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L2jFree: Genesis

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UPDATED: "Genesis: News Volume #1" http://forum.l2jfree.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=96


After a long period which seemed to dictate the end of L2jFree, we are proud to announce we are back with a completely renovated and innovative approach to Lineage 2 emulation.


Redefining emulation standards, L2jFree enters a new stage named "Genesis" which is set to revolution the way Emulators are looked upon. As a matter of fact, for such revolution to take place a lot of things had to be changed, mistakes dating back the very beginning of L2j. With that said, we present to you a completely built from scratch source, the new L2jFree which is obviously, still under construction. Generically we can define the new concept as being modules based that is, a project where the main description can be "modularization", allowing content to be removed just as easily as it was added. No more digging the source scanning for possible connections to the elements you wish to remove, no more removing mistakes, and last but not least, the ability to add content as modules shared throughout the community.


Things are expected to run slower at start, since the basics need to be done which is a big task for a small crew - only 1 person can tackle the basics at a time to avoid de-synchronization - of no more and no less than one man. After the bumpy start things should start to move far faster by the minute, as the new team is composed of 14 active developers all with years of experience in Lineage 2 emulation and eager to leave their brand on the revolution.


Additionally, we inform you that the L2Emu and L2jFree teams have merged, forming a new and united L2jFree team.


Progress on the Genesis project can be observed in its new SVN address: http://svn.l2jfree.com/l2jfree/branches/genesis .


We'll be waiting for you on the forum, as usual, we are open to contributors and to provide assistance. Suggestions are looked kindly upon.




The L2jFree team.




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I'm supporting you guys with this project ! As soon as section with retail info gets open I'm gonna try to help as much as possible, since idk java at nowhere near ur lvl, guess that's all I can do. Anyway all the best luck and can't wait till it's ready =)

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As soon as section with retail info gets open I'm gonna try to help as much as possible


Thank you, at this point such section already does exist at http://jira.l2jfree.com/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=10010&issuetype=9&Create=Create .

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Too bad :/ Anyway, good luck.

Well if you want to have an active project you focus on latest chronicle instead on older one where is harder to get info.

When Goddess of Destruction will go live on Official Servers all l2j project's around sooner than 2 months won't release it since Goddess of Destruction come with the largest update (30 new hunting grounds, 60 new raid bosses, and more than 400 new equipment and many more).

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Well if you want to have an active project you focus on latest chronicle instead on older one where is harder to get info.

When Goddess of Destruction will go live on Official Servers all l2j project's around sooner than 2 months won't release it since Goddess of Destruction come with the largest update (30 new hunting grounds, 60 new raid bosses, and more than 400 new equipment and many more).

Yeah, but the gameplay sux.

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lol , all custom npc shares in the forum will not work in l2jfree anymore :(


So rewrite them to java, trust me, its nothing hard (mean rewrtie)


Just imagine, no more stupid python stucks (and you are forced to restart server) etc.

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So rewrite them to java, trust me, its nothing hard (mean rewrtie)


Just imagine, no more stupid python stucks (and you are forced to restart server) etc.


It isn't hard, its extremely boring having to rewrite over 1k scripts.


And about restarting the server to reload Python isn't entirely true, at all. In JFree, even in the old, there was a //script_reload command which allowed you to reload the scripts without restarting the server. Yet, obviously it wasn't recommended on a live server (server with players other than the admins).

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