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[HELP]What Hero to buy

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Hello everyone i play lol about two weeks now and i got 7k points.. so heres the thing. i wanna buy 1 hero .. but i dont know which one and i dont wanna spend my points in one that doesnt worth it.


any suggestions would be appreciated


p.s: sorry for me english :x

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you should keep your points for runes ( Tier 3 : 20 Level + )

but if you want a champion I reccomend Jax

He is OP (my opinion) and cheap.. 1350 IP

First of all jax is OP on low lvls..

Second  u can w8 for the new champion OR talon is good champion..!!!

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First of all jax is OP on low lvls..

Second  u can w8 for the new champion OR talon is good champion..!!!

Because he is Low level I suggested a low - price champion..

He need runes when he 'll reach 20 lvl.. So its better to buy low-price champions and keep his points for the runes

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Because he is Low level I suggested a low - price champion..

He need runes when he 'll reach 20 lvl.. So its better to buy low-price champions and keep his points for the runes

LoL  u write jax is OP and i told u is OP only on low lvls(Not summoners lvls )

And no point to buy runes  cause all buy runes when go 30

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take tryndamere  he is op, hes is cheap and with critical damage runes u own  in 5 v 5 ( i dont play 3 v3 so i dont know for that kind)


Only the noobs play with tryndamere.

Go for Xin or Nocturne <3

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first of all i wanna thank you for your awnsers.

well i like to play more with range atackers because its more easy to me to push in the line.

corki or miss fortune
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone i play lol about two weeks now and i got 7k points.. so heres the thing. i wanna buy 1 hero .. but i dont know which one and i dont wanna spend my points in one that doesnt worth it.


any suggestions would be appreciated


p.s: sorry for me english :x

teemo its easy to play if u are new i suggest him

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