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The new map is just great. I like the fact that there is a wall separating the nexus from the base. People can no longer pull minions into the base or use a defend/heal/defend/heal/defend tactic making games last for ever.

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dude your farm is just bad :S


graves : 162 creeps ,41 mins.

cassiopia(not the supp game), 50 mins 183 creeps

I know man , i know ... I am not good in farming , especially when jungling .. Look at my cs in all jungle games , sucks , but w/e still this leads me to win ;p

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I know man , i know ... I am not good in farming , especially when jungling .. Look at my cs in all jungle games , sucks , but w/e still this leads me to win ;p

Leads in wins at 1000 elo games
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Kennen top

Cass mid

Jax jungle

Cho support

Ez AD.



That would have been better at your Cass support game.


Maybe , but you cannot change all roles in team in 1k elo , and you know it ;)

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no.. its 3 days,  on nov 6th they'll give the rewards.. season ends 23 tho


or not ? O.o

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