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[HOT SHARE] L2 Giants Cracked by Navicat April Update 2


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im not liar bot working as i see on 1st page from TILEMACHOS SCREEN


Everbody knows that on TILEMACHOS it works but on fwe mans including me nope.

I have WinXPSP2.

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TILEMACHOS I can't be more thankful :)

here is what i did , i tried it in my brother's laptop and it worked just fine

(copied a rename of ur system and ran as admin)

still had a dc when i first tried


i'll post a screen once i finish my Format in my own pc :P



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TILEMACHOS I can't be more thankful :)

here is what i did , i tried it in my brother's laptop and it worked just fine

(copied a rename of ur system and ran as admin)

still had a dc when i first tried


i'll post a screen once i finish my Format in my own pc :P



This is what i 've told you to from from start ::)


btw,this is what i did older with l2w and l2phx,when i was getting damn dc's


open msconfig,and delete almost everything from startup programs(maybe harmful)

when windows rr,you will prolly see a problem

select 'run with previous working settings' and windows will start,normally :)


though,i am repeating,it may be harmful

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OK ! As promised a screen shot of a working walker in my pc !

after a format it worked perfectly

just copied a renamed system of navicat and ran l2w as Admin (u will still get a DC when u log) but if u try for a second time its ok ;)




OMG MAN Thanks Again !!!! (do u even imagine how much i have suffered ? spoiled over 3k CBP and 2k SOP and 2k CL T.T)


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I guess i have to format my own PC too,and im a lazy bear :$

when you are done , dont forget : dont copy l2walker's host maybe the server is detecting it somehow..

i didn't use navicat's host just kept windows' one

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zazazaza I am really happy that you managed to make it work... :D

So you people that you can't make it work with my files check your computers Software :)


Now Let me know what server is next?

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zazazaza I am really happy that you managed to make it work... :D

So you people that you can't make it work with my files check your computers Software :)


Now Let me know what server is next?

loool ur A CrackMachine rofl :P i dont think there will be any protection for you haha :P awesome

Also whats good with ur system , is that i can open 8 Boxes (while 4 is the limit ! ) :P AWESOME ! THX !!

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zazazaza I am really happy that you managed to make it work... :D

So you people that you can't make it work with my files check your computers Software :)


Now Let me know what server is next?


Well i guess RPGCLUB ? If already it dosnt exists.

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