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Private, international Interlude project.


Not based at any well known projects, such as ACIS etc.


We are selling only our time needed for development, and supporting our members.


By purchasing our services/files you agree to our rules (you can find them at our forum)


At this momemt, project is still in Development stage, atm its only info thread.


There will be few options to purchase: Access to the SVN (with updates), compiled pack, or source only.





1. Project developers, staff members:


- TuNeX RU.gif - Developer


- Matim PL.gif - Developer


- Vhalior PL.gif - Developer


2. Our project main goals:


  • we are strongly focusing at retail development
  • clean and high quality code
  • no more hundrets of useless shity configs/customs
  • only high quality, unique mods implemented
  • improving performance
  • rewritting, implementing curent/missed things
  • rewritting python DP scripts to JAVA
  • high quality Event Engine





  • Easy to use, external admin panel
  • Send global message functions (such as announcements)
  • Give item to selected player from the list (online players)
  • Server status, and online players list
  • Give item to everyone
  • Kick selected player from the game
  • Ban selected player
  • Jail player (you will have to fulfill duration)
  • Unjail player




You will have to login before accessing this console functions.


You can eable possibility to conect via Sigmo Console (enable/disable at server side by config)


Also you will have to set LOGIN/PASS to be able to access your server via this panel.






* Soon there will be more info, and more functions.


* Admin may use it easy, admin may open console via .exe file


* Admin may manage server without entering the game


* Tool is under development.





There are only high quality, unique mods, and most useful configs (no more useless garbarge)


Atm we are focusing at implementing, fixing retail like things, and improving our pack by general.


At the end, we will take care about custom mods.


There will be also High Quality EVENT ENGINE, automatic, easy to use etc.


Example of our custom features:


Advanced community board with following functions available:




  • Announcements - easy to add new ones.
  • Changelog
  • Server TOP PVP List
  • Server TOP PK List
  • Server TOP ADENA Count List
  • Castle Status
  • Server Info Page
  • Server Features Page
  • Server Staff Page
  • Account Info Page - informations about your acc/character
  • Repair Character - possibility to repair chars from player account
  • Online GameMasters page - showing currently available staff members
  • Server Statistics - great server stats, such as avarge enchant, online etc
  • Gatekeeper support
  • Buffer support
  • Showing Grand Bosses Status


2. And plenty of different unique features (everything will be well described at our forum!)



Our last 375 changes:


