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Everything posted by dab32167

  1. WTS: 80 PW (Noble with 77 HE, 77 Elemental Summoner, 76 Titan subs) 79 SwS (Noble, songs +9) 79 Warlock (Noble, 78 Storm Screamer sub) 78 Shillien Saint PM me for more information or write in the thread.
  2. WTS characters on L2Dawn 5x Interlude 79 Spoiler 79 Windrider - Noble with good gear 78 SE PM me for more info.
  3. Still selling?
  4. Is there anyone up and running with decent amount of people and good client?
  5. As topic says. 43,08 EE Karmian Set (+C shield) C jewlery Top D (shop) weapon +12 CON Normal name 42 BD Composite set D jewlery C-grade duals Normal name Both come with 500k adena each. Write in thread or PM me for info.
  6. As topic says. I can add some adena/euro if needed.
  7. What's your skype?
  8. What's your full Skype name?
  9. +1 for a very good server, playing there now.
  10. +1 good seller, trusted and fast.
  11. Ok, now I've payed and everything, and I'd like to warn people - It's EXTREMELY hard to setup this bot.. I've been trying for 3 straight hours and still gotten nowhere.. You need a lot of patience.. I've gotten tired, I'll try again tomorrow and see if I'm more lucky.. It's really really hard.
  12. How do you expect me to pay and get key if everything is in russian? I've found all information necessary but how to fucking pay for a code :(
  13. Oh, any does it protect partymembers? Because some programs don't.. I mean if I have nuker + EE, will the nuker protect the EE if it gets aggro?
  14. If i pay 30$ I can use it for an unlimited amount of windows right?
  15. Still works?
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