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even if you join one you need to play 5 games with that team so u can be registered as gold or platinum

its the same on soloq? if i had gold rating,i should play 5 games to gain the rewards?
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why east server is unavailable?



its the same on soloq? if i had gold rating,i should play 5 games to gain the rewards?

no.gold is gold as long as you reached it.
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So got 12k IP .. I am thinking of adding more Carries , as far as it is my best role .. I love carries with aoe skills plus and skill to escape .. So which one should i buy ? I was thinking of ezreal ... I know vayne is really strong but i dont like her at all ...


Dont suggest me Corki - Graves already owned (Plus some others but i dont think you will suggest them as first choice)

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Buy ezreal , and supporting you already have tristana and sivir, buy varus.

or MF(no edit OP :D)



Ye got tris and sivir (I love tris aswell).. I dont like varus and i am not sure about MF .. Maybe the reason is that they dont got an escpaing skill as corki graves and tris does.

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