80 PW (Noble with 77 HE, 77 Elemental Summoner, 76 Titan subs)
79 SwS (Noble, songs +9)
79 Warlock (Noble, 78 Storm Screamer sub)
78 Shillien Saint
PM me for more information or write in the thread.
As topic says.
43,08 EE
Karmian Set (+C shield)
C jewlery
Top D (shop) weapon
+12 CON
Normal name
42 BD
Composite set
D jewlery
C-grade duals
Normal name
Both come with 500k adena each.
Write in thread or PM me for info.
Ok, now I've payed and everything, and I'd like to warn people - It's EXTREMELY hard to setup this bot.. I've been trying for 3 straight hours and still gotten nowhere.. You need a lot of patience.. I've gotten tired, I'll try again tomorrow and see if I'm more lucky.. It's really really hard.