- Ai for Giant Cave
- Missed update inenvoty packet
- Stupid customs clean up
- removed useless warnings
- AdminCreateItem hanler refactored
- rework for NpcSay packet
- added stakato mobs
- ReatreatOnattack rework
- Benom ai rework
- New command //clear_inventory
- Little ch siege "rework"
- Missing minions Judge of Splendor.
- Little reduce spam in MOS.
- Little rework of error show then Script Error occure
- Rework Ai for Beast Farm to java and moved to core side.
- Fixed problem with Peace Zone after Teleport
- AutoVoteReward handler improvement to reduce exceptions.
- TeleportToLocation fixes in order to reduce disconnections.
- new teleports bypasses fixes
- NewbieTravelToken rewritten to java
- RaceTrack to java
- ToiVortexExit to java
- Toivortex to java
- PaganTeleporter to java
- TeleportWithCharm rewritten to java
- NoblesseTeleport rewritten to java
- ElrokiTeleporters rewritten to java
- HuntingGroundsTeleport rewritten to java
- spell force skill corrected
- battle force skill corrected
- skill fixes > 1400-1499.xml > 5100-5199.xml
- taking subclass error fixed
- html siege refactor
- html observation refactor
- html manormanager refactor
- html guard refactor
- check for olympiad, if char enter olympiad stadia and not participant or obverver
- isinzone(x,y) check, return true if object in zone
- isSeeThroughtSilence?, now raids can see throught silence.
- new polymorph mobs added to Transform script
- new Ai Anays, Raid Boss in MOS.
- new AI Warrio Monk, mob in MOS.
- zone for Master Anays Ai.
- html fortress  refactor
- html default  refactor
- html chamberlain refactor
- html auction refactor
- html Adventurer guildsman  refactor
- html fisherman refactor
- doors.csv xmlized
- removed plenty of useless configs
- config sorting and organising
- huge config rework
- Hero system rework, now off-like, hero you need recive on Monument of Heroes
- gameserver team info print
- xmlized armorsets
- xmlized auto_chat
- xmlized enchant_skill_tree
- xmlized fish
- xmlized fishing_skill_tree
- xmlized helper_buff_list
- xmlized henna
- xmlized location
- xmlized lvl_up_data
- xmlized map_region
- xmlized minion
- xmlized pet_stats
- xmlized pledge_skill_tree
- xmlized seeds
- xmlized skill_learn
- xmlized skill_spellbooks
- xmlized skill_tree
- xmlized static_objects
- xmlized summon_items
- xmlized teleports
- xmlized walker_routes
- database installer rework
- build.xml rework
- migrating Database- admin_command_access_rights to xml
- migrating Database - char_template to xml
- SystemMessage rework
- SystemMessage rework part 2 and fix previous typo
- expGain command refactored
- Basic Multilanguage manager
- Xml handler for messages
- New table for variables
- .lang command voiced command
- Now we can use unlimited lang packs
- Fully localized DMjoin command
- Admin //invis command refactor
- Removed wrong skills from HK skills_tree
- AdminEffect cleaning
- Admin Command Handlers, nulling object at the end of the reference - removed
- getItemGrade() removed, it returns the same variable
- fixed bug releated with subclass changing
- removed nulling objects at the end of reference pt2
- Core AI - static spawns from array
- Configs - retail default values.
- TH - missed Dash skill from skill_trees
- Gordon droplist
- DropProtection.java fix
- SiegeRewardManager little fix > QuakeSystem rework
- Class formating tables for new community board.
- Top Adena and Castle Status tables for community board.
- Admin Create item handler - sending wrong item list packet
- Admin Create item handler missed packet refresing inventory
- Advanced Community Board - htm files
- Auto Vote Handler fix
- Useless configs removing, part 3
- Cleaning config.java
- Welcome Mod upgrade
- Deleted double minions for Core AI
- L2DamageZone - fix for taking Hp from characters extending L2Attackable
- NoRandomWlkMoobs Npc Modifier
- Quest 1_LettersOfLove1 rewritten to java
- Quest 2_WhatWomenWant1 rewritten to java
- Quest 3_ReleaseDarkelfElder1 rewritten to java
- Quest 4_LongLiveLordOfFlame rewritten to java
- CursedWeapon, fixed system message
- L2PetInstance implemented isHungry boolean
- L2PetInstance small issues fixes
- Config delegation
- Item containers little refactor, subpackage created
- PetInventory update
- Weight penalty issue fix
- Clean old events, removed
- Preparing for new Event Engine
- Quest 5_MinersFavor rewritten to java
- Clan Creation rewritten to java
- Ally Creation rewritten to java
- Quest 6_StepIntoTheFuture rewritten to java
- Freezing player while in weight penalty mode fix
- PACKET_LIFETIME better to hidde it
- Delete old events, datapack part
- Delete old events, gameserver part
- Quest 7_ATripBeging rewritten to java
- HelperBuffTable, support for newbie guide fix
- Fully implemented Party Matching (Party Room)
- Party Matching: Waiting room(now shows waiting players, works Whisper, Rm.Invite and other buttons).
- Party Matching: Cannot kick yourself from party room.
