have been better with more details and specifications on building/runes/masteries selections.

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hiten style imo should be max first...it is the best lane passive skill (especially if u solo lane.)


this is the reason why irelia doesnt need ANY kind lifestealing items :)

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hiten style imo should be max first...it is the best lane passive skill (especially if u solo lane.)


this is the reason why irelia doesnt need ANY kind lifestealing items :)


Lantern is not bad if you face an AD enemy like Jarvan.

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