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Hello folks


I'm here to announce you the 1st competition of 2011.







  • All you have to do guys is to post your shares of 2011.
  • every share which haven't your credits but was/is/will be very useful for forum will be rated with 1 point.
  • every share which have your credits will be rated with 3 points.
  • every share which will be made from now to the end of this competition will be rated with 5 points.
  • guides like guides about one class of l2 will be rated with 1 point. Unless it's a mega guide or it will be consider by judges as very useful - then it will be rated with 2 points.
  • making a new [AIO] for a section which will be better and more updated then an existing one will be rated with 2 points




  • You can partecipate on this competition only with shares of 2011.
  • You shares can be from any kind of sections. L2 general, l2j, l2off, l2bot, wow, cs, lol, ps.  
  • You must include the "Competition/Contest" prefix at the share's title. If you don't, the title will either be fixed, or the topic will be considered as "out of the competition".
  • Getting karma reward for new shares which will be part of this compatitionis is not allowed. Unless you like more the karma then partecipating here.
  • When you post your shares collection please take a couple of minutes to check your shares and fix their tittles when it's needed.
  • Topics tittle must have proper tags. Example: [L2] [L2J] [L2OFF] [share] [Exploit] [Trick] [Guide] / CS: [Exploit] [Hack] [Trick] [Maps] [Addon] / Warcraft: [Dota] [WoW] [Exploit] [bot] [Warcraft] etc







1st place:  VIP membership

2nd place:  2 karma

3rd place:  1 karma




The judges

Main judge and organiser: Erol

Second organiser and main supporter: Raule & ED

L2 judge: Matim

L2 Exploit Judge: Raule

L2 Bot Judge:

L2 Client Judge: Sofaki

WOW judge: Commodus

CS Judge: Blane

LOL Judge:

Photoshop judge: Blane & MasterDisaster




About entering at Judges i would please to have your support. Anyone who feel to help this competition in anyway can request it here

This competition start now and it ends at 26/03/2011



Thnx Masterdisaster and ED for translation in greek.




Γεια σε όλους! Αυτό το τόπικ έχει να κάνει με έναν διαγωνισμό που οργανώνει το staff.Θα πρέπει να κάνετε τα καλύτερα topics/guides σε όλους τους τομείς !Φυσικά η προσπάθειά σας θα επιβραβευθεί!




  • Το μόνο που έχετε να κάνετε είναι να κάνετε νέους οδηγούς ή shares.
  • Κάθε Share που δεν είναι δικό σας αλλά είναι χρήσιμο θα βαθμολογείται με 1 πόντο.
  • Καθε Share που είναι δικό σας θα βαθμολογείται με 3 πόντους.
  • Καθε Share που δημιουργείται από τώρα ως και το τέλος της προθεσμίας θα βαθμολογείται με 5 πόντους.
  • Οδηγοί για κάθε secton σχετικό με το Lineage2 θα βαθμολογούνται με1 πόντο,βέβαια εάν είναι υπερ-οδηγός ή εάν θεωρηθεί απο τους υπεύθυνους του διαγωνισμού ως χρήσιμος οδηγός τοτε θα βαθμολογείται με  2 πόντους.
  • Δημιουργώντας ενα [AIO] Για εναν τομέα το οποιο θα ειναι αναβαθμισμένο και καλύτερο θα βαθμολογηθεί με 2 πόντους




  • Μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στον διαγωνισμό μόνο με τα shares του  2011.
  • Τα shares μπορούν να έχουν σχέση με οποιονδήποτε τομέα του forum. Π.χ.: L2 general, l2j, l2off, l2bot, wow, cs, lol, ps.
  • Πρέπει να περιλαμβάνετε το Tag(πρόθεμα): "Competition/Contest" στον τιτλο του κάθε Share. Εάν δεν το κανετε τοτε θα γινει διόρθωση, Αλλιως θα θεωρηθεί ως άκυρο του διαγωνισμου".
  • Το να παρετε Karma point για νεα shares τα οποία θα ειναι μέρος αυτού του διαγωνισμού δεν επιτρέπεται. Εκτός εάν προτιμάτε να έχετε κάρμα από το να λάβετε μέρος στον διαγωνισμο.
  • Όταν μοιραστείτε την συλλογή των Share σας παρακαλώ για καποια λεπτα να ελέγξετε  τα Share σας και να αλλάξετε τιτλο όταν χρειαστεί .
  • Ο τιτλος του τοπικ σας πρέπει να εχει τις ακόλουθες ετικετες: [L2] [L2J] [L2OFF] [share] [Exploit] [Trick] [Guide] / CS: [Exploit] [Hack] [Trick] [Maps] [Addon] / Warcraft: [Dota] [WoW] [Exploit] [bot] [Warcraft] etc