- Party Matching: Status update after kick/exit from room, before - then you exit you still have title "Looking for party".
- Party Matching: Delete unneeded packet, and rework ExPartyMember.
- Party Matching: Chat in party Match now working.
- Fixed stuck player during teleport if they are sitting.
- Fix for delete spawns.
- Clan Notice Implementation.
- Clan Notice data part
- Quest 8_AnAdventureBegins rewritten to java
- Custom potions removed, uselss item handler, never used.
- Quest 9_IntoTheCityOfHumans rewritten to java
- AdminEffects missed messages, little cleanup.
- Quest 10_IntoTheWorld rewritten to java
- Quest 11_SecretMeetingWithKetraOrcs rewritten to java
- Quest 12_SecretMeetingWithVarkaSilenos rewritten to java
- Missed clan hall ratio configs
- Moved L2Character, L2Summon, L2Attackable, L2Playable to the actor package
- L2NpcInstance > L2Npc, L2FolkInstance > L2NpcInstance
- Clan hall fixed, clan hall WH adena bug fixed
- Fix for remove circlet error.
- Auto Vote rework for topzone and hopzone sites.
- Archangel stats fix. Van Halter Stats and drops
- Fix for subclass bug
- Buff stuck fix
- full reworked geoengine
- fix for client crash, when see Npc->Pc, but now dont see clan of npc
- Delete wings of destiny when player is no longer a hero
- gordon ai fix
- fix auto attack for summons, when attack castle door
- Primeval is no longer peace zone.
- oly prefrenzy exploit fix
- new public function for better quest support
- Fix bow consumes MP for attack without Arrow Quest state id fix
- ix npc protector for players with cursed weapons 
- Added check if player is in siege zone he can't use wyvern
- Fishing skills allowed only with ROD weapons
- Missing play sound packet when fishing
- new AI implementation for Valakas and Frintezza and remove old ai
- fix lethal chance (now work retail like)
- stun chance calculation fix
- Little fix to drop info for StackableItems? with not allowed Multiple Drops
- fixed critical error for duplicate characters (offline mode)
- Augmented item cannot be discarded fixed
- Spawn limitation for GrandBosses?
- Offline Trade Restore System Rework + some Offline Trade fixes
- OnDisconnect? for Event Scripts to fix bad colors/titles store and to teleport to start NPC spot players
- fix Angelic Icon, now buff bonus work good with different weapons
- fix phx announce and possible fix new packets from phx
- fix for use CP and MP potions during casting
- fix for clan privilegium (declare clan war)
- fix for lost lvl on server crash
- fix Oly exploit
- Clan skills stucking bug fixed
- saving character sex to database on character update
- Fix for run speed in client info.
- Mounted speed multiplier update
- Multisell security has been improved and also some little fixes
- new SystemMessages?, max opened quests limit, effector clean up
- Pet inventory limits by Kerberos
- fix for npe with lethal hit
- in case of a server crash, pets don't lose their items but they have them when they're summoned next time
- multisell weight and slots check
- Now also Mdam, Continuous and Disablers type skills can have lethal strike.
- correction for ValidatePosition? packet
- Enchant exploit fix
- fix for olympiad res
- little fix for siegeguard ai
- NPE summon fix on teleport
- Never trust client coords on char store - closing various exploits passing through doors, etc using relog.
- change leathal strike chance for Blow skills
- rework calcLethal formula
- if CT destroyed Guards dont spawn + NPE fix
- little Quest fix and new PlayerClassIdRestriction
- Academy clan members are out from clan wars.
- fix for Private warehouse sorting
- This fixes elixer reuse issue where if the item is in reuse and you use it it gets consumed
- Clan/Ally/Party members don't get damage from Signet skills
- Fix for clan wh exploit
- disable weight penatly for gm
- retail like Baium
- added archangels
- baium text
- baium wake up effect
- missing skill for cupid bow
- fix for summon friend
- shutdown fixes added better countdown timer
- fixed equip bug when mounted.
- deleted duplicate code for enchant protection.
- wedding fixes
- destroy bow when divorced
- remove wedding name colors
- cleaning weddings code
- bow skills (heart shot) are working only with your couple TARGET_COUPLE
- gm shift clik on char fixed and 100% working without target stuck
- GM can shift click on Char (same as L2jFree) and char menu will pop up
- Trade bug fix added again and wyvern bug fix when changing clan lider
- GM's Are Allowed to use Hero Voice.
- Increasing distance to watch doors, should help with "closed" oly doors.
- Cannot use items during fear.
- Anti Phx Buy flood for manor
- added warehouse sorting for castle and clan hall wh
- can not summon friend in pagan temple
- fear is canceled when hitting
- Auction bug fix, Fix equip overenchanted weapons,
- Add for Pet lvl social - only when is increased.
- Create auctions if clan-owner was removed from database/deleted. Also log auction creation.
- Auctioner fix for display correct CH grade
- Don't inform GM about Boss respawn.
