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Everything posted by criss22

  1. i add in scripts.cfg. And this is code package custom.NpcBuffer; import static com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Util.formatAdena; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.commons.database.pool.impl.ConnectionFactory; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillData; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Summon; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2CubicInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PetInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ServitorInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.stat.PcStat; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.stat.SummonStat; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.status.PcStatus; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.status.SummonStatus; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.effects.L2EffectType; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.entity.TvTEvent; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.Skill; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SetSummonRemainTime; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SetupGauge; public class NpcBuffer extends Quest { private static final boolean DEBUG = true; private static void print(Exception e) { _log.warning(">>>" + e.toString() + "<<<"); if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static final String QUEST_LOADING_INFO = "Rin4a"; private static final int NPC_ID = 123; private static final String TITLE_NAME = "Scheme Buffer"; private static final boolean SCRIPT_RELOAD = false; private static final boolean SMART_WINDOW = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_BUFF_SECTION = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_SCHEME_SYSTEM = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_HEAL = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_HEAL_IN_COMBAT = false; private static final boolean ENABLE_BUFFS = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_RESIST = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_SONGS = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_DANCES = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_CHANTS = false; private static final boolean ENABLE_OTHERS = false; private static final boolean ENABLE_SPECIAL = false; private static final boolean ENABLE_CUBIC = false; private static final boolean ENABLE_BUFF_REMOVE = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_BUFF_SET = true; private static final boolean BUFF_WITH_KARMA = true; private static final boolean FREE_BUFFS = true; private static final boolean TIME_OUT = true; private static final int TIME_OUT_TIME = 3; private static final int MIN_LEVEL = 1; private static final int BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE = 10000; private static final int HEAL_PRICE = 10000; private static final int BUFF_PRICE = 1000; private static final int RESIST_PRICE = 1000; private static final int SONG_PRICE = 1000; private static final int DANCE_PRICE = 1000; private static final int CHANT_PRICE = 1000; private static final int OTHERS_PRICE = 1000; private static final int SPECIAL_PRICE = 1000; private static final int CUBIC_PRICE = 1000; private static final int BUFF_SET_PRICE = 15000; private static final int SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE = 20000; private static final int SCHEMES_PER_PLAYER = 4; private static final int CONSUMABLE_ID = 57; private static final int MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS = Config.BUFFS_MAX_AMOUNT; private static final int MAX_SCHEME_DANCES = Config.DANCES_MAX_AMOUNT; private static final String SET_FIGHTER = "Fighter"; private static final String SET_MAGE = "Mage"; private static final String SET_ALL = "All"; private static final String SET_NONE = "None"; private String rebuildMainHtml(QuestState st) { String MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32>"; String MESSAGE = ""; int td = 0; String[] TRS = { "<tr><td height=25>", "</td>", "<td height=25>", "</td></tr>" }; final String bottonA, bottonB, bottonC; if (st.getInt("Pet-On-Off") == 1) { bottonA = "Auto Buff Pet"; bottonB = "Heal My Pet"; bottonC = "Remove Pet Buffs"; MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Player Options\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " buffpet 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } else { bottonA = "Auto Buff"; bottonB = "Heal"; bottonC = "Remove Buffs"; MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Pet Options\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " buffpet 1 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_BUFF_SECTION) { if (ENABLE_BUFFS) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_buffs 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_RESIST) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Resist\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_resists 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_SONGS) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_songs 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_DANCES) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_dances 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_CHANTS) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_chants 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_SPECIAL) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Special\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_special 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_OTHERS) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Others\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_others 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } } if (ENABLE_CUBIC) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"Cubics\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_cubic 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (MESSAGE.length() > 0) { MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor=444444><tr>" + "<td><font color=00FFFF>Buffs:</font></td><td align=right>...