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{HELP} See HP/MP/CP in PVP??



i had posted a similar topic some time ago..but i cant find it and its not in my posts list. So here it is again.


Anyone has any idea how can i see the the enemy's HP/MP/CP bars on my target window? (like the windows of my group mates for example)


And also if possible ,is there a way to see buffs,debuffs inflicted on target? (like next to their target window).

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about hp/mp/cp on target window i dont rly think that it is possible but look at the observation mode of olympiad fights, there is something like that, u will need to see how it all work and maybe its possible to copy it

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Yeah that was the first thing that i thought of doin' but my knowledge in jave is still kinda poor...

So even though it might be possible i dont know exactly where and what to look for!

Thanx for taking the time to answer however :)

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this whole question is quite general to answer.


There is probably a connection of client with server in some file ,that says what "window" of information should be used when targeting a monster or player.

If anyone knows where java files call "info windows" and where in client those "windows" are...well any info is welcome...


(This is seriously bugging me, i cant find anything relevant throughout all the gameserver or client system..)

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I am not sure but u will probably need to play with core, like use writeC, writeH methods but i dont know how they work exactly so i cant rly help you, look at serverpackets package, you have got a lot of examples over there

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Duels and olympiads got their own packets to see enemy's statut bars. Pick what you prefer and send it with target's infos. About condition, it could be when you're in attackstance, when you're pvp flagged,...


Just search for duel, code is easily readable.


You can use 2 differents packets, effect will be slightly different, but integration is exactly the same and you can change of packet.


I won't give you too much infos, else it will spoil the victory.

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Seriously thanx a lot for help.

Now the problem is that i have already searched through serverpackets and clientpackets and it is in fact a maze of helish giberish! (means i cant make any sense :D)

Although some things do tend to point to the correct direction...im missing some very important details...


Also i have no idea what those writeC, writeD etc are..

(i have so many other things to do with my server that sense of victory is not one of my primary concerns! so PLZ any info is welcome.

Remember im preety much a noob when it comes to l2j and java generaly so try to be "detailfull" if you can please)

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i was wandering is there any possibility that i should be looking for client files as well as server files?


Im busting my head here and although its very easy to just give status updates for hp/mp/cp and buffs,debuffs i cant see where the target window is called from...!!

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ExDuelUpdateUserInfo, ExOlympiadUserInfo


You have only to give the good L2PcInstance/object ID (depending of chronicle), packet does the work alone.


Search on a fresh clean Freya project for use of those packets.

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I am one step away from giving up.....:(


I've tried many different things but up until now the only difference i have managed to make in the UI was:


Either tha lack of any target window, or


Showing both my hp/mp/cp bar as well as the enemy's when dueling...


Basically im just screwing the script doing nothing...Has anyone actually ever done what im discussing in this post?

Thanx for your patience tryskel yet still...im a noob :( (snif)

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Only just gave up for good...its facking impossible!!

My country is heading towards bankruptcy, i have no time to spare on undoable feats...


If anyone finds the EXACT way of doing this plz just share at some post..

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Only just gave up for good...its facking impossible!!

My country is heading towards bankruptcy, i have no time to spare on undoable feats...


If anyone finds the EXACT way of doing this plz just share at some post..


If all ppl of your country are as lazy as ppl on this forum, it's normal then your country is heading to bankruptcy :P.

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If all ppl of your country are as lazy as ppl on this forum, it's normal then your country is heading to bankruptcy :P.

wasnt nice :(

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wasnt nice :(


But so true. And now they even do manifestations and stop to work to contest austerity plannings, lol. They didn't understand than stopping to work make lose money, so it adds bankruptcy to bankruptcy :P.



@topic, I gave the 2 possible packets, just understand how it is used and that's all. If you say "I don't understand" after looking at existing stuff, it's not you don't understand, it's you should stop any developement cause your logic is too low OR you're too much lazy. You can be both at same time too, that's not even worst in this case.


Just do some efforts and propose some code, even broken. I hate lamers.

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