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Everything posted by henio1112

  1. server looks rly promising, i will give a try :)
  2. i will give a try too, since last servers are total crap
  3. ill give a try, server besides forum looks rly good.
  4. ill give a try.
  5. "only one effect aplied even when the two identical necklaces are worn" nice, i missed something from this game? :happyforever: ps. Achylek still masz chuja w dupce?
  6. guess u havent ever seen server with 1100 online.
  7. holiday? is that server admin selling vorpals foundations? :D
  8. and they did. are u kidding me? just look forum how people are pissed off of this retail L2OFF High Five chronicle files with all known bugs fixed and with all features working as they should. 1. http://forum.beyond.lt/topic/6473-swag-server/ 2. http://forum.beyond.lt/topic/6441-mail-bug-lost-adena/ 3. http://forum.beyond.lt/topic/6444-nevits-blessing/ 4. http://forum.beyond.lt/topic/6439-trade-bug/ 5. http://forum.beyond.lt/topic/6450-pets-buff/ ps. youre so dumb to trust those admins after u have proffs, maybe u never played h5 pts but i did.
  9. so fail servidor :DDD quick review mails not works, or no they work but they are bugged and people were loses items (1kk at start not a big deal right?) admin at start wanst able to even log ingame, he just opened server and went sleep? O_o forum maintence when server starts? nice joke :- D also laggng like sh1t
  10. u definitly will >:D
  11. seems like good servidor, lets see how it goes! 3h till opening
  12. then answer me maybe here, why u decrease spoil rate two times (after 2nd day and 1 week) to sh1t when everyone was already geared? when i asked u in your forum about that u just deleted my post (not only mine), didnt saw any info somewhere about that. if u think ppl are idiots that will not notice it, your're wrong.
  13. that rly impressive, admin dont have fu.cking clue about game selling masterwork upper body, changes rates everyweekend and now that :DD acually now i agree (first time O_o with u guys) top serbidor
  14. same sh1t as stalone? u kidding? even files are same : o
  15. up. rly noone want this account? :E
  16. WTS Doomcryer 78 - Moirai Heavy Set +3 - Forgotten Blade 150 - Vesp Earring - Offline Shop Item - DC robe (buff bot :D ) To Acc i give Email as well. (requed to change pass) 10 euro paypal/PSC pm here or henio1112@gmail.com
  17. SH1T, not server even on HR u need to made quests for certs? Death penalty on? kidding? RB drops 1kk coins while other people need to farm for it like 3h? :Dno info about rb's at all, forum down. U can't even check online because community is off. no ty
  18. BUMP for a good server :-*
  19. i will be with few friends on live :P lets see how it goes
  20. more than 400 was yesterday (416 if i remember correctly)
  21. WUT, someone deleting my post did i broke rules or sth?
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