</td></tr></table>" + "<BR1><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>" + MESSAGE + "</table>"; MESSAGE = ""; td = 0; } if (ENABLE_BUFF_SET) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"" + bottonA + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " castBuffSet 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_HEAL) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"" + bottonB + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " heal 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (ENABLE_BUFF_REMOVE) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"" + bottonC + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " removeBuffs 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (MESSAGE.length() > 0) { MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor=444444><tr>" + "<td><font color=00FFFF>Preset:</font></td><td align=right><font color=LEVEL>" + formatAdena(BUFF_SET_PRICE) + "</font> adena</td></tr></table>" + "<BR1><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>" + MESSAGE + "</table>"; MESSAGE = ""; td = 0; } if (ENABLE_SCHEME_SYSTEM) { MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += generateScheme(st); } if (st.getPlayer().isGM()) { MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><button value=\"GM Manage Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect manage_buffs 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font>" + "</center></body></html>"; return MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE; } private String generateScheme(QuestState st) { List<String> schemeName = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> schemeId = new ArrayList<>(); String HTML = ""; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id=?"); rss.setInt(1, st.getPlayer().getObjectId()); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); while (action.next()) { schemeName.add(action.getString("scheme_name")); schemeId.add(action.getString("id")); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } HTML += "<BR1><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor=444444><tr>" + "<td><font color=00FFFF>Scheme:</font></td><td align=right><font color=LEVEL>" + formatAdena(SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE) + "</font> adena</TD></TR></table>" + "<BR1><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"; if (schemeName.size() > 0) { String MESSAGE = ""; int td = 0; String[] TRS = { "<tr><td>", "</td>", "<td>", "</td></tr>" }; for (int i = 0; i < schemeName.size(); ++i) { if (td > 2) { td = 0; } MESSAGE += TRS[td] + "<button value=\"" + schemeName.get(i) + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " cast " + schemeId.get(i) + " x x\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + TRS[td + 1]; td += 2; } if (MESSAGE.length() > 0) { HTML += "<table>" + MESSAGE + "</table>"; } } if (schemeName.size() < SCHEMES_PER_PLAYER) { HTML += "<BR1><table><tr><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " create_1 x x x\" width=85 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"; } else { HTML += "<BR1><table width=100><tr>"; } if (schemeName.size() > 0) { HTML += "<td><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_1 x x x\" width=85 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>" + "<td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " delete_1 x x x\" width=85 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr></table>"; } else { HTML += "</tr></table>"; } return HTML; } private String reloadPanel(QuestState st) { return "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>" + "<font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font><br>" + "<img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=250 height=1><br>" + "<table width=260 border=0 bgcolor=444444>" + "<tr><td><br></td></tr>" + "<tr><td align=center><font color=FFFFFF>This option can be seen by GMs only and it<br1>allow to update any changes made in the<br1>script. You can disable this option in<br1>the settings section within the Script.<br><font color=LEVEL>Do you want to update the SCRIPT?</font></font></td></tr>" + "<tr><td></td></tr></table><br>" + "<img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=250 height=1><br><br>" + "<button value=\"Yes\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " reloadscript 1 0 0\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<button value=\"No\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " reloadscript 0 0 0\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "</center></body></html>"; } private String getItemNameHtml(QuestState st, int itemval) { return "" + itemval + ";"; } private int getBuffCount(String scheme) { int count = 0; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buff_class FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=?"); rss.setString(1, scheme); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); while (action.next()) { ++count; } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return count; } private String getBuffType(int id) { String val = "none"; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement act = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buffType FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=? LIMIT 1"); act.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = act.