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About LucasDesigner

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  1. Does anyone have diff 405 to 409 acis?
  2. I'm selling the Lucera2 Legacy server, it was from my old Rev + current server from the Lucera2 Classic Legacy. BlackFriday 150 euro for 85 euro .. contato for privado
  3. tenho todas revisao dele + souce .. vem de privado .
  4. I wanted to know why the code leaves this space
  5. code above is not c++ code above is java "SVR The current server time is " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); I want code in c++ can you
  6. DOES ANYONE HAVE A TIME SERVER CODE C++ EnterWorld L2OFF "SVR The current server time is " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
  7. Modification if you want to edit item by properties. Config.java + public static int MINA_REWARD_ID; + public static int MINA_REWARD_COUNT; + MINA_REWARD_ID = players.parseIntIntList("MinaReward", "57"); + MINA_REWARD_COUNT = players.getProperty("RewardCount", 500000); +# Minas Event Custom reward +MinaReward = 57 +RewardCount = 50000 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Broadcast; + net.sf.l2j.Config; original //add the item to give for reward private final static int _rewardItemID = 0; //add the quantity of reward items private final static int _itemQuantity = 0; modificada //add the item to give for reward - private final static int _rewardItemID = 0; + private final static int _rewardItemID = {Config.CHANGESEX_COIN_ID}; //add the quantity of reward items - private final static int _itemQuantity = 0; + private final static int _itemQuantity = {Config.CHANGESEX_COIN_ID};
  8. wrong area friend here and l2off not l2j
  9. most of the l2off and l2j contents are from 5 years ago ..
  10. since you upgraded a vip area to premium .. could at least share something new in the areas since they are donating .. put an area like that containing old ones. with update would bring but premium members to the forum.
  11. yes. send in private
  12. Teria como compartilhar souce no privado ?
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