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  i was hyronical with anime cause he was boasting, i didnt actually mean that the rest are crap

:D verbal tone can be understanding! written tone is not discriminated :)

7 defeats in row and 5 yesterday!!!! im smashing the keyboards cuz of FEEDERS and failbuilders!!!!!!!1


attack speed shen(0-7)leaver

vayne with madreds 3-15

garen with tabi and thornmail 6-11


fuck off riot!!!


I uderstand!!

He believe  who play  supports must be  low elo

(,)" the way who tell it was like support sux.."


May I ask what was your reading comprehension mark at school?


i was hyronical with anime cause he was boasting, i didnt actually mean that the rest are crap


I'm usually very arrogant, no matter if it's about lol or something else. In this case I was just ironic. I've been playing lol with SeventhSky since lvl 1

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