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { val = rs.getString("buffType"); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return val; } private boolean isEnabled(int id, int level) { boolean val = false; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement act = con.prepareStatement("SELECT canUse FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=? AND buffLevel=? LIMIT 1"); act.setInt(1, id); act.setInt(2, level); ResultSet rs = act.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { if ("1".equals(rs.getString("canUse"))) { val = true; } } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return val; } private boolean isUsed(String scheme, int id, int level) { boolean used = false; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=? AND skill_id=? AND skill_level=? LIMIT 1"); rss.setString(1, scheme); rss.setInt(2, id); rss.setInt(3, level); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); if (action.next()) { used = true; } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return used; } private int getClassBuff(String id) { int val = 0; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement getTipo = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buff_class FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=?"); getTipo.setString(1, id); ResultSet gt = getTipo.executeQuery(); if (gt.next()) { val = gt.getInt("buff_class"); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return val; } private String showText(QuestState st, String type, String text, boolean buttonEnabled, String buttonName, String location) { String MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"; MESSAGE += "<font color=LEVEL>" + type + "</font><br>" + text + "<br>"; if (buttonEnabled) { MESSAGE += "<button value=\"" + buttonName + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect " + location + " 0 0\" width=100 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } MESSAGE += "<font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return MESSAGE; } private String reloadConfig(QuestState st) { try { if (QuestManager.getInstance().reload(QUEST_LOADING_INFO)) { st.getPlayer().sendMessage("The script and settings have been reloaded successfully."); } else { st.getPlayer().sendMessage("Script Reloaded Failed. you edited something wrong! :P, fix it and restart the server"); } } catch (Exception e) { st.getPlayer().sendMessage("Script Reloaded Failed. you edited something wrong! :P, fix it and restart the server"); print(e); } return rebuildMainHtml(st); } private NpcBuffer() { super(-1, NpcBuffer.class.getSimpleName(), "custom"); addStartNpc(NPC_ID); addFirstTalkId(NPC_ID); addTalkId(NPC_ID); } private boolean isPetBuff(QuestState st) { return st.getInt("Pet-On-Off") != 0; } private String createScheme() { return "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br><br>You MUST seprerate new words with a dot (.)<br><br>Scheme name: <edit var=\"name\" width=100><br><br>" + "<button value=\"Create Scheme\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " create $name no_name x x\" width=200 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; } private String deleteScheme(L2PcInstance player) { String HTML = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>Available schemes:<br><br>"; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id=?"); rss.setInt(1, player.getObjectId()); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); while (action.next()) { HTML += "<button value=\"" + action.getString("scheme_name") + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " delete_c " + action.getString("id") + " " + action.getString("scheme_name") + " x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML; } private String editScheme(L2PcInstance player) { String HTML = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>Select a scheme that you would like to manage:<br><br>"; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id=?"); rss.setInt(1, player.getObjectId()); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); while (action.next()) { String name = action.getString("scheme_name"); String id = action.getString("id"); HTML += "<button value=\"" + name + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_select " + id + " x x\" width=200 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML; } private String getOptionList(String scheme) { int bcount = getBuffCount(scheme); String HTML = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>There are <font color=LEVEL>" + bcount + "</font> buffs in current scheme!<br><br>"; if (bcount < (MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS + MAX_SCHEME_DANCES)) { HTML += "<button value=\"Add buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_1 " + scheme + " 1 x\" width=200 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (bcount > 0) { HTML += "<button value=\"Remove buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_2 " + scheme + " 1 x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_1 0 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<button value=\"Home\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML; } private String buildHtml(String buffType) { String HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><br>"; List<String> availableBuffs = new ArrayList<>(); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement getList = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buffId,buffLevel FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffType=\"" + buffType + "\" AND canUse=1 ORDER BY Buff_Class ASC, id"); ResultSet rs = getList.