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width=1024 height=565http://community.angakaran.cc/Shot01406.jpg[/img]


- works as independent server (you can connect all your gameservers and use it on them)

- Epilogue - H5 Gameservers supported


Some of many features:

- Admin announcements and documents/infos

- Providing easy way to contact server administration (possible to send player messages to ingame GM chars or to specified e-mail addresses)

- Build in BugTracker/GeoData bugtracker (players can report geodatabugs with one click, sending extensive info like exact xyz position to dev chars or specified e-mail addresses)

- "Whatsnew/Soon" features where admiistration/gms can easy add infos about what changed on your server or eg. about upcomming events.

- Basic helpful features like character repair functions (recalls char that crashes on login, back to floran village etc.)

- Clan and global server forums

- Clan notice/private forums support with eg. leader ability to mass mail all clan members (to chars ingame or to their e-mails - if account has provided one)

- Friends management (adding, removing, sending mails, pms, mass mailing friends etc...)

- Region info about sieges, castle owners and taxes etc

- Configurable and categorized individual char/account options store, providing your Gameserver an interface to make powerful ingame player panel)

- Configurable and categorised statistics possible (eg. ladderboards for pvp's etc...)

- Possibility of adding more custom features of your choice, with small fee for my coding (or by yourself).

- Possibility of supporting up to 256x256 pixels custom images without any client modding (additional my code, not included by default with this community server)

And much much more...


Comes with no sources by default (.jar executable - to get sources, offer price). However I will provide all code needed to modify your gameserver to support this community server. Supports also many more extended features like fully featured ingame drop calculator etc, but those features to work, will require my other gameserver mods (which I also can sell).


My MSN: deedlit@lineage2-4fun.cc


I can also code other things for you, like AI, geoengine fixes/reworks, anticheats, bugfixes, new features implementations, new zones/mobs/bosses/quests or events you would like, and so on.

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