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{HELP} See HP/MP/CP in PVP??



i had posted a similar topic some time ago..but i cant find it and its not in my posts list. So here it is again.


Anyone has any idea how can i see the the enemy's HP/MP/CP bars on my target window? (like the windows of my group mates for example)


And also if possible ,is there a way to see buffs,debuffs inflicted on target? (like next to their target window).

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i hope this comment did not refer to my laziness because i can guarantee that i have spent 3 days full working on something that

is beyond my knowledge and about 2 years full on my server doing things that once again are beyond my ability.

Trust me when i tell you laziness is not one of my characteristics. At least not regarding the work on l2 development.


Greek ppl are as lazy as any other tribe i guess...


Any new info on the subject anyone?? I don't have time to experiment further but i will never abandon it entirely...

(i'm sure you know the frustration one feels when work doesn't pay off...my last comment was a product of this frustration)

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Btw this is not a political conversation post.. But if you're not here to live the situation don't be so quick on your judgment of people fighting for freedom and against tyrany..cause that is whats happening is greece right now...no more politics spam plz we can discuss this matter further in some other forum if you wish!

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I didnt understand that last comment...i never said it did...

What i said is that if greece is gonna go down why the fack am i spending time trying to make a server..

but that was just frustration talking.


Please no more talk about any of these..

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just saw this post again after all this time...jesus...

anyone knows of any tutorials that might help with the topic?

(about what these writeC , writeD are and so on)

Think i might work again on this a bit...

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My July answer is still available. I gave you both packets names to check. Search eclipse tool and you get all uses of those packets, so LIVING EXEMPLES of how it should work.


As I said higher, if you're not lazy and really spend time on it, you should consider use your time for another thing, or change your way of thought perhaps.


If you're not lazy, you miss common sense. That's perhaps more terrible even.


PS : after all those months, you still didn't shown any code you eventually worked on. What do you expect, except negative comments ? That's my last post on that topic.

PS2 : writeD/C/S/... are just the type of data, and haven't to be changed until the initial packet format was wrong.

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Actually done that dpbBryan. Countless times.

I havent shown any code cause i didnt think it was even worth posting here.

I cant seem to understand why this is common sense...believe me one thing i am proud of is my intelligence and i have many people to back me up on that. What you think of as common sense is probably the fact that you know so well what you're talking about you forgot how it is to NOT KNOW JAVA. Yes maybe i should not bother with coding and maybe should stay on the things i do/know better but one way or another this is something i wanna do.

I am absolutely positive that the answer to this topic is a veeeery dificult one code-wise, even for someone as good as you.

So every little thing that you so easily spit on my face insulting my intelligence and devotion to my work, is just you being a smart ass.

If you think its common sense try your common sense and code it and THEN post your negative comments. If you dont do it just say "i dont have time to help you" but do not insult me or just dont bother posting.

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Btw ExDuelUpdateUserInfo and so on.. only tell the window what stats to update. It has nothing to do with calling the window itself. Thats either done automatically by client or some other insane way hidden somewhere in l2j but not through updates.

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Obviously. I made it.

I haven't found the solution to this and i work on it again from time to time.

I just feel quite angry that everyone ended up insulting me for not being able to easily do something impossible...

cause from what i've seen it's simply something that cant be done.

You can't mess around with target windows...

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Obviously. I made it.

I haven't found the solution to this and i work on it again from time to time.

I just feel quite angry that everyone ended up insulting me for not being able to easily do something impossible...

cause from what i've seen it's simply something that cant be done.

You can't mess around with target windows...

Well, its not that hard to do, i am really suprised that u didnt finish it after all this time :P

All u have to do is use ExDuelUpdateUserInfo packet, find packet that is sent to server when player is targetting something, if targer is L2PcInstance or L2PetInstance then broadcast to him ExDuelUpdateUserInfo, in broadcastStatusUpdate add if target isnt null and its l2PcInstance or L2PetInstance, then also broadcast this packet. Not sure but probably u will also have to run ExDuelEnd and ExDuelStart packages, i dont know what they do exactly.


Seriously u didnt make that after a year? :O


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Well, its not that hard to do, i am really suprised that u didnt finish it after all this time :P

All u have to do is use ExDuelUpdateUserInfo packet, find packet that is sent to server when player is targetting something, if targer is L2PcInstance or L2PetInstance then broadcast to him ExDuelUpdateUserInfo, in broadcastStatusUpdate add if target isnt null and its l2PcInstance or L2PetInstance, then also broadcast this packet. Not sure but probably u will also have to run ExDuelEnd and ExDuelStart packages, i dont know what they do exactly.


Seriously u didnt make that after a year? :O



this is just mean, but yes i guess that the simpliest way is doing it as vampr says

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Wanna bet that what you said doesnt work at all?

I've either done that already or it is just really hard to find a packet that's sent when player targets something.

From actionhandlers it doesnt work.

From L2PcInstance didnt work either.

I REALLY hope im wrong but i seriously doubt it. Have you even done it?

As i said above exduelupdate is just a stat update nothing more.

Easy proof of that is that if you replace the "PartySmallWindowUpdate" with "ExDuelUpdateUserInfo" in broadcastStatusUpdate, nothing changes when you enter a party. UI windows come from somewhere else and they are hidden well.


Thanx for helping though.

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