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[L2J] L2Flector


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Paul seriously get your own server then advertise it, you advertised at least 20+ servers already. You look pathetic doing that for absolutely fail servers. Give it up man

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Paul seriously get your own server then advertise it, you advertised at least 20+ servers already. You look pathetic doing that for absolutely fail servers. Give it up man

He's doing this for post count surely


The server is a fail since the blessed scroll can only be obtained by vote...The normal enchant rate should be at least 80-85%


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He's doing this for post count surely


The server is a fail since the blessed scroll can only be obtained by vote...The normal enchant rate should be at least 80-85%


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it isnt fail the enchant system (i believe).70% with normal scrolls its balanced (at enchant rates).You can make with 2 or 3 hours enchant full items +16 or more!then you wait for vote rewards and in 1 day maximum you are full enchanted and ready for pvp!

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He open many server but this is rly good. I think if the little lags will fix and the vote sytem work. He will grow very fast. GL



Servers aren't his, he just advertises other peoples' servers.

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it isnt fail the enchant system (i believe).70% with normal scrolls its balanced (at enchant rates).You can make with 2 or 3 hours enchant full items +16 or more!then you wait for vote rewards and in 1 day maximum you are full enchanted and ready for pvp!


I was waiting 30mins for reward and i got nothing :S maybe bad luck

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admin why change heroes every 6 days? and at feautures tells every 2 weeks..omg..also fix this vote reward..or change the way to obtain bless scroll..


why u guys bother about this,u need understand that "GM" on that server is someone who even doesnt know his job.I call that LOLGM.hahahaha i am been all day online in game and i dont get any vote revard except  im got pked about 500+ times when im trying to farm some gold bars for ls from +++++++ LOL ppl.hah im been pked even when i am wear c grade armor and weap.im better going to play sacreed first version than this :P

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ADMIN/GM have to comprehend him self and the server at all...............................................


Wake up ADMIN'S/GM'S and fix server!

Open 1 good server, not 1xxxxxxxxxxxx shity!!!

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i dont understand why this server are in top10 in hopzone  ?


1. boring , you cant farm because dont have items for farm

2. you need sit in town 24/7 and wait because u can buy blessed scroll 100% only from vote reward

3. unbalance... for example paladin with dagger better from paladin with blunt or sword :)

on pvp i see only archer/mage and some time paladin ... other class are 1% or 0% useful

4. ofc bugs ... simple bugs like many time when i die and press go to village noting happen need relog

some time my char stuck on char list room and cant log until next server restart ...

5. low protected easy to be crashed and broken

6 some skills not work right or his effect time is to much for pvp server .. for example :

Shield Slam effect time 2 min+

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