- Disable destroy item while transaction
- Remove unused town zone parameters.
- You can't use banes on your self or betray
- Don't take pet exp if player is in arena or duel and add massage
- Fix for mobs walking during attack.
- Increase forget attack time to 2min
- On forced player restart/logout is removed from boss zone.
- Fix for blocking cast after teleport.
- Betray in Duel fix
- CH fee fix
- Another dirty fix, we will need to add offline punishment sometimes.
- guard dont have random walks
- Spawn protection removed if trying to interact with other objects
- Fix DOT skills sometimes killing players
- PHX Announce fix.
- HP/CP/MP Regeneration system
- Fixed Sailren stats. Add missing teleport from sailren nest to pi wharf.
- Ch banish foreigners fix.
- In the name of evil part 1 and part 2.
- Some npc colisions fixes.
- Spell Force for PI mobs fixed.
- Special Camera fixes.
- Primeval Stones missing spawns.
- trade exploit fix
- STUN-type skills does not use shots
- antharas now have 3 types weak/normal/strong
- Retail Like feature. If you are in a private store, and you are hit, then the store is canceled.
- Voice Command .info (shows Server OS, Server Ram, Free Ram,XP Rate,Party XP Rate....) and more Smiley
- Fix for the speed of pets running on water.
- Added Drop protection:
- Now drop is protected and only who hit that mob can pick-up the item.
- Time is in options.properties.
- Zombie Gatekeepers attack those whos lvl is below than 73.
- No unstuck during fear.
- Fix for destroyed quest items.
- Fixed Update class icon in party and clan.
- Sow fixed.
- Fix missing Clan Siege Skills in ClanLeader?.
- Fixed exploit to deposit Cursed Weapon on wh with phx.
- Expel outsiders support.
- You are unable to equip these items when your PK count is greater than or equal to one.
- Fix Exploit for L2ObservationInstance.
- Fixed /gmlist.
- Pagan teleporter spawn fix.
- mportant fix for geoengine, now any problems with spawn height
- Fix Anti-Target
- Quest State fix.
- Exploit (cast over sell action).
- Multisell distance fixed.
- Remove abnormally disconnected characters from party!
- Fix problem with swimming in Catacombs of Devotion.
- PHX no-target fix.
- Retail like open clan hall door Smiley
- SummonFriend? can't be used in rb zone.
- say2 can be easy sniffed change to sendMessage.
- Players that leave clan when they are in academy dont get penalty.
- New trade protection.
- Drop protection system implementation.
- Party Matching implementation.
- Fix for Primeval Island boat path.
- Fix for mammon target bug.
- Van Halter stats.
- Added Van Halter drops. Fixed Archangel stats.
- Sailren fix. Some fixes to skills.
- TRADE BUG Quest fix.
- Saga's translation 
- Fix for custom spawnlist 
- Delete BossRespawn? info its handled on community board
- Sigmo Console, core support
- Quest 17_LightAndDarkness rewritten to java
- SigmoConsole: Updates 
- SigmoConsole: Support for kick/ban/jail/unjail player. 
- Community htmls big rework
- System massage rework part 5 
- Wings of Destiny, wrong quest
- classpath added missed libs
- build.xml rework - now much faster building
- Moved some infos to util/Util.java
- CustomWorldHandler.java removed
- RequestDropItem.java little fix
- fake npc table fix
- fixed couple of typos in html
- Retail like SupportMagic
- Advanced Community Board, character repair NPE fix
- trainer, villagemaster, warehouse, wyvernmanager html typos
- Fix against exploit on anti-target on login
- Fix against exploit for Olympiad zone during oly period
- Fix against safe enchant exploit
- Valakas and antharas give crowns on raid end
- Added some missed messages to antharas
- DietMode packets update
- fixes for disable quests load
- couple NPE fixes 
- Fixed anti-Target bug during sieges
- gameserver, createFolders rework
- Buffer Community > Gatekeeper Community
- Update teleports for gk community
- Add some more detailed balance configs
- No random walk for core minions
- No random walk array for npcs
- Admin panel cleaning up
- Nulling objects cleanup
- Templates organization
- Leave old like world thread loading ai
- Delete CharSchemes buffer
- Not Interlude Antharas packets removed
- FleeNpc? is group
- Runnable removed from AI's (useless now)
- RetreatOnAttack rework
- VanHalter missed Runnable implementations
- Important and big fix for L2AttackableAIScript
- Bettter ai for chests
- Some chest packet update
- Data part to delete scheme
- Shuting down GS problems fixed
- Day of doom new retail like effect
- Day of doom effect
- SigmoConsole, addintional global messages chat types
- Removed useless commands
- Item handlers, custom ones - reducing visibility
- Multi Conditions Zone type
- Change some logs on Gameserver
- Little space typo
- OlympiadStadiumZone? security improved
- Little packet improved
- Summon can attack without Ctrl into PVP zone (Oly too).
- Fix NPE on EffectSignetDebuff?
- Fix Petrification from Raid, now can't be cleaned by skills and other securities


