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[Introduction] Everything Regarding Crossfire

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Crossfire is an FPS shooting game, pioneering the free FPS game business. There are 2 factions, Global Risk (the "good" guys) and Black List (the "bad" guys). The everlasting rivalry between them is to spread havoc all over the lands. Players can create a character, advance levels, create or join clans, attend clan wars, buy weapons from the shop and much more.



Item Shop is the game's main market. There you will find from weapons to bulletproof vests, from grenades to wall sprays and so on.
Black Market is something like the "Rullete" area. The player buys some boxes (GP or ZP boxes) and when he opens them, there are several rewards to be yielded. In addition, every type of crate has a special weapon, which will stay permanently if won.

The game's main coin is GP (Game Points). These are used for the most common transaction from the Item Shop.
The special coin is ZP (Z8 Points). These specific coins can be purchased with real life money, and can provide greater benefits when it comes to weapons (you can buy "better" weapons).
BP (Bonus Points) are received when one buys ZP. These can be used for miscellaneous goodies.




In Crossfire, every player has to buy at least 1 character. This will resemble him or her in-game.

OMOH (5000 GP) - The OMOH is Russia’s special police force. They were organized in 1987 with the purpose of apprehending terrorists and preventing violent crimes. They are widely-known as the “Black Berets” or “Mafia Killers”.

SAS (5000 GP) - The SAS (Special Air Service) is a Special Forces unit in England. They have a long, storied history and are considered a prestigious unit within the English military. SAS is particularly famous for its rigorous selection process and strict entry requirements.

SWAT (5000 GP) - S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons and Tactics Unit) was formed in the early 1960s as a joint-military system between the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) and the FBI. Daryl F. Gates, then-commander of the LAPD, is credited with founding S.W.A.T. and has since developed it into a distinct and world-renowned crime-fighting unit.

These were the default ones, available with GP.
There are 4 others, only with ZP (SPOP, GSG-9, STAR, SIA).


Game Modes

Crossfire features several game modes, each with unique maps and rules.

Team Deathmatch: As the name reveals, Team Deathmatch is the most common element in FPS games. There are 2 teams, with respawn time of 0 to 3 seconds, trying to reach a kill limit first. On the contrary, the room host may set the winning point to be the team with the most kills, over a period of time (5 to 12 minutes).

Search & Destroy: The Black List attempts to destroy designated points with C4, or destroy all the Global Risk players, while the GR team must either eliminate all black list players before the plant, or defuse the C4 with black list alive or dead.

Elimination: This mod is similar to Search & Destroy, although there is no bomb to plant, and the weapons are allocated on the ground. The mode surge goes like this: 2 teams > try to eliminate the opposite team> when the opposite team is fully annihilated, the winning team conquers the round. There are preset rounds.

Escape Mode: A game mode where Black List team must "escape" through a portal a certain number of times while the Global Risk team tries to prevent them. There are walls and doors that can be destroyed to make the escaping teams job easier, at half time the teams switch sides (if the team finishes escaping early, then they immediately switch sides. If they don't complete their goal, then the other team only has to finish what the other team started).

Ghost Mode: My Mastery. Ghosts (Black List), are provided with invisibility when they don't move. When they do so, they are partially transcluent. They only have knifes as weapons, and run faster than normal. The Global Risk, although visible, they still carry their guns. The gameplay is similar to search and destroy. Ghosts have to plant a bomb in either of the 2 sites, and the Global Risk are to prevent them.

Free for All: A mode where there is no teams with optional weapon restrictions. Players constantly re-spawn at different locations. The round ends when a player reaches the kill quota for the match or the timer runs out.

Mutation: This can be referred as the "Zombie Mode" of the game. One or more players are affected with the mutation, 20 seconds after the round's initiation. The mutants' mission is to affect the rest of the players. The "living" players must protect themselfs against the mutants. The round ends when the time elapses and the living are still alive, or when every player is mutated.

Hero Mode: This is the newest mode in crossfire. It contains materials from Mutation Mode. Players must prevent from being mutated or kill all the mutants. 20 seconds into the round, three players randomly will become mutants and one will become the "Hero". The Hero's main weapon is a FN FAL fitted with a M203 grenade launcher and covered in a digital camo pattern. A mutant being shoot to a certain amount of HP will acquire Rage in which will lead to different level of evolutions. As an addition to Hero Mode, Crossfire released the Assassin Mutant whom have the ability to use knock-back grenades against human players.

The First Glimpse

When you maidenly log to Crossfire, you will notice all this great feel, originating from the overall GUI.
Organized buttons and structure, easy navigation, quite marvelous. The initial move you should make is to choose a name for your character, and thereafter, which of the 3 default ones you want. Then you will be prompted to the training field, explaining the game's mechanics. Then, don't buy anything untill you go to level 3. Then you will have sufficient Game Points in order to purchase M4A1.


The game's flow is totally splendid. Whatever mode you choose, you will get used to Crossfire pretty rapidly.
The action that takes part in the game is something spectacular. You will ultimately want to assassinate every single opponent.


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If you have any further question, don't hesitate to contact me.

Credits: Me

Edited by `iAndre
  • 2 years later...

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