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Posted (edited)

Zed mains can stomp easy in bronze-high plat~ elo after that buff in early/mid game but they become useless in later after the

mercurial rework... (lifesteal)

Most of op adcs have it as core item ,so.. Its all about if they can get early kills from enemy mid/jungler



I m not sure about poppy (broken or not),but even in the previous patch,when i was versus irelia/jax i just picked nasus.

ez game ez outscale.

Edited by bravetobe
Posted (edited)

Zed mains can stomp easy in bronze-high plat~ elo after that buff in early/mid game but they become useless in later after the

mercurial rework... (lifesteal)

Most of op adcs have it as core item ,so.. Its all about if they can get early kills from enemy mid/jungler



I m not sure about poppy (broken or not),but even in the previous patch,when i was versus irelia/jax i just picked nasus.

ez game ez outscale.

the logic in your post closely resembles fecal matter

since when was qss or hourglass ever not bought to negate death mark? did this rework suddenly make people rush qss first item even when it's been a few weeks after its rework?

this buff is not necessary since his damage is not the problem, it's more like you feel you are lagging when playing him since riot doesnt like it when people make good plays


why diana mellision is literally stacy doll 

long lost twins

Edited by le memer master
Posted (edited)

the logic in your post closely resembles fecal matter

since when was qss or hourglass ever not bought to negate death mark? did this rework suddenly make people rush qss first item even when it's been a few weeks after its rework?

this buff is not necessary since his damage is not the problem, it's more like you feel you are lagging when playing him since riot doesnt like it when people make good plays


why diana mellision is literally stacy doll 

long lost twins

I would say the same about ur post.

1)Buying QSS and starting to build an other item like BT or LW ... Season 5

Now ,from cheaper aparted items u can finish mercurial "easier" and it provides sustain too except from the cleanse/movement.Its already the most preferable lifesteal item atm for vayne and its compared with botrk in popularity (Depence from the enemy team,other adcs take it too instead of bt /botrk).Debatable anymore whats the best build botrk pd or 2 attspeed items with bf


In other words,just do the maths here.U needed so much gold to finish mercurial since it was ur 4-5 item(dont count boots) because u didnt have slot.Now,u can take it as 3rd-4rth w/o doing any other lifesteal item. (Goes from essential to core item).

It "jumped" 1 slot higher,so zed is forced to do better early /mid game.

If u think that QSS - Mercurial its the same,then stop reading and just let it go.You hav to git gud


2)"Since his damage wasnt the problem" ... Hm... Giving extra dmg (buff) to an assassin doesnt make him stronger i guess in ur eyes-(in meanwhile they nerfed hourglass ) or u just pretend that u always killed at lvl 6 with zed the enemy midlane -dominating the map.


Assassins have to be 50< % win ratio and 53-55< in high elo/main assassins. 


Throw ur post to the bin



Its so dumb from my side ... Trying to convince u about something so obvious,but thats my last try tho.

My first post has no wrong points

Edited by bravetobe

I would say the same about ur post.

1)Buying QSS and starting to build an other item like BT or LW ... Season 5

Now ,from cheaper aparted items u can finish mercurial "easier" and it provides sustain too except from the cleanse/movement.Its already the most preferable lifesteal item atm for vayne and its compared with botrk in popularity (Depence from the enemy team,other adcs take it too instead of bt /botrk).Debatable anymore whats the best build botrk pd or 2 attspeed items with bf


In other words,just do the maths here.U needed so much gold to finish mercurial since it was ur 4-5 item(dont count boots) because u didnt have slot.Now,u can take it as 3rd-4rth w/o doing any other lifesteal item. (Goes from essential to core item).

It "jumped" 1 slot higher,so zed is forced to do better early /mid game.

If u think that QSS - Mercurial its the same,then stop reading and just let it go.You hav to git gud


2)"Since his damage wasnt the problem" ... Hm... Giving extra dmg (buff) to an assassin doesnt make him stronger i guess in ur eyes-(in meanwhile they nerfed hourglass ) or u just pretend that u always killed at lvl 6 with zed the enemy midlane -dominating the map.


