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Nexus Event Engine - V3.0 Update! Interlude Support!

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Major v3.0 update has been released! Interlude Support! More info here:

Nexus Event Engine is a professional L2J event engine on which I've worked for almost 2 years. It contains 2 kinds of FULLY CONFIGURABLE events (in total 18 events, more are still being developed). The most interesting and advanced thing is engine's admin configuration panel, which allows you to customize everything from setting event parameters and scheduling when each event runs, to creating new events based on existing ones.

Basic features of the engine

- 2 kinds of events - Main events and Mini events - so far 18 events are implemented and about 10 more is in my current TODO list
- Main events - are the classic massive events such as TvT or CTF, with lots of players. Only one main event can be runned at a time and in order to participate, players need to sign up in registration NPC (or if you allow registration chat commands)
- Mini events - are small events like 1vs1, 5vs5, 3vs3vs3, Korean 6vs6,... they are running non-stop or in specified hours/days; they start as soon as enought players register for one match. They are completelly instanced (means there can be more simultaneous mini events) and they run in random arenas.
- Global events - these events don't require players to register, they only need to teleport to the area. Example: RaidBoss event - these is a time limit to kill a raidboss, if they kill it, all players near the RB will be rewarded.
- PvP Zone Engine - more info here

- Mini Event Tournaments - more info here

- there is also one more event type I intend to create - Global events - they will require no registration at all, you will just have to run to where they take place. An example of such event would be 'Global raid event' (a very strong RB spawned somewhere, the players kill it) or 'Caravan Fights'

- Very complex Admin panel, which allows you customizing everything in events (//event_manage). Check out screenshot gallery or videos %5Boutdatted%5D for more info.
* The admin panel allows you to: Run/stop/schedule main and mini events, create/edit their maps, configure rewards, configure events/maps, create own modes of events, host/watch mini events, spectate events, configure main event instances, change orders of events, edit buffer settings, get debug output ingame, and more.

- Fully configurable Event Reward system allows you to give exactly what you want to who you want. In events such as Deathmatch, you can reward any final position, for example you can give reward to 1st player, 2nd, 3rd,... 10th,... 88th player. There are tools that allow you to create a position range, which means you can quickly set rewards to eg. 1st player 1M adena, 2nd player 500K adena, 3rd player 250K adena, 4th-5th player 100K adena, 6th-10th player 50K adena and 11th-20th 1 adena.
The reward system can also reward players for contributing into the event itself, such as by taking a flag, killing enemy flag owner, capturing a zone/base, killing a VIP, going killing spree, etc.

- Event buffer - players can create multiple schemes of buffs which will then be applied to them during event.
* The engine also contains an advanced NPC Buffer, which can be used everywhere, not just in events. The NPC buffer works with the same schemes as the event buffer which means that the player only has to create one scheme and then can use it on both events and normally in game.

- Event Warning system - disables access to events to all problematic players. It adds warning points to players who, for example, disconnect while they're on a mini event or generally do some bad things in events. When they do it three times (so they have 3 warnings), they will be unable to join any event. Warnings decrease by 1 every day.

- Stylish registration NPCs shows all informations about the events. Descriptions of events, etc. are created dynamically based on how you set the configs of events.

- Community board event info, including advanced Statistics engine - screenshots

- Configurable dualbox protections and AFK protections

- Party Matcher NPC - more info here: text | screenshots

- Multilanguage support

- .register and .unregister commands (also .suicide command when the players get stuck in textures)

Main events:
- Events added so far: Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination, Mass Domination, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, Advanced TvT, Lucky Chests, Zombies, Hunting Grounds, Mutant, Battlefields, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunt PvP
- Schedulable automatically by the engine or can be also hosted manually by GM
- Players are sorted to their teams based on their class, level and strenght generally (same goes for healer classes, it won't happen that for example team 1 has 3 healers and team 2 has 0)
- Automatic creation of parties and system which tries to put at least one healer/buffer to each party
- Advanced respawn system (wawe-style, etc.); multiple respawn spots
- Text bar shown in player's screen shows score, time left, top players, etc.
- Player's title shows the current score, deaths count, etc.
- possible running the event in more separated instances. This way you can make for example one instance for low level players, one for mid and one for high level players; or prevent having too many players on your event.
- More maps support (event running in different place every time). There's over 40 premade maps in the engine.
- Radar system works like GPS in events such as CTF (shows the location of enemy's flag) or Battlefields (shows nearest base to capture)
- Rewardeable actions: first blood (first kill on event), first register (rewards first X registered players to the event)
- Disconnect-reconnect support gets players back to the event in case they disconnected but then logged back in

