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THIS IS MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER btw... prolly facts though.. DONT GET MAD PLZ srry me no english

CLG wanted EG to be their B team.


EG asks me for help.


I Say No.


Dyrus convince me pick up EG.


EG Joins the Baylife Clan


EG owns TSM


Smart Guy Dyrus


Ta-da EG becomes TSM.EVOLVED ( like how charmander evolves into charizard, u know?



SAINT , CRUMBZ , Voyboy swap teams.




Hotshot+Chauster " makes saint go to the b team" AKA DA KICKINGS - OBVIOUSLY THE KICK YO


Saint : FK U BAYLIFE , i join CURSE . CURSE FTW ( CUrse is an awesome company)


Voyboy replaces hotshot top lane cuz voyboy 2 good ( no offense to hotshot)


Hotshot : "JUNGLE EZPZ NP"


Hotshot gets owned =(



In the end, it was a very poor business decision on Hotshot's part. Whether Saint was poisonous to their team or not, their team swaps resulted in a more negative effect . Saint is one of the most popular players in all of league of legends and also one of the top jungle players in the game. Not only did CLGAMING lose their biggest personality, but they also lost an irreplaceable player.


Why would saintvicious claim that hotshotgg kicked him ? What good does that bring?


"[ –]xLale 7 points 1 hour ago

This is usually how George does things, in the most honest and straightforward way possible, thats why I admire him as a person and as a team captain."


"[–]etww 1 point 14 minutes ago

Yes. Like dropping someone from a team without discussing it with them before. Having their replacement already ready before even telling them and deciding that you are taking over their role."



In my opinion CLG is not even a top 4 NA team anymore. Please make me eat my words =DDDDDDD MUAHAHAH IM A TROLL



TSM 4, CLG 0.






In the end, hotshot did not lie. Forcing saint off the main team is basically indirectly kicking him. trololololol.


Reginalds story about last month! LOL


Now to come back onto my question


where the hack is TSM O.o

Not streaming all day as usual, nothing


No moar TSM house i guess for a while.

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