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I am at 10 points but i win like 4-6 and lose like 4


Mmr is quite high (i guess) matched with low-mid platinum and occasionally low diamond

probably veteran to your league

Veteran doesnt matter.... im veteran and im getting 30 pts per win. It has to do something with this

"LP 'clamping' has been smoothed.  Players will experience more predictable LP gains and losses as they approach 100 LP"

If you premade with someone who had lower elo than you adn lost games somehow it fvcks your mmr btw )



[gr] na agorasw jarvan?

ναι ειναι φαντασιτκος παιχτης.


Veteran doesnt matter.... im veteran and im getting 30 pts per win. It has to do something with this

"LP 'clamping' has been smoothed.  Players will experience more predictable LP gains and losses as they approach 100 LP"

If you premade with someone who had lower elo than you adn lost games somehow it fvcks your mmr btw )


veterans always get these ammounts of points(at least when above 50).dunno about below

veterans always get these am-beep-ts of points(at least when above 50).dunno about below

Mby but is what he said, he played with my bro that is unranked and when we played rank he was winning 1-4 pnts max ,and losing more than 10


nobody plays normals on 2013, chucky pls

im getting sick & tired of the fckups in the ranked scene

even tho i carry the game they can throw so hard that i cant do shit

stuck at gold4 while i should be atleast gold1 or platinum


but still :D

volibear op

did yesterday 9games with him in a row

i won them all, and carried them all xD

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