Mini events
- Mini events added so far: Single players fights, Party fights, Korean Party fights and Mini TvT events. Use the Event Modes engine to create modes of these events (such as 1v1, 1v1v1, 5vs5, 3vs3vs3, 10vs10,... refer to Full Engine info page for more informations about premade Event Modes)
- More arenas support, with many cool arenas premade for you
- There's a configurable delay which you have to wait, after you joined a mini event, to join the same mini event again (by default it's 10 minutes). This delay is shorter if you lost your last match.
- The max difference between two players that will be able to play in the same match is configurable, by default it's 5

Available and planned events:
See the Events List page (link).

Screenshot gallery:
admin panel (little outdatted),
community board,

Video about Main events (it's from 1.3 version, so it's quite outdated, but still does its job

How to purchase the engine

Please, read this page.

Web: http://nexus-engine.net/
Forums: http://nexus-engine.net/forum/
How to purchase: http://nexus-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=82&pid=182#pid182
Current engine version: 3.0 Edited by hNoke
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I addore his work this has took this guy a lot to have it finished. I have already bought his engine the project is freaking amazing you can do everything from the game you dont have to mix up with database and stuff. It's perfectly configurable and finally it includes new events and fresh ideas which all I have tested and working absolutely with NO bugs. Well done by me good luck to your sales. If you want to know if he is trusted ? My answer he is 100 % trusted and very good supporter too. He is gonna help you on everything you probably ask him.

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Awesome work, i reccomend this guy +1 for his engine, it seems really awesome work.

Although its a shame that such work is available for only 45e (you are killing it man) anyway you can wait till i buy it then you can change the price.


Looking forward till i get on my hands this masterpiece.

Good Job hnoke we never expected less from you.

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Thank you for your nice words. I'm really glad to hear that :).


But I had to modify the starting price of the engine - it was a little bit increased. Sorry, but I decided that it will be neccessary to preserve the future quality of the engine. I still think that the price is really low, compared to not just what you get now, but mainly what you will get in the future updates. My plans with this are big and since the admin panel and other things are finally finished, I can now focus only on funny things, such as new events.



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How about which cheronicles supported?


Maybe i'll be a future customer :) but not now, since i already got the phoenix event engine and ur engine is, well, 90% the same

Nexus engine is 99.9% more extended than phoenix engine I used to have tested both engines. Also nexus engine has an amazing in-game administration and there do not exist any bugs as they exist on phoenix. Finally it includes new and fresh events so please don't spam this thread if you haven't tested something.

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Nexus engine is 99.9% more extended than phoenix engine I used to have tested both engines. Also nexus engine has an amazing in-game administration and there do not exist any bugs as they exist on phoenix. Finally it includes new and fresh events so please don't spam this thread if you haven't tested something.


why do u QQ? did i say that this engine is bad or something?

Testing it means in other words buying it, which im not going to do as long as according to the description i dont see much of difference between this and the current engine i already own, thats why i said i might be a future customer, depending on the updates that'll come.


your reply was the one that was leading to spamming now, i'm not interested in replying anymore so dont bother replying to this post, keep this topic clean.

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Then I suggest you read this post:




Unfortunately, I didn't have much time today, and didn't manage to finish the promised video, which will show you the engine and all it's features. I hope I will finally do it tommorow...

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The video guide about Main events has been finished, check it out here:



The second video related to the mini events will be made too, but later.

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I'm one of the first users of this engine, what can I say... It just kicks ass. I don't know how this guy had the nerves to do all that HTML work for the ingame control panel, but it just rocks, its so easy to manage your events. I've never seen such flexible events, you can manage almost every possible thing you can think of for an event. As for the code part, I kinda unpacked the jar file and saw how it looks - clean, object orientated and nice use of abstract classes. Compared to phoenix engine's code which mostly consists of Map<Integer, Map<String, Map<Integer, String>>>, int[][][][] and such (seems that Rizel is not good in using objects), I can say that its like comparing a beautiful lady to an ugly spoiled girl :) To be honest, I've got really disappointed from phoenix engine, its started good, but... ehh the support there sucks, I've reported so many bugs and problems and only a couple of them were fixed, it wasn't stable at all. I cant say that there aren't bugs at Nexus event engine, the engine is new and not fully tested, its understandable.

As for the support - you don't get ignored like at phoenix engine, bug fixes don't get delayed with weeks, once reported, it gets fixed in the next days. The development is not as lazy as phoenix engine's.

