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[help][edit]Help Java Error



edit Post : exw auto to error http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/problemvb.jpg/

o Code ein autos http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210161.new#new

Kai kolaw edw :

               ENCHANT_SAFE_MAX_FULL   = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantSafeMaxFull", "4"));

+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_WEAPON_CRYSTAL = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal", "100"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_ARMOR_CRYSTAL = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceArmorCrystal", "100"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_JEWELRY_CRYSTAL = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal", "100"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_WEAPON_BLESSED = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed", "85"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_ARMOR_BLESSED = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceArmorBlessed", "85"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_JEWELRY_BLESSED = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed", "85"));                
                KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_BE_KILLED_IN_PZ= Boolean.valueOf(playersSettings.getProperty("KarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone", "False"));
                KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_SHOP           = Boolean.valueOf(playersSettings.getProperty("KarmaPlayerCanShop", "True"));



Kanw Edit Gia na Min Kanw New apo Tin Stigmi p Den exei Kliseii :DDDDDD




Loipon exw to e3eis error se dio simiaa exw kolisei kai den  kserw ti ftaiei!! :

Link : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/96809334.png/

Link : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/90174186.png/

einai l2j c6 Kai o Code ein autos http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=95419.0

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τι error σου βγάζει?

to code p evala to kommati den kserw p na to valw  akrivos kanw search mesa  auto kai ta sxetika (  public static boolean  L2JMOD_ENABLE_WAREHOUSESORTING_FREIGHT;) alla den m vriksei tpt sta alla m bgazei kati error stis le3eis...






Edit : Fixed  Me Help o Zake! <3

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to code p evala to kommati den kserw p na to valw  akrivos kanw search mesa  auto kai ta sxetika (  public static boolean  L2JMOD_ENABLE_WAREHOUSESORTING_FREIGHT;) alla den m vriksei tpt sta alla m bgazei kati error stis le3eis...

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Edit: fixed κάποιος lock

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edit Post : exw auto to error http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/problemvb.jpg/

o Code ein autos http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210161.new#new

Kai kolaw edw :

               ENCHANT_SAFE_MAX_FULL   = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantSafeMaxFull", "4"));

+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_WEAPON_CRYSTAL = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal", "100"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_ARMOR_CRYSTAL = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceArmorCrystal", "100"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_JEWELRY_CRYSTAL = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal", "100"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_WEAPON_BLESSED = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed", "85"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_ARMOR_BLESSED = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceArmorBlessed", "85"));   
+                ENCHANT_CHANCE_JEWELRY_BLESSED = Integer.parseInt(playersSettings.getProperty("EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed", "85"));                
                 KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_BE_KILLED_IN_PZ= Boolean.valueOf(playersSettings.getProperty("KarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone", "False"));
                 KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_SHOP           = Boolean.valueOf(playersSettings.getProperty("KarmaPlayerCanShop", "True"));

Sumfwna me ayto to error, ean allakseis to playersSettings.getProperty se otherSettings.getProperty 8a prepei na fix to error.

Alliws mporeis na dhmiourghseis ena new filepath gia to "playersSettings" config file.

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Sumfwna me ayto to error, ean allakseis to playersSettings.getProperty se otherSettings.getProperty 8a prepei na fix to error.

Alliws mporeis na dhmiourghseis ena new filepath gia to "playersSettings" config file.

file prospa8w na perasw tosi wra 4 wres panw apo to pc gia auto to code kai tpt to delete to ksana ekanan apo arxi pali tpt :/
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file prospa8w na perasw tosi wra 4 wres panw apo to pc gia auto to code kai tpt to delete to ksana ekanan apo arxi pali tpt :/

μπορώ να έχω teamviewer ή μια φώτο?


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