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How to control your MP,when beeing in a party with SWS


plus what about skills/dance enchantments

thats what i talked about here

fist of all so called "take distance" , you will give dance in a corner and swm in other, so the party members will be between you too and take "disco" from both, but you will not take songs, and he will not take dances.

if swm don't know about this, learn him, understand that not all are experts so lose 2 mins and learn him than call him noob and make the party die.

you will see how easy is to apply it, most of the rooms (Monastery of Silence / Imperial Tomb / etc. ) and as well other farm spots, got the perfect distance from a corner to other for this "tactic".

as i said ill come with an update for this guide,

oly tips/enchants and more.

but i was busy lately :)


Don't think that -DEX is a good idea since he needs attack speed to dance faster. Sws used to be my best char when I was playing L2, and it did quite a difference on him, so I guess it goes like that for bd also...

-dex will make from lets say 5 sec time to give dances in 7 sec. which is not a big deal.

but still i cheked some things and edited to -str even in hb+ for pvp :)


Skills Enchantment


Active Skills


because you dont have any dance that should be up every time (for example vitally song, which if u let it end, and you give it again, it will increas ur max hp, but will nut heal that part).

all your enchants will go for cost, like this you will let the swm song first in pvp party (where u have to be 1near the other), plus because you will give lesser dance than him.



since you cant remedusa a guy that is already in medusa stance,

the enchant for this skill will go for Success Rate.


skill0765.pngDance of Blade Storm

since this skill last only for 30 sec's,

i suggest you duration.



this skills is kinda overpowered, i mean,

he decrease a LOT of enemy's p.def,

so i suggest you here to go for effectiveness.

also you can choose chance if you see ur land rate is low, but i doubt.


skill0115_0.pngPower Break

this skill is opposite of hex, so the enchant criteria will be the same,

but i personally dont use this skill so much, only vs archers mainly and only at oly.

so i suggest you to enchant it only if u have to much bog's or other skills enchanted already



enchant it on chance.


skill0105_0.pngFreezing Strike

well, this skill is mainly for oly, because in open field you will not have a big chance to make ppl run from you,

so enchant it only if you go oly and on chance.

because when you need this skill YOU REALLY NEED IT, so you need its maximum chance to land.


Passive Skills

skill0191_0.pngFocus Mind

we got only 1 option, so go for it.


skill0147_0.pngMagic Resistance

we got only 1 option, so go for it.


skill0428_0.pngInner Rhythm

we got only 1 option, so go for it.


skill0144_0.pngDual Weapon Mastery

what it should be, atk speed or p.atk ?


well if you are a farmer, so mainly you use duals, go for atk.speed.

but if you go for oly, and make lot of pvp's, you will prefer a bow, so i suggest you p.atk.



well here it depend on you.

we got 3 options, 1 for sleep resistance, 1 for hold, and 1 with both(ofc on a lower bonuses).


sleep resistance is mainly for pvp,

and hold for oly,


so you will choose the one that fit you better,

if you play oly and pvp in the same proportion, then i suggest you the middle one


*rest of the skills i didnt write here, are not that important, so you better not use ur bogs for them.


updated with skills enchantments , if i miss anything please let me know..


also i guess u saw already the "more colored" part of the guide.


soon ill update it with few oly tips :)



Well sad is you cant do much here, since you will be targeted.

But hope there is,


Buy a Bow first of all, you will use duals only vs some few classes.

So here you are:


Self Buffs:

skill0091_0.png - Defense Aura (P.def)

skill0077_0.png - Attack Aura (P.atk)

skill0112_0.png - Deflect Arrow (Bow.P.def)


skill0275_0.png - Dance of Fury (Atk.Speed)

skill0274_0.png - Dance of Fire (Crit.Dmg)

skill0271_0.png - Dance of Warrior (P.Atk)


skill0273_0.png - Dance of Mystic (M.Atk)



Vs Malee add this one too.

skill0310_0.png - Dance of Vampiric (Rech.HP from DMG you give to adversary.)


Vs Bow Users add this one too.

skill0765.png - Dance of Blade Storm (Bow.P.Def)


Vs Mystic Muse (water mage) add this one too.

skill0307_0.png - Dance of Aqua (Aqua.M.Def)


Vs Soul Taker & Eva Saint & Shillien Saint (water mage) add this one too.

skill0530.png - Dance of Alignment (Holy & Dark / P.Def & M.Def)



In Chronicles till Hell Bound you will gate haste (atk.speed) and wind walk (speed), automatically when match start.

But above that chronicle you will have to choose 5 buffs from the npc, so you will take: Death Whisper (Crit.Dmg), Guidance (Accurancy), Wind Walk (Speed), Empower (M.Atk), Might (P.Atk) , you may ask now why you take Might since you got it as self buff, well your might is lvl 2, and this one lvl 3 ;)


Other Buffs:

Focus (Crit.Chance) - weapon_staff_of_evil_sprit_i01.png - Staff Of Evil Spirits - Focus Special Ability.

Mental Shield (Curses Resist) - weapon_sprites_staff_i01.png - Sprite's Staff - Magic Mental Shield Special Ability.

Bless the Body (Maximum Hp) - weapon_staff_of_evil_sprit_i01.png - Staff Of Evil Spirits - Bless Body Special Ability.


You will have to use one of your "Good buff skill", as heal, or any other buff you got, in order to receive this buffs.

First of all equip one of your weapon, and use for example Defense Aura till you get the respective Special Ability buff, after you got that, put next weapon in hand and do the same, and so long...


Now that you are buffed with self and from npc, you will remain to dance in last 20 sec's, and ATENTION, dance of blade storm, dance only when match start and if the respective guy use a bow. when it ended dance again, same for all dances you got.




Now that you are fully buffed lets see some:


Oly PvP Tips.


A bow will be better than anything, not even VR will help you, just because if the respective class have low HP, he got big Atk, so you will die fast, if he got low Atk, he got big HP so you will die slow....

Mainly try to run, arrest your target, but first of all use your debuffs.


Power Break, to decrease his P.Atk (if he is a fighter).

And always Hex, to lower his P def.

also use Sting, its really effective in this cases.


Always try to keep your target at distance with Arrest and Frezing Strike.

And remember in Gracia+ Bow Dmg depend on your distance from your enemy, more of it = more dmg.


Real chances you will got vs Sword Muse, other Spectral Dancer, few Spoilers, Archers and thats kinda all,in lower chronicles you may win vs daggers as well.

Also keep in mind you may get that luck to Medusa the pet of a summoner and like this pown the master fast.


Use Ultimate Defense at 60% of your HP, and try to Arrest the target before, start to hit him (to be sure you are near him) an then use the Ultimate Defense (ofc use duals in this case)


All this being said, i suggest you Class Based Olympiad, because its much easyer vs a better equiped char, but with the same class as you, than random players.


i was away but now that im back i did the last thing i guess was missing.


this are only few tips, because i cant tell you Do That and That, because after you will come and say " I did all you said and i lost".

So consider my tips and try to get your style depending on your ppl vs you fight for.



ps: if there will be needed updates, ill add them.

Have Fun !


lol dude why did u hide it?;P

also,about DEX(in start,less is the right word,not less'er ;) )


Glad to see that u are making updates

updates will come more if is needed.


at hide, well because 10 most of ppl can have it, and i dont want the milions of randoms view it :)

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