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To change the color of the text while in-game click the ~ key to open the console and type con_color xxx xxx xxx replace xxx xxx xxx with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) scale colors, example con_color 255 255 255 would change the console text color to pure white. To change the color while not in-game, open your config.cfg located in your cstrike directory and add the value to the end of the file, then save.


Credits to : DarkSoul


the best i s con_color "250 250 250"

btw i heard something about changing the font in all the Text in CS omg...ill try to find something..


yeah me too i've seen ppl writing in green :S and i wanna know how :P


we all can write in all colors...


Just put in the console : con_color "xxx xxx xxx" (where xxx are RGB colors...)


RGB Colors can be found here.




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