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Everything posted by Tomcru1se

  1. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: stalone server like always :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:
  2. because i pay it, i have it , i test it i use it on live server, he has tooo many pages with good votes so i will ask you too: why you speak when you dont know?
  3. If you want pack use flash because it is the best hi5 here.
  4. :happyforever:
  5. :happyforever:
  6. omg ban this kid.
  7. lol ban this noob kid :happyforever:
  8. i dont know this karma how it works ask one from the staff
  9. Nicolás™ (25) Visius (-1) - keep hate In topic Today at 12:33:02 AM because you say something here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=258806.msg2487356#msg2487356
  10. good luck stalone until your next server
  11. lock my topic thanks.
  12. wts ranger 47 lvl kahrum server na.elyos. 3 parts steel rake. kromede bow +10. abyss belt. abyss helmet. 2 abyss jewels. 30 euro paypal.
  13. bump lameguard version:
  14. yes ok 500 euro for pack and tk website
  15. client - server side.
  16. no nulled lol. no-ip and no-ip acc. i will give you the no-ip from the lameguard and you will use no-ip to add your ip inside.
  17. Tomcru1se


    omg :(
  18. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=265706.0 i am sure he is scammer :troll: :troll:
  19. no with no-ip inside and no-ip acc to change your ips.
  20. I have one high five lameguard with no-ip inside and i want to sell it. price: 150 euro only paypal. Send me pm for more info. lameguard version:
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