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That thing you are all saying about Elo is kinda wrong.

I am always 1k- in EUW/EUNE and i learn this.If you fall on such low Elo and you dont have somebody to duo with , you cant get out.

What can i do when i meet players that :


"Bot with XXX " (and they pick some weird shits.Like just b4 Cass and Lux)

"MID" (first pick)



Or when my support doesnt buy wards or my jungler is always 4 levels lower than the rest of us.




Come on , Elo means almost nothing..

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That thing you are all saying about Elo is kinda wrong.

I am always 1k- in EUW/EUNE and i learn this.If you fall on such low Elo and you dont have somebody to duo with , you cant get out.

What can i do when i meet players that :


"Bot with XXX " (and they pick some weird shits.Like just b4 Cass and Lux)

"MID" (first pick)



Or when my support doesnt buy wards or my jungler is always 4 levels lower than the rest of us.




Come on , Elo means almost nothing..

So if you take a look at the previous page i got 130 elo in about 1,5 day .. There are not many tips , but you should do at least 2-3 things and the games will change dramatically..


Try to pick jungle .

Get shurelias.

Wards , wards ,wards , none of your team is going to buy at this elo so you have to do it.

Avoid taking kills .. Most guys in ~1000 elo does not care about farm . So if you play jungle give the kills to the lanes , farm and get gold per sec items .. You wont need kills.


This is what i am doing and going well , at least for now..

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elo indicates your lvl of gameplay.if you re 800 - 1000 you cant even insist that you belong to 1400-1600 since you cant carry your teams and you stuck in there.



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Well i am not a decent League Of Legends player.I am just normal or even below , thing is the game is made in such a way where you cant wins games alone , at least not frequently so you can rise on elo alone.

I have carried some games with Irelia on top , i was so powerfull at late game and i turned the game arround but this is hard to happen because of team doesnt communicating etc.

I stole baron with sona before 1,5month or so (we killed them afterwards thanks to my ult) my team were ahead and we could go for inhi turret but my team decided to split and farm on top/bot/mid/jungle w/e.When enemies respawned my team-mates were roaming , got killed one by one and we lost.


Just an example.

But i guess you guys know better since you are better players than me so i am gonna stick to your advices.

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You own 1200 elo ad carries gj
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That thing you are all saying about Elo is kinda wrong.

I am always 1k- in EUW/EUNE and i learn this.If you fall on such low Elo and you dont have somebody to duo with , you cant get out.

What can i do when i meet players that :


"Bot with XXX " (and they pick some weird shits.Like just b4 Cass and Lux)

"MID" (first pick)



Or when my support doesnt buy wards or my jungler is always 4 levels lower than the rest of us.




Come on , Elo means almost nothing..


Dude.. I started S2 rly well and went 1417, after some days of playing rankeds i dropped to 1090 (lol right ?)

I quit playing rankeds for some time and then i started playing again, now im at 1490 so you're saying that if u are at 1k elo you cant raise w/o duo..

Well.. i did O.o

And elo means nothing when you talk about someone that is 1300-1400 or even 1500 even tho ive seen 1700 ppl playing worst than 1300s...









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Playing 4v5 (Ranked) from the 1st minute , we all said fack surr 20 .. We won this HUEHUE ..


Maokai , Vayne , Taric , Morde vs Olaf , Morgana , Dianna , Ezreal , Renekton... 160 elo in 2 days , huehue.

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