As for the events, yes, they aren't as many as phoenix engine, bit they are enough, all the main events players like are there, and the mini events are such a great add-on to the event engine. There will be new events released for sure, the engine is quite new, but it has the potential to be great.


Summary: If you want a stable, flexible event engine with great support, get this one, you wont be disappointed.


If you keep motivating this guy, the development of the engine will get even better. Such a great engine for such low price, its a shame to not get it, better hurry while the prices are still low, because once it gets better, it ain't going cheaper xD Everything is like that, if you sense that its going to become better, hurry and get it while you can :)


P.S. All those bad reviews about Phoenix Engine are just from my point of view, I just need to compare Nexus engine with some other engine and since Phoenix engine is the only one available, I use it to compare Nexus with it. You can just ignore those bad reviews if you want, the engine is not so bad, I'm just not satisfied from it.

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I agree. hNoke's engine is way better. He spent much more time on it and he did a good job, especially at the config panel. I appreciate the opinions about my engine too cuz I'll know where should I spend more attention when I make my next project. Good luck hNoke and it's a shame that we didn't make this together

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Nexus Engine rocks I bought it for my server. There are no bugs and the coding of html system is amazing for all the admins it is recommended. As I see it already running to big servers.. Well enough said trusted 100% thanks for the sale and gl.

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I'm one of the first users of this engine, what can I say... It just kicks ass. I don't know how this guy had the nerves to do all that HTML work for the ingame control panel, but it just rocks, its so easy to manage your events. I've never seen such flexible events, you can manage almost every possible thing you can think of for an event. As for the code part, I kinda unpacked the jar file and saw how it looks - clean, object orientated and nice use of abstract classes. Compared to phoenix engine's code which mostly consists of Map<Integer, Map<String, Map<Integer, String>>>, int[][][][] and such (seems that Rizel is not good in using objects), I can say that its like comparing a beautiful lady to an ugly spoiled girl :) To be honest, I've got really disappointed from phoenix engine, its started good, but... ehh the support there sucks, I've reported so many bugs and problems and only a couple of them were fixed, it wasn't stable at all. I cant say that there aren't bugs at Nexus event engine, the engine is new and not fully tested, its understandable.

As for the support - you don't get ignored like at phoenix engine, bug fixes don't get delayed with weeks, once reported, it gets fixed in the next days. The development is not as lazy as phoenix engine's.

As for the events, yes, they aren't as many as phoenix engine, bit they are enough, all the main events players like are there, and the mini events are such a great add-on to the event engine. There will be new events released for sure, the engine is quite new, but it has the potential to be great.


Summary: If you want a stable, flexible event engine with great support, get this one, you wont be disappointed.


If you keep motivating this guy, the development of the engine will get even better. Such a great engine for such low price, its a shame to not get it, better hurry while the prices are still low, because once it gets better, it ain't going cheaper xD Everything is like that, if you sense that its going to become better, hurry and get it while you can :)


P.S. All those bad reviews about Phoenix Engine are just from my point of view, I just need to compare Nexus engine with some other engine and since Phoenix engine is the only one available, I use it to compare Nexus with it. You can just ignore those bad reviews if you want, the engine is not so bad, I'm just not satisfied from it.

Thank you, Nik.


Yeah, it's true that sometimes I wanted to give up working on the damned HTML files and admin panel generally and just make it configurable from some xml's or another config files... also can't imgine how advanced could the events be, if I haven't spent like 70% of developing time on the admin panel. But I kept working on it, got some motivation from... I don't even know where, and finally got the admin panel finished. Now, everything is configurable from it and making events to connect to the panel is a few-minutes work. Making a new event in java is like making a copy of already added template and then changing only neccessary methods and configs. That's pretty good. Especially for the future API.


I agree. hNoke's engine is way better. He spent much more time on it and he did a good job, especially at the config panel. I appreciate the opinions about my engine too cuz I'll know where should I spend more attention when I make my next project. Good luck hNoke and it's a shame that we didn't make this together

Thanks. I feel similar - most of the time I had nobody to work with while developing it and you know how boring it is to work alone. Good luck with your next project too.


Nexus Engine rocks I bought it for my server. There are no bugs and the coding of html system is amazing for all the admins it is recommended. As I see it already running to big servers.. Well enough said trusted 100% thanks for the sale and gl.

Murphy sais bugs are eveywhere.

So I'm sure there will be some bugs, so if you find any, just report it!

Thanks anyway.

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