Assassins have to be 50< % win ratio and 53-55< in high elo/main assassins. 


Throw ur post to the bin



Its so dumb from my side ... Trying to convince u about something so obvious,but thats my last try tho.

My first post has no wrong points

yes i have to 'git gud' because the genius greek failed to provide any valid points or evidence regarding your bizarre claims

qss is 50 gold higher than before and nobody buys the entire fucking scimitar item in the first place and even if they do go qss it's after 2 damage items unless they want to do 0 damage and just expect to not die 

i assume your forgot zed does mostly physical damage so qss is literally only for his ult which is not always necessary to kill people


damage was never his issue, riot discourages play making so they nerfed his play making capabilities


"Assassins have to be 50< % win ratio and 53-55< in high elo/main assassins. "

what LOL


you have to git gud or git rekt

Posted (edited)

yes i have to 'git gud' because the genius greek failed to provide any valid points or evidence regarding your bizarre claims

qss is 50 gold higher than before and nobody buys the entire fucking scimitar item in the first place and even if they do go qss it's after 2 damage items unless they want to do 0 damage and just expect to not die 

i assume your forgot zed does mostly physical damage so qss is literally only for his ult which is not always necessary to kill people


damage was never his issue, riot discourages play making so they nerfed his play making capabilities


"Assassins have to be 50< % win ratio and 53-55< in high elo/main assassins. "

what LOL


you have to git gud or git rekt

Invalid points?Zero arguments?Just lol... Git gud son.


Still u have no arguments here about "how the hell my points are wrong"

Just search in pro's accounts how they build up the new mercurial.


Its not point that mercurial gives lifesteal anymore (which obviously means that they can replace it with bloodthirster) and its not point that every ADC main was like

bers boots- ie-ss- lw-bt - QSS which OBVIOUSLY means that they need 2k+ gold to finish the item and that OBVIOUSLY means if the ADC hasnt enough gold to finish the item,its like the gold advantage doesnt exist.


As i said,and as YOU said,QSS is after 2 items.(Either IE/SS ,or for vayne Botrk/pd).Its enough in both cases for ADC to make it.

From that point,zed dmg is decreased.Thats why i said ZED IS BUFFED IN HIS FCKING EARLY/MID and is going to be weak earlier on.

Buffing zed into the early to get better lead as assassin ------- nerfing him later on since mercurial is more preferrable anymore.


http://champion.gg/champion/Vayne (Highest win ratio build has no BOTRK.Instead it has Mercurial.My "no points/arguments/evidence".Use ur upper head instead of that "down")

Thats about the vayne tho - and the fact that its preseason.Someone has to give it sometime to see how it will affect every single ADC here.

In other words:If u dont consider easier to build up an item which is aparted by cheaper items,(even if the value is the same),then its k.

Also,u said 50 g higher.Let me remind u that iirc ,QSS had bigger value and now its cheaper (compared to 1 year ago?!).

"Zed doesnt need more dmg,sometimes he can kill someone w/o his ult".

I guess u r refered to not full hp enemy or just the other guy is getting caught... OR just low elo players.

If adc has soraka /janna close to him,w/o ult u can do nothing.Instead u will die.

Last but not least,thats what everyone say about the assassins."High risk/high "worth" picking an assassin.

Imo i found retarded someone picking riven,just because she is op and even if he doesnt know how to play properly,to have 10 kills and snowball the game.Also.Rioters stated the same about riven/lee sin (About the win ratio.Thats the reason why they will make a rework i think into her). 


P.S QSS 2nd item to vayne.

P.S2 Zed needed a buff for 1 reason only.They nerfed ult for no reason (reusingthe ult -adding that seconds back to the shadow)

P.S3 U can just say "we can agree that we disagree" instead of trashtalking without a single point here.Current zed winratio is 43%.Not even nerfed with the new mercurial ROFL..


P.S4 https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3qszkj/the_bloodthirster_on_pbe_looks_awful_to_build/

Just control -F mercurial.I see that 50+58 people agree with my points.(I said exactly the same about mercurial).

Edited by bravetobe

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