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Everything posted by Agelos_DSF

  1. me t mmocore rework dn ftiaxneis akrivos to attacker alla noobish error k alla tetoia :) gia t attacker thes IPv4Filter
  2. unban my friend akken coyote banned him w/o reason (he was supporting maxsound on a topic)
  6. servername.e-dat c/p another and try if not something is happening with the gameserver.sql
  7. why dont you take again the default handler and try to put again your code there ^^ ?
  8. 1st of all i am saying i got copyrights from him to sell them 2nd he banned cause supporting maxsound against coyote check report section asking for akkens unban and check ed reply ^^
  9. not all in english and are based on the latest la2base files i am currently trying to translate them ^^ Edit: You can check them via team viewer.. about test server i will try to find something ^^
  10. Hello, i wanna sell a project based on latest russian files and got many fixes and retail content. (Note a friend of mine got the files and i got every copyrights to sell them) [scripts] All bosses working 100% including Core,Zaken retail and in .java files Reworked Datapack engine and now supports also .java files on scripts Added missing quests Fixed most of the skills and there is not missing skill (Shield of revenge now exist on D.avengers) <-- example All configs are in .ini format Fast,reworked,reliable MMOCore Flood protection for everyrhing. Sieges/Fortresses working 100% example of bosses config: ####################### # Antharas ####################### # Interval time of Antharas. # Value is minute. Range 5-20160 FixIntervalOfAntharas = 11520 RandomIntervalOfAntharas = 8640 # Delay of appearance time of Antharas. # Value is minute. Range 5-60 AppTimeOfAntharas = 10 # Activity time of Antharas. # Value is minute. Range 120-720 ActivityTimeOfAntharas = 120 # Type of Antharas subjugation. # If setting 'True'. The change in the power of Antharas doesn't occur. OldAntharas = False # Limitation value to change power of Antharas by number of players in Antharas's lair. # --Notes-- # Weak: LimitOfWeak >= Players # Normal: LimitOfWeak < Players <= LimitOfNormal # Strong: Players > LimitOfNormal # if LimitOfWeak >= LimitOfNormal then LimitOfNormal = LimitOfWeak + 1 # Weak LimitOfWeak = 299 # Normal LimitOfNormal = 399 # Interval time for spawn of Antharas's minions. # Value is minute. Range 1-10 # Behemoth Dragon # Weak IntervalOfBehemothOnWeak = 8 # Normal IntervalOfBehemothOnNormal = 5 # Strong IntervalOfBehemothOnStrong = 3 # Dragon Bomber # Weak IntervalOfBomberOnWeak = 6 # Normal IntervalOfBomberOnNormal = 4 # Strong IntervalOfBomberOnStrong = 3 # Whether it moves at random after Antharas appears is decided. MoveAtRandom = True ####################### # Baium ####################### # Interval time of Baium. # Value is minute. Range 5-12960 FixIntervalOfBaium = 7200 RandomIntervalOfBaium = 5760 # Activity time of Baium. # Value is minute. Range 120-720 ActivityTimeOfBaium = 120 # Whether it moves at random after Baium appears is decided. MoveAtRandom = True # Time limit until Baium sleeps. # Value is minute. Range 30-90 LimitUntilSleep = 30 ####################### # Imperial Tomb ####################### #0:commandchannel #1:party #2:single RegistrationMode = 1 RegistrationTime = 10 MinPartyCount = 4 MaxPartyCount = 5 MinPlayerCount = 5 MaxPlayerCount = 45 TimeLimit = 35 # Interval time of Frintezza. # Value is minute. Range 5-20160 FixIntervalOfFrintezza = 11520 RandomIntervalOfFrintezza = 8640 # Delay of appearance time of Frintezza. # Value is minute. Range 5-60 AppTimeOfFrintezza = 20 # Activity time of Frintezza. # Value is minute. Range 120-720 ActivityTimeOfFrintezza = 120 ####################### # Sailren ####################### # Whether to enable the entry of a single player. EnableSinglePlayer = False # Interval of spawn of next Sailren. # Value is minute. Range 5-2880 FixIntervalOfSailrenSpawn = 1440 RandomIntervalOfSailrenSpawn = 1440 # Interval of spawn of next monster. # Value is minute. Range 1-10 IntervalOfNextMonster = 1 # Activity time of monsters # Value is minute. Range 120-720 ActivityTimeOfMobs = 120 ####################### # Valakas ####################### # Interval time of Valakas. # Value is minute. Range 5-20160 FixIntervalOfValakas = 11520 RandomIntervalOfValakas = 8640 # Time limit of invade to lair of bosses after server restarted. TimeLimitOfInvade = 1800000 # Delay of appearance time of Valakas. # Value is minute. Range 5-60 AppTimeOfValakas = 20 # Activity time of Valakas. # Value is minute. Range 120-720 ActivityTimeOfValakas = 120 # Limit of the number of the player that can enter into the lair of Valakas. # Range 9-360 CapacityOfLairOfValakas = 200 # Whether it moves at random after Valakas appears is decided. MoveAtRandom = True ####################### # Priestess van Halter ####################### # Interval time of High Priestess van Halter. # Value is second. Range 300-864000 # Time of the interval is decided at random between FixIntervalOfVanHalter and FixIntervalOfVanHalter+RandomIntervalOfVanHalter. FixIntervalOfHalter = 172800 RandomIntervalOfHalter = 86400 # Delay of appearance time of High Priestess van Halter. # Value is second. Range 5-60 AppTimeOfHalter = 20 # Activity time of High Priestess van Halter. # Value is second. Range 7200-86400 ActivityTimeOfHalter = 21600 # Time of fight against High Priestess van Halter. # Value is second. Range 7200-21600 FightTimeOfHalter = 7200 # Count and interval of Royal Guard Helper calling. # Count Range 1-6 CallRoyalGuardHelperCount = 6 # Value is second. Range 1-60 CallRoyalGuardHelperInterval = 10 # Interval of opening and shutting of Door Of Altar. # Value is second. Range 60-5400 IntervalOfDoorOfAlter = 5400 # Time of lock to Door Of Altar after intruder is detected. # Value is second. Range 60-600 TimeOfLockUpDoorOfAltar = 180 Offline shops working 4Sepulchers 100% implemented Banned ip on .ini format Core npc buffer with all the damn buffs you need New enchantment chance system (You can check them via team viewer) Reworked Geoengine now geodata will be more reliable and bugless Config to decide allowed subclass Custom Color Manager Team vs. Team Event CTF Event Allowed files showed of with team viewer. Price for pack compiled 10 euros paysafe price for pack source 20 (including compiled) price for pack compiled 8 paypal price for pack source 15 (including compiled) Just pm me
  11. 30 ppl on start isnt that bad.. and also ... if i pay ads on hopzone i will get accepted.. it got 2 months feature.. just a wipe and refixed...
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