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[L2J] L2-Certus


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Complaining because elemental sword with magic paralyze doesnt work is retard...not L2 Certus staff.Also staff is working everyday to bring classes close to retail.Keep in mind that server is java.In the end server is free to play.Noone forces you to play and call people who spend their free time there retarded.And how retarded your are to think that admins nowdays earn so much money from donations.Get a clue about how l2 servers work and write back.


P.S Most of the balance work has been done.Staff is working every single day.

Didn't complain only about elemental sword but if you had the time to read my previous posts you would understand.As for the "close to retail" you can't bring classes close to retail on a high rate server.This means i could spam aggro but there stats are not retail.I heard they fixed hate aura.Maybe they did i didn't try it.But i joined on an event where a guy was using a mass aggro skill and it would aggro team members also.If they didn't want money they wouldn't add donations.And the "DONATE TO KEEP SERVER ALIVE" is in fact "DONATE SO ADMIN CAN GET SOME MONEY".As for the "balance" you say i mentioned before there is no such word on l2.Every class has its own role.Some are better some are weaker.Mages are supposed to be weaker on pvps.Thats their role.But on this server mages own archers and pve like on most servers.So where do you see "balance"?But 90% of the server is kids who used to play high rate servers and 2 hit fighters or w.e so now they complain if they get killed by one.The thing is when you make a server u use your head not listen to every kiddo that complains.Im not saying not to listen anybody.But not all of them.The thing is i started pointing stuff that don't work on the server because when i made topic on their forum it got deleted and when i posted here i was a liar.Anyway i don't want to "ruin or spam" this topic anymore as Sutherland said.So that was my last post.



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If people give server a little time to do all the necessary fixes,it will be one of the best Interlude pvp servers till now.

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this server got 0 Balance,mages give only m.crits,archers with db+10+f crit on mages whit dc set+6 1.4k,very nice server :)) only 3 good clans on server whit 1 pt..,dont have PvP zone etc,Join If you like it =)

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this server got 0 Balance,mages give only m.crits,archers with db+10+f crit on mages whit dc set+6 1.4k,very nice server :)) only 3 good clans on server whit 1 pt..,dont have PvP zone etc,Join If you like it =)


0 Balance? Sure. No PvP zone? How long did you play on the server? 0 seconds? Mages do only magic crits? Have you heard about LUCK? Archers crit for 1.4k? Tell to these archers to learn how to buff next time.

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very good web page and about server i will check it :D

but why enchant is unlimited?

it goes until 65535?


You gotta definitely check the server in game ;). The max enchant is + 16, but there won't be people soon with items up to this level.

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Server starts to be boring,just enchant some and go pvp.

I was hoping to play olympiad but after several errors i won't ever again join olympiad lol.


Pvp time: if you go solo,you will find everyone with bishop in his side or if you kill a guy which farm, they will tell you why you kill newbies(and they have right).

Players with rb jewels dmg you like 1500 dmg more than players without.

The first server also that archers sucks,weird :P  and dagger ok is wellknown about his solo power,but not that much.


Anyway,i'm out.Good luck

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