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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. lol wtf...i just rejected 3 servers. That means i'm bot? I got pm too bro... And as i said i'd like items in a fair high rate (mostly) server , w/o rly caring bout rates. There are thousands of servers and i just rejected 3...i'm sry bout that. (lol) Keep flaming me if u want, but i still want items to start smth new that will rly WORTH playing and not sh1ting arround. So till i find the preferable server with i'll keep bumping my thread w/o breaking forum rules. Yours, NiOSe.
  2. core? nope, no no... just no :P :P
  3. no sry bro..i didn't rly like shax. I just checked up on it some days ago, however thank you.
  4. i'm not rly interested in money m8, since i only want to start smth new. The aug rate we suppose to be (cause we don't know for sure, neither from forum infos) the default value (11%). It's pretty difficult, or i'm just unlucky cause i have alrdy spent almost 2k LS to get only those 9-10 augs (passive+actives)
  5. imo, ifeel sucks like hell.. i wouldn't recommend it at all.
  6. okie dokie then... :)
  7. are u maybe interested in items in l2java x5000 server? (donated maxed items + augs)
  8. another fail server with tons of lag... next plz!
  9. no sry bro, but thnx.
  10. yeah good server having tons of lag with only 20 ppl online...
  11. yeah good server having tons of lag with only 20 ppl online...
  12. yeah good server having tons of lag with only 20 ppl online...
  13. Btw, IG u said that u were doing a fast RR to fix mages m.att (it was the time i just logged in). Do u know what did i see after RR as a new player? Me as a sorceror doing MAX 260dmg on a HE with simple S grade gear +0 (same as me). Doesn't seem to be fixed tho...
  14. Btw, IG u said that u were doing a fast RR to fix mages m.att (it was the time i just logged in). Do u know what did i see after RR as a new player? Me as a sorceror doing MAX 260dmg on a HE with simple S grade gear +0 (same as me). Doesn't seem to be fixed tho...
  15. Btw, IG u said that u were doing a fast RR to fix mages m.att (it was the time i just logged in). Do u know what did i see after RR as a new player? Me as a sorceror doing MAX 260dmg on a HE with simple S grade gear +0 (same as me). Doesn't seem to be fixed tho...
  16. i'm on p.att char set (zerk+g.might), since Barrier has pretty low reuse and it's like being enabled almost all day long. However thank you.
  17. u can also check up on l2java's faction server...pretty nice too with good community.
  18. i got tooons of lag in my first and only 10 mins in server.... (don't tell me bout my internet connection cause it'd be pointless)
  19. no sry bro...i got items there too (not maxed tho, round +20-23) , and i'm not rly interested in, but if u got in any other server good items feel free to pm me. Thnx :)
  20. i joined and that's what i saw is, that if were supposed to spend bout 2-3 months at pride to get descent gear (playing for a normal ammount of time every day), at this "copy" u need almost half time. The difference is that , server's community unfortunatelly is about 90% less , full of angry kids (just login and check @ shout/trade chat -there is nothing that server's team can do ofc, i'm just metioning the facts-), and the donation is pretty unbalanced , cause items are pretty "cheap" in comparison the farm time u need to spend IG. Well, it's a pretty nice server , but i don't rly know if it does rly worth spending so much time to get descent gear.
  21. edited
  22. server offline so fast, or just update issues?? (This has to be the fastest server's death, ever)
  23. add prefix @ ur title and add more infos at description if u got custom items or not.
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