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { int bId = rs.getInt("buffId"); int bLevel = rs.getInt("buffLevel"); String bName = SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(bId, bLevel).getName(); bName = bName.replace(" ", "+"); availableBuffs.add(bName + "_" + bId + "_" + bLevel); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } if (availableBuffs.size() == 0) { HTML_MESSAGE += "No buffs are available at this moment!"; } else { if (FREE_BUFFS) { HTML_MESSAGE += "All buffs are for <font color=LEVEL>free</font>!"; } else { int price = 0; switch (buffType) { case "buff": price = BUFF_PRICE; break; case "resist": price = RESIST_PRICE; break; case "song": price = SONG_PRICE; break; case "dance": price = DANCE_PRICE; break; case "chant": price = CHANT_PRICE; break; case "others": price = OTHERS_PRICE; break; case "special": price = SPECIAL_PRICE; break; case "cubic": price = CUBIC_PRICE; break; default: if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } HTML_MESSAGE += "All special buffs cost <font color=LEVEL>" + formatAdena(price) + "</font> adena!"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table>"; for (String buff : availableBuffs) { buff = buff.replace("_", " "); String[] buffSplit = buff.split(" "); String name = buffSplit[0]; int id = Integer.parseInt(buffSplit[1]); int level = Integer.parseInt(buffSplit[2]); name = name.replace("+", " "); HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td>" + getSkillIconHtml(id, level) + "</td><td><button value=\"" + name + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " giveBuffs " + id + " " + level + " " + buffType + "\" width=190 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "</table>"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML_MESSAGE; } private String generateQuery(int case1, int case2) { StringBuilder qry = new StringBuilder(); if (ENABLE_BUFFS) { if (case1 < MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS) { qry.append(",\"buff\""); } } if (ENABLE_RESIST) { if (case1 < MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS) { qry.append(",\"resist\""); } } if (ENABLE_SONGS) { if (case2 < MAX_SCHEME_DANCES) { qry.append(",\"song\""); } } if (ENABLE_DANCES) { if (case2 < MAX_SCHEME_DANCES) { qry.append(",\"dance\""); } } if (ENABLE_CHANTS) { if (case1 < MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS) { qry.append(",\"chant\""); } } if (ENABLE_OTHERS) { if (case1 < MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS) { qry.append(",\"others\""); } } if (ENABLE_SPECIAL) { if (case1 < MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS) { qry.append(",\"special\""); } } if (qry.length() > 0) { qry.deleteCharAt(0); } return qry.toString(); } private String viewAllSchemeBuffs$getBuffCount(String scheme) { int count = 0; int D_S_Count = 0; int B_Count = 0; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buff_class FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=?"); rss.setString(1, scheme); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); while (action.next()) { ++count; int val = action.getInt("buff_class"); if ((val == 1) || (val == 2)) { ++D_S_Count; } else { ++B_Count; } } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } String res = count + " " + B_Count + " " + D_S_Count; return res; } private String viewAllSchemeBuffs(String scheme, String page, String action) { List<String> buffList = new ArrayList<>(); String HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><br>"; String[] eventSplit = viewAllSchemeBuffs$getBuffCount(scheme).split(" "); int TOTAL_BUFF = Integer.parseInt(eventSplit[0]); int BUFF_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(eventSplit[1]); int DANCE_SONG = Integer.parseInt(eventSplit[2]); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { if (action.equals("add")) { HTML_MESSAGE += "You can add <font color=LEVEL>" + (MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS - BUFF_COUNT) + "</font> Buffs and <font color=LEVEL>" + (MAX_SCHEME_DANCES - DANCE_SONG) + "</font> Dances more!"; String QUERY = "SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffType IN (" + generateQuery(BUFF_COUNT, DANCE_SONG) + ") AND canUse=1 ORDER BY Buff_Class ASC, id"; PreparedStatement getBuffCount = con.prepareStatement(QUERY); ResultSet rss = getBuffCount.executeQuery(); while (rss.next()) { String name = SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(rss.getInt("buffId"), rss.getInt("buffLevel")).getName(); name = name.replace(" ", "+"); buffList.add(name + "_" + rss.getInt("buffId") + "_" + rss.getInt("buffLevel")); } } else if (action.equals("remove")) { HTML_MESSAGE += "You have <font color=LEVEL>" + BUFF_COUNT + "</font> Buffs and <font color=LEVEL>" + DANCE_SONG + "</font> Dances"; String QUERY = "SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=? ORDER BY Buff_Class ASC, id"; PreparedStatement getBuffCount = con.prepareStatement(QUERY); getBuffCount.setString(1, scheme); ResultSet rss = getBuffCount.executeQuery(); while (rss.next()) { String name = SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(rss.getInt("skill_id"), rss.getInt("skill_level")).getName(); name = name.replace(" ", "+"); buffList.add(name + "_" + rss.getInt("skill_id") + "_" + rss.getInt("skill_level")); } } else if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0><tr>"; final int buffsPerPage = 20; final String width, pageName; int pc = ((buffList.size() - 1) / buffsPerPage) + 1; if (pc > 5) { width = "25"; pageName = "P"; } else { width = "50"; pageName = "Page "; } for (int ii = 1; ii <= pc; ++ii) { if (ii == Integer.parseInt(page)) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=" + width + " align=center><font color=LEVEL>" + pageName + ii + "</font></td>"; } else if (action.equals("add")) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=" + width + ">" + "<button value=\"" + pageName + ii + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_1 " + scheme + " " + ii + " x\" width=" + width + " height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"; } else if (action.equals("remove")) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=" + width + ">" + "<button value=\"" + pageName + ii + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_2 " + scheme + " " + ii + " x\" width=" + width + " height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"; } else