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Getting ranked teams 3v3 scrore 5-0

1415 elo





Unimpared    5-0  1652

WwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwW    5-0  1650

You Just Got Served    5-0  1584

RenaissanceReal  5-0 1520

Lesha Ruslan i Dima  5-0  1575

bIub    5-0  1530

Team Mato    5-0  1526

SmiteMe1337    5-1  1539           

gamato onoma    5-1  1536

Ziomki Heimera  5-1  1519




Riot developers OP

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Getting ranked teams 3v3 scrore 5-0

1415 elo





Unimpared    5-0  1652

WwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwW    5-0  1650

You Just Got Served    5-0  1584

RenaissanceReal  5-0 1520

Lesha Ruslan i Dima  5-0  1575

bIub    5-0  1530

Team Mato    5-0  1526

SmiteMe1337    5-1  1539           

gamato onoma    5-1  1536

Ziomki Heimera  5-1  1519




Riot developers OP


That RenaissanceReal was created by me, but I left l0l


btw it depends on the solo q elo of the members.

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what a tard team on my last match they tried to kill a -beep-ing warded baron when all enemies where up -.-


Why not?

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sometimes i believe im really bad...i m NOT the leader who can carry my team...

when i get fed for an unknown reason enemy carries get fed as well .... its k...


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ye.. i just got silver too :P


I LUV MY MATCH HISTORY so many green letters

when i have full voctories on match history , i cant play after .. im afraid ill ruin that green beauty of the letters hahha

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