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Everything posted by Darule

  1. Hello everyone i want to make a program for Lol that will be around statistics etc. So i want to hear your ideas and create something that will be usefull for players and that will actually use. Post here your ideas and we will discuss about them and hopefully ill choose one that will worth it. I have a couple of ideas that i will post later.
  2. Paidia opoios mporei as checkarei mia to programataki pou exo ftiaksei, einai 1 tool gia to youtube mporeite na to deite stin ypografi mou. Briskei top comments k alla, einai akoma ypo kataskeui kai isos exei kapoia lathakia.
  3. Hello everyone i created a tool for youtube you can check it out for more in my personal blog. http://www.incognito-world.com/tools/youtube-comment-tool/
  4. @f0zi Try this one PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SUM(chr.points), SUM(it.count), ch.char_name, ch.pkkills, ch.pvpkills, ch.onlinetime, ch.base_class, ch.online, ch.accesslevel FROM characters ch LEFT JOIN character_raid_points chr ON ch.charId=chr.charId LEFT OUTER JOIN items it ON ch.charId=it.owner_id WHERE item_id=57 and ch.accesslevel=0 GROUP BY ch.charId ORDER BY " + sort + " DESC LIMIT " + Config.TOP_PLAYER_RESULTS); You fortgot to select the ch.accesslevel column.
  5. @makano: You didnt import correctly, try again for that file.
  6. @ChickenDinneR I dont think that u imported correct, try again u missing stuff.
  7. Einai poly noris akoma alla exoume kati sta skaria ean thes checkare mia to sig mou.
  8. Κάποιοι μπορεί να έχουν χορτάσει κάποιοι άλλοι όχι, γι αυτό κάνουμε και τα polls άλλωστε για να δούμε το τι ενδιαφέρον υπάρχει.
  9. Γεια σε όλους. Αποφασίσαμε μαζί με την ομάδα μου να ξεκινήσουμε έναν L2 Server. Έτσι λοιπόν δημιουργήσαμε ένα site και έχουμε κάποια polls για να βρούμε rates, chronicle και άλλα. Η ιδέα είναι να δημιουργήσουμε έναν server πάνω σε αυτά που θέλει το community. Δείτε το Site εδώ
  10. Hello everyone. Me and my team decided to start a new server and we want to know some stuff about it, so we created a site to do some polls to find rates, chronicles etc. Check the Site here
  11. Do other npc's work fine on normal char, i mean can you target other npcs with a normal char? If you can target others then its probly the configs of the buffer.
  12. I dont think that this is a simple request or that some1 could forward you to a similar code that its shared. I think it needs a bit effort for that and probly you wont get any help for this soon. Btw why i class should have or get a skilled that they arent allowed to?
  13. My review about your offer is Negative, i wouldnt recomend this to someone. Your post is so immature. Very few info's, and i dont like the "99 L2off" it just seems so fake. Developing something like that would take A LOT of hours, and you spent only 3 mins about to advertise your product... (effort time creating must be related to advertising quality) I dont see that relation anywhere here. Rly hope that you could prove me wrong.
  14. I dont think that this will help him... You will propably can do this in a chat handler and restrict these words. Or you can change the /sit command in the scripts to kick the player. Although simple chat as "noob" and "/sit" might need different touches i dont remember how they work. You could use the program that is making the chat filter and adjust it to ur needs.
  15. To problima pou eixes esy to eixe allo 1 paidi prin apo esena des edw http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=264051.msg2456851#msg2456851
  16. File to problima einai aplo den einai dyskolo. O gameserver sou den exei simbatotita me tin database sou. Auto tora mporei na einai gia pollous logous pou kata pasa pithanotita einai diko sou lathos. Dld den exeis kanei sosta tin anabathmisi tis DB. Mporei meta na sou petaksei kati akoma efoson den eixes perasei kai auta sosta.
  17. Auto akrivos sou eipe kai autos kai ego prepei na xrisimopoieiseis autes tis entoles gia na to kaneis auto.
  18. You will have to configure the mana restory by your self find the ID of the item open the item file and then go change the value that it restore's.
  19. To link einai auto - http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp To sql query einai apla entoli p tin kaneis stin navicat Patas ekei pou leei Query kai meta New Query Ekei tora esy prepei na grapseis tin entoli pou tha to kanei auto pou thes tin entoli tha prepei na tin kaneis monos sou Mporeis na diabaseis pos kaneis tetoia query sto site pou sou estila gia na pareis mia idea i na deis auto edw to post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=160590.0 yparxoun kai alla tetoia post stous mxc ean psakseis.
  20. Depending on your pack there is somewhere a config in your files that can enable the mana potions. A quick way to find the option is to 1)download notepad++ 2)Open all Config files 3)Press control+F 4)write "mana" or "mana potion" and click "Find All in all Opened Documents" Notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.3.html
  21. To problima einai oti o server psaxnei gia mia stili pou den yparxei, profanos kati exeis ksexasei O pinakas einai olympiad_nobles kai i stili auti charId Krata backup kapou oli tin db sou kai dokimase na ksanaperaseis ta sql tables.
  22. Your title is Greek and your content is english plz fix your title and you are in wrong section there is 2 boards for help related to l2j Greek http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0 English http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=64.0 Or you can request help for this at this section for money 1)http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=111.0 2)http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=113.0
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