if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } HTML_MESSAGE += "</tr></table>"; int limit = buffsPerPage * Integer.parseInt(page); int start = limit - buffsPerPage; int end = Math.min(limit, buffList.size()); int k = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { String value = buffList.get(i); value = value.replace("_", " "); String[] extr = value.split(" "); String name = extr[0]; name = name.replace("+", " "); int id = Integer.parseInt(extr[1]); int level = Integer.parseInt(extr[2]); if (action.equals("add")) { if (!isUsed(scheme, id, level)) { if ((k % 2) != 0) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0 bgcolor=333333>"; } else { HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0 bgcolor=292929>"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td width=35>" + getSkillIconHtml(id, level) + "</td><td fixwidth=170>" + name + "</td><td><button value=\"Add\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " add_buff " + scheme + "_" + id + "_" + level + " " + page + " " + TOTAL_BUFF + "\" width=65 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>" + "</tr></table>"; k += 1; } } else if (action.equals("remove")) { if ((k % 2) != 0) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0 bgcolor=333333>"; } else { HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0 bgcolor=292929>"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td width=35>" + getSkillIconHtml(id, level) + "</td><td fixwidth=170>" + name + "</td><td><button value=\"Remove\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " remove_buff " + scheme + "_" + id + "_" + level + " " + page + " " + TOTAL_BUFF + "\" width=65 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>" + "</table>"; k += 1; } } HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_select " + scheme + " x x\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<button value=\"Home\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML_MESSAGE; } private String viewAllBuffTypes() { String HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"; HTML_MESSAGE += "<font color=LEVEL>[Buff management]</font><br>"; if (ENABLE_BUFFS) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list buff Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_RESIST) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Resist Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list resist Resists 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_SONGS) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list song Songs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_DANCES) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list dance Dances 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_CHANTS) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list chant Chants 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_SPECIAL) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Special Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list special Special_Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_OTHERS) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Others Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list others Others_Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_CUBIC) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Cubics\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list cubic cubic_Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; } if (ENABLE_BUFF_SET) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Buff Sets\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list set Buff_Sets 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML_MESSAGE; } private String viewAllBuffs(String type, String typeName, String page) { List<String> buffList = new ArrayList<>(); String HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"; typeName = typeName.replace("_", " "); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { final PreparedStatement getBuffCount; if (type.equals("set")) { getBuffCount = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffType IN (" + generateQuery(0, 0) + ") AND canUse=1"); } else { getBuffCount = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE buffType=?"); getBuffCount.setString(1, type); } ResultSet rss = getBuffCount.executeQuery(); while (rss.next()) { String name = SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(rss.getInt("buffId"), rss.getInt("buffLevel")).getName(); name = name.replace(" ", "+"); String usable = rss.getString("canUse"); String forClass = rss.getString("forClass"); String skill_id = rss.getString("buffId"); String skill_level = rss.getString("buffLevel"); buffList.add(name + "_" + forClass + "_" + page + "_" + usable + "_" + skill_id + "_" + skill_level); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } Collections.sort(buffList); HTML_MESSAGE += "<font color=LEVEL>[Buff management - " + typeName + " - Page " + page + "]</font><br><table border=0><tr>"; final int buffsPerPage; if (type.equals("set")) { buffsPerPage = 12; } else { buffsPerPage = 20; } final String width, pageName; int pc = ((buffList.size() - 1) / buffsPerPage) + 1; if (pc > 5) { width = "25"; pageName = "P"; } else { width = "50"; pageName = "Page "; } typeName = typeName.replace(" ", "_"); for (int ii = 1; ii <= pc; ++ii) { if (ii == Integer.parseInt(page)) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=" + width + " align=center><font color=LEVEL>" + pageName + ii + "</font></td>"; } else { HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=" + width + "><button value=\"" + pageName + "" + ii + "\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list " + type + " " + typeName + " " + ii + "\" width=" + width + " height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"; } } HTML_MESSAGE += "</tr></table><br>"; int limit = buffsPerPage * Integer.parseInt(page); int start = limit - buffsPerPage; int end = Math.min(limit, buffList.size()); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { String value = buffList.get(i); value = value.replace("_", " "); String[] extr = value.split(" "); String name = extr[0]; name = name.replace("+", " "); int forClass = Integer.parseInt(extr[1]); int usable = Integer.parseInt(extr[3]); String skillPos = extr[4] + "_" + extr[5]; if ((i % 2) != 0) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0 bgcolor=333333>"; } else { HTML_MESSAGE += "<BR1><table border=0 bgcolor=292929>"; } if (type.equals("set")) { String listOrder = null; if (forClass == 0) { listOrder = "List=\"" + SET_FIGHTER + ";" + SET_MAGE + ";" + SET_ALL + ";" + SET_NONE + ";\""; } else if (forClass == 1) { listOrder = "List=\"" + SET_MAGE + ";" + SET_FIGHTER + ";" + SET_ALL + ";" + SET_NONE + ";\""; } else if (forClass == 2) { listOrder = "List=\"" + SET_ALL + ";" + SET_FIGHTER + ";" + SET_MAGE + ";" + SET_NONE + ";\""; } else if (forClass == 3) { listOrder = "List=\"" + SET_NONE + ";" + SET_FIGHTER + ";" + SET_MAGE + ";" + SET_ALL + ";\""; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td fixwidth=145>" + name + "</td><td width=70><combobox var=\"newSet" + i + "\" width=70 " + listOrder + "></td>" + "<td width=50><button value=\"Update\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " changeBuffSet " + skillPos + " $newSet" + i + " " + page + "\" width=50 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"; } else { HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td fixwidth=170>" + name + "</td><td width=80>"; if (usable == 1) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Disable\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " editSelectedBuff " + skillPos + " 0-" + page + " " + type + "\" width=80 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"; } else if (usable == 0) { HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Enable\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " editSelectedBuff " + skillPos + " 1-" + page + " " + type + "\" width=80 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"; } } HTML_MESSAGE += "</table>"; } HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect manage_buffs 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<button value=\"Home\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; return HTML_MESSAGE; } private void manageSelectedBuff(String buffPosId, String canUseBuff) { String[] bpid = buffPosId.split("_"); String bId = bpid[0]; String bLvl = bpid[1]; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement upd = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE npcbuffer_buff_list SET canUse=? WHERE buffId=? AND buffLevel=? LIMIT 1"); upd.setString(1, canUseBuff); upd.setString(2, bId); upd.setString(3, bLvl); upd.executeUpdate(); upd.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } } private String manageSelectedSet(String id, String newVal, String opt3) { String[] bpid = id.split("_"); String bId = bpid[0]; String bLvl = bpid[1]; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement upd = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE npcbuffer_buff_list SET forClass=? WHERE buffId=? AND bufflevel=?"); upd.setString(1, newVal); upd.setString(2, bId); upd.setString(3, bLvl); upd.executeUpdate(); upd.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return viewAllBuffs("set", "Buff Sets", opt3); } private void addTimeout(QuestState st, int gaugeColor, int amount, int offset) { int endtime = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() + (amount * 1000)) / 1000); st.set("blockUntilTime", String.valueOf(endtime)); st.getPlayer().sendPacket(new SetupGauge(gaugeColor, (amount * 1000) + offset)); } private void heal(L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { L2Summon target = player.getSummon(); if (!isPet) { PcStatus pcStatus = player.getStatus(); PcStat pcStat = player.getStat(); pcStatus.setCurrentHp(pcStat.getMaxHp()); pcStatus.setCurrentMp(pcStat.getMaxMp()); pcStatus.setCurrentCp(pcStat.getMaxCp()); } else if (target != null) { SummonStatus petStatus = target.getStatus(); SummonStat petStat = target.getStat(); petStatus.setCurrentHp(petStat.getMaxHp()); petStatus.setCurrentMp(petStat.getMaxMp()); if (target instanceof L2PetInstance) { L2PetInstance pet = (L2PetInstance) target; pet.setCurrentFed(pet.getMaxFed()); player.sendPacket(new SetSummonRemainTime(pet.getMaxFed(), pet.getCurrentFed())); } else if (target instanceof L2ServitorInstance) { L2ServitorInstance summon = (L2ServitorInstance) target; // FIXME: summon.setLifeTimeRemaining(summon.getLifeTimeRemaining() - summon.getLifeTime()); summon.setLifeTimeRemaining(summon.getLifeTimeRemaining() + summon.getLifeTime()); player.sendPacket(new SetSummonRemainTime(summon.getLifeTime(), summon.getLifeTimeRemaining())); } else if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } } @Override public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (DEBUG) { } QuestState st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO); String[] eventSplit = event.split(" ", 4); if (eventSplit.length != 4) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_NAME_TRY_AGAIN); return null; } String eventParam0 = eventSplit[0]; String eventParam1 = eventSplit[1]; String eventParam2 = eventSplit[2]; String eventParam3 = eventSplit[3]; switch (eventParam0) { case "reloadscript": if (eventParam1.equals("1")) { return reloadConfig(st); } if (eventParam1.equals("0")) { return rebuildMainHtml(st); } if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } case "redirect": switch (eventParam1) { case "main": return rebuildMainHtml(st); case "manage_buffs": return viewAllBuffTypes(); case "view_buffs": return buildHtml("buff"); case "view_resists": return buildHtml("resist"); case "view_songs": return buildHtml("song"); case "view_dances": return buildHtml("dance"); case "view_chants": return buildHtml("chant"); case "view_others": return buildHtml("others"); case "view_special": return buildHtml("special"); case "view_cubic": return buildHtml("cubic"); default: if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } case "buffpet": if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { st.set("Pet-On-Off", eventParam1); if (TIME_OUT) { addTimeout(st, 3, TIME_OUT_TIME / 2, 600); } } return rebuildMainHtml(st); case "create": { String param = eventParam1.replaceAll("[ !" + "\"" + "#$%&'()*+,/:;<=>?