1ή θεση:  VIP membership

2η θεση:  2 karma

3η θεση:  1 karma





Κυριως επικεφαλης και διοργανωτής: Erol

Δευτερος διοργανωτής και  κυριως υποστηρικτής: Raule & ED

Επικεφαλης Του L2: Matim

Επικεφαλης των l2 Exploit: Raule

Επικεφαλης των L2 Bot:

Επικεφαλης των L2 Client: Sofaki

Επικεφαλης του WOW: Commodus

Επικεφαλής του CS:

Επικεφαλής του LOL:

Επικεφαλης του Photoshop:Blane & MasterDisaster




Σχετικά με την συμμετοχή σας στην Ομαδα των "Δικαστών" Πρέπει να έχω την υποστήριξή σας. Εάν κάποιος νιώθει πως θέλει να βοηθήσει σε αυτον τον διαγωνισμό μπορει να κάνει αίτηση Εδώ

Αυτός ο διαγωνισμός ξεκινάει τώρα και λήγει στις 26/03/2011


though,it's still unfair,a simple copy paste getting 1 point and a L2class guide taking still 1 point,w/e

it takes dejuro 1 pts.

but defacto it may take more. (means, if your shares attract the judges more then those c/p shares, it's like taking 4-5 pts dejuro)


got me? ;)


Fixed all the godamn greek typos, thanks for ruining the language - and fixed l2mod color


Also thread cleaned



Μe and Nikoloudos made the last fixes but Erol had no time to add the last one..

Babylon did a great job..I'd say if he had!


winner of 1st place will be rewarded with VIP membership. (Thnx Maxtor ;))

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • This package is based of aCis 408/409 and has been prefilled with server & client modifications for your convenience. A detailed list of the features (including images/videos) in this package can be found in the L2DEV Discord. You can download the entire package here.   What this Package DOES include: Prerequisite Install Files (MySQL, JDK21) Server (Compiled) + Patch Files Popular server-side Java Mods What mods are currently installed: Custom Community Board Character Preferences Menu Daily & Weekly Quests Balance System Events Engine Visual System (aka DressMe) Achievements System Retail Interface with Teleport Menu Player Startup Guide Agathion Support Autofarm System Castle / Hall Siege Manager Daily Login Rewards NPC & Item Search Dungeon System Class & Subclass Master Preset & Scheme Buffer Market Board System Ranking / Leaderboard System PCBangPoints System 4 Custom Maps (Hellbound, Fantasy Isle, Kamael Island & Crystal Island) Updated WorldMap/Minimap to support custom zones What this Package DOES NOT include: EmuDevs Armor Files EmuDevs Weapon Files EmuDevs Skin Files EmuDevs Cloak Files EmuDevs Skill Files EmuDevs Enemies/Raid Bosses EmuDevs Essence Interface Source Code To properly setup this package you will need to: Install the prerequisite files Import the database backup Register a gameserver/hexid using the tools provided in the GameServer folder Notes: The default database scheme name is "emudevs" Agathion support has been added but you will need to add your own Agathion NPC's to your patch. Bugs should be reported in L2DEV or EmuDevs discord. Most mods can be configured via the XML files Most HTML's can be edited via the HTML files  
    • Hello, I am working with the IL Classic files, and I would like to make it so that when someone grabs the zariche or akamanah, they transform into the monster.... I remember many years ago in an IL Java that I had, I had done it but the truth is that from those times (+15 years) I no longer have anything... And I started with L2 OFF again... Could someone tell me how to do this? I have managed to add a thousand custom things in terms of functionality, but this one is getting complicated, I have achieved the maximum that the mob appears lying on the pj even, but I do not achieve 100% of what I want!
    • No such file was present in the share you mentioned, nor has such a file ever been publically shared, as far as I know. As a matter of fact, the whole system in l2aepvp was different. It was allegedly an earlier version and it used something called Player Passport or something like that. Anyway, the only way is to reverse-engineer (reconstruct) it by looking at the calls and imagining what it is used for and what it should consist of.  
    • i know bro... i need the file or class to finish implement this share..   I can't find the l2aepvp source code anywhere, I don't know if it has been released for free or not to search code to patch errors
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