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Welcome to GNBot ¶


GNBot is an opensource project based on fox bot.This program gives you the ability to auto exp in your favourate Lineage2 Servers


GNBot is written in pure java for best compability to work 100% on L2JServers.But L2FBot works on official servers too


We dont have any rensposibility if a gm caught you and ban you.Use it at your own risk....


GNBot is distributed under the terms of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE in a hope that open source model is the best for developping quality software giving everyone a possibility to participate on development by submitting the code.


Soon we will have our forum and irc for support


Our project needs more developers.Send your aplication at:jlamprou@hotmail.com Enjoy!






Project is the begginning so dont wait more..at this time...


Developers:EzEraL(ME), and Ns


When he says nS he means me :P


The program will not be given compiled,since it's for now under development...If you want to compile it do it...


When the bot is finished we will share the compiled version.


(New features comming soon...!)



PS:Move it to Bot Section please.



He's still working on it, but I think it'll be OOG only for the time being. :P

It's really nice to see people still developing bots for Lineage2 :D


Can you climb the BOT compiled rapidshare or any other place?

I get an error when trying to compile the bot with foxL2Walker.bat or Debug.bat

"Could not find the main class. Program will exit"


When he says nS he means me :P


The program will not be given compiled,since it's for now under development...If you want to compile it do it...


When the bot is finished we will share the compiled version.


(New features comming soon...!)



PS:Move it to Bot Section please.


Good Blane...We are waiting,but i am almost sure that it can't replace L2Walker..L2Walker is a Legend.

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