@" + "\\[" + "\\\\" + "\\]" + "\\^" + "`{|}~]", ""); if ((param.length() == 0) || param.equals("no_name")) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_NAME_TRY_AGAIN); return showText(st, "Info", "Please, enter the scheme name!", true, "Return", "main"); } try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement ins = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO npcbuffer_scheme_list (player_id,scheme_name) VALUES (?,?)"); ins.setInt(1, player.getObjectId()); ins.setString(2, param); ins.executeUpdate(); ins.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return rebuildMainHtml(st); } case "delete": try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rem; rem = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM npcbuffer_scheme_list WHERE id=? LIMIT 1"); rem.setString(1, eventParam1); rem.executeUpdate(); rem.close(); rem = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=?"); rem.setString(1, eventParam1); rem.executeUpdate(); rem.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } return rebuildMainHtml(st); case "delete_c": return "<html><head><title>" + TITLE_NAME + "</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>Do you really want to delete '" + eventParam2 + "' scheme?<br><br>" + "<button value=\"Yes\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " delete " + eventParam1 + " x x\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<button value=\"No\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " delete_1 x x x\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" + "<br><font color=303030>" + TITLE_NAME + "</font></center></body></html>"; case "create_1": return createScheme(); case "edit_1": return editScheme(player); case "delete_1": return deleteScheme(player); case "manage_scheme_1": return viewAllSchemeBuffs(eventParam1, eventParam2, "add"); case "manage_scheme_2": return viewAllSchemeBuffs(eventParam1, eventParam2, "remove"); case "manage_scheme_select": return getOptionList(eventParam1); case "remove_buff": { String[] split = eventParam1.split("_"); String scheme = split[0]; String skill = split[1]; String level = split[2]; try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rem = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=? AND skill_id=? AND skill_level=? LIMIT 1"); rem.setString(1, scheme); rem.setString(2, skill); rem.setString(3, level); rem.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } int temp = Integer.parseInt(eventParam3) - 1; final String HTML; if (temp <= 0) { HTML = getOptionList(scheme); } else { HTML = viewAllSchemeBuffs(scheme, eventParam2, "remove"); } return HTML; } case "add_buff": { String[] split = eventParam1.split("_"); String scheme = split[0]; String skill = split[1]; String level = split[2]; int idbuffclass = getClassBuff(skill); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement ins = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO npcbuffer_scheme_contents (scheme_id,skill_id,skill_level,buff_class) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); ins.setString(1, scheme); ins.setString(2, skill); ins.setString(3, level); ins.setInt(4, idbuffclass); ins.executeUpdate(); ins.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } int temp = Integer.parseInt(eventParam3) + 1; final String HTML; if (temp >= (MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS + MAX_SCHEME_DANCES)) { HTML = getOptionList(scheme); } else { HTML = viewAllSchemeBuffs(scheme, eventParam2, "add"); } return HTML; } case "edit_buff_list": return viewAllBuffs(eventParam1, eventParam2, eventParam3); case "changeBuffSet": if (eventParam2.equals(SET_FIGHTER)) { eventParam2 = "0"; } else if (eventParam2.equals(SET_MAGE)) { eventParam2 = "1"; } else if (eventParam2.equals(SET_ALL)) { eventParam2 = "2"; } else if (eventParam2.equals(SET_NONE)) { eventParam2 = "3"; } else if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } return manageSelectedSet(eventParam1, eventParam2, eventParam3); case "editSelectedBuff": { eventParam2 = eventParam2.replace("-", " "); String[] split = eventParam2.split(" "); String action = split[0]; String page = split[1]; manageSelectedBuff(eventParam1, action); final String typeName; switch (eventParam3) { case "buff": typeName = "Buffs"; break; case "resist": typeName = "Resists"; break; case "song": typeName = "Songs"; break; case "dance": typeName = "Dances"; break; case "chant": typeName = "Chants"; break; case "others": typeName = "Others_Buffs"; break; case "special": typeName = "Special_Buffs"; break; case "cubic": typeName = "Cubics"; break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } return viewAllBuffs(eventParam3, typeName, page); } case "viewSelectedConfig": throw new RuntimeException(); case "changeConfig": throw new RuntimeException(); case "heal": if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { if (player.isInCombat() && !ENABLE_HEAL_IN_COMBAT) { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't use the heal function while in combat.", false, "Return", "main"); } if (st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < HEAL_PRICE) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color=LEVEL>" + HEAL_PRICE + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, CONSUMABLE_ID) + "!", false, "0", "0"); } final