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one question riot will be give any Free RP For Christmass? or not :D


Answer me on my Question Thank you


And Happy New Year.

Well they gave away avatars and they brought back many reitred skins,i think that's enough(or at least they think that that's enough :D)


Back to 2010 and 2011 where they won ESL Series . They havent get a #1 pos after this.


Their line up was totally different back then. They didn't even have Ocelote.


The best they achieved was making to the finals and losing against CLG at 2010 WCG


So how do you climb higher in solo q? I find myself getting no where every day since i win like 4 a day but lose 5 bringing me to the exact place where i was at the start of the day. Are there like any specific champs or roles that actually can carry games or..

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