If you want to stay informed, check our FORUM


Do not forget to check our Changelog section, each refactor etc should be well described there!


Soon we will post more info about our custom features aswell.


Stay tuned!


nothing more to say


excellent coder,trusted and friendly


gl matim



btw did you learn football?:P


I don't wanna lie like other people like to say 2-3 words and that's it. -Of course I don't wanna say those guys who posted here are telling lies lol, I'm talking about generally.


Honestly can you trust someone if you notice as written / as answer / how thinking, can I say he have my point. About skills no need to say more cause can everyone see his work on forum/previews and not only.


Beginning this project now looks promising, I can say just good luck and keep working.


Finally some seriousness is being taken by real devs for the best chronicle in L2 history, INTERLUDE.

I really hope you guys will succeed, I WILL be a customer, and I hope it's not something you will rage quit after a few promising weeks.


GL, I'll be in touch!


Thanks for serious comments, thats why we are still not selling our 'services' yet,


because we are aware of the this challenge, we still have to work hard, but hope final result will be satisfactory.


Anyway, our customer will gain access to the updates so they don't have to be afraid that they will be left alone with problems of the pack.


Thanks for serious comments, thats why we are still not selling our 'services' yet,


because we are aware of the this challenge, we still have to work hard, but hope final result will be satisfactory.


Anyway, our customer will gain access to the updates so they don't have to be afraid that they will be left alone with problems of the pack.


My biggest question is support, how will you and your team handle bug reports and other questions, bug reports are best to do via forum since you get a list of things to do instead of personal messages.

But every server is different, and different equals different questions.. so I really hope that you will take every customer as your most important one and have a reply asap.




On forum customers will get range customer or premium with acces to dp/core reports boards and other needed things.


Now we have our staff board where is todo list for us.


One question,for the program - administrator tool , do you use telnet?



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