boolean getSummonbuff = isPetBuff(st); if (getSummonbuff) { if (player.getSummon() != null) { heal(player, getSummonbuff); } else { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!", false, "Return", "main"); } } else { heal(player, getSummonbuff); } st.takeItems(CONSUMABLE_ID, HEAL_PRICE); if (TIME_OUT) { addTimeout(st, 1, TIME_OUT_TIME / 2, 600); } } return SMART_WINDOW ? null : rebuildMainHtml(st); case "removeBuffs": if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color=LEVEL>" + BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, CONSUMABLE_ID) + "!", false, "0", "0"); } final boolean getSummonbuff = isPetBuff(st); if (getSummonbuff) { if (player.getSummon() != null) { player.getSummon().stopAllEffects(); } else { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!", false, "Return", "main"); } } else { player.stopAllEffects(); if (player.getCubics() != null) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : player.getCubics().values()) { cubic.stopAction(); player.getCubics().remove(cubic); } } } st.takeItems(CONSUMABLE_ID, BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE); if (TIME_OUT) { addTimeout(st, 2, TIME_OUT_TIME / 2, 600); } } return SMART_WINDOW ? null : rebuildMainHtml(st); case "cast": if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { List<Integer> buffs = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> levels = new ArrayList<>(); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement rss = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM npcbuffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=? ORDER BY id"); rss.setString(1, eventParam1); ResultSet action = rss.executeQuery(); while (action.next()) { int id = Integer.parseInt(action.getString("skill_id")); int level = Integer.parseInt(action.getString("skill_level")); switch (getBuffType(id)) { case "buff": if (ENABLE_BUFFS) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; case "resist": if (ENABLE_RESIST) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; case "song": if (ENABLE_SONGS) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; case "dance": if (ENABLE_DANCES) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; case "chant": if (ENABLE_CHANTS) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; case "others": if (ENABLE_OTHERS) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; case "special": if (ENABLE_SPECIAL) { if (isEnabled(id, level)) { buffs.add(id); levels.add(level); } } break; default: if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } if (buffs.size() == 0) { return viewAllSchemeBuffs(eventParam1, "1", "add"); } if (!FREE_BUFFS) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color=LEVEL>" + SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, CONSUMABLE_ID) + "!", false, "0", "0"); } } final boolean getSummonbuff = isPetBuff(st); for (int i = 0; i < buffs.size(); ++i) { if (!getSummonbuff) { npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player, buffs.get(i), 1, 1, 1)); SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(buffs.get(i), levels.get(i)).applyEffects(player, player); } else { if (player.getSummon() != null) { npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player.getSummon(), buffs.get(i), 1, 1, 1)); SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(buffs.get(i), levels.get(i)).applyEffects(player.getSummon(), player.getSummon()); } else { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!", false, "Return", "main"); } } } st.takeItems(CONSUMABLE_ID, SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE); if (TIME_OUT) { addTimeout(st, 3, TIME_OUT_TIME, 600); } } return SMART_WINDOW ? null : rebuildMainHtml(st); case "giveBuffs": { final int cost; switch (eventParam3) { case "buff": cost = BUFF_PRICE; break; case "resist": cost = RESIST_PRICE; break; case "song": cost = SONG_PRICE; break; case "dance": cost = DANCE_PRICE; break; case "chant": cost = CHANT_PRICE; break; case "others": cost = OTHERS_PRICE; break; case "special": cost = SPECIAL_PRICE; break; case "cubic": cost = CUBIC_PRICE; break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { if (!FREE_BUFFS) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < cost) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color=LEVEL>" + cost + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, CONSUMABLE_ID) + "!", false, "0", "0"); } } Skill skill = SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), Integer.parseInt(eventParam2)); if (skill.hasEffectType(L2EffectType.SUMMON)) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(skill.getItemConsumeId()) < skill.getItemConsumeCount()) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color=LEVEL>" + skill.getItemConsumeCount() + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, skill.getItemConsumeId()) + "!", false, "0", "0"); } } final boolean getSummonbuff = isPetBuff(st); if (!getSummonbuff) { if (eventParam3.equals("cubic")) { if (player.getCubics() != null) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : player.getCubics().values()) { cubic.stopAction(); player.getCubics().remove(cubic); } } npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player, Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), 1, 1, 1)); player.useMagic(SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), Integer.parseInt(eventParam2)), false, false); } else { npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player, Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), 1, 1, 1)); SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), Integer.parseInt(eventParam2)).applyEffects(player, player); } } else { if (eventParam3.equals("cubic")) { if (player.getCubics() != null) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : player.getCubics().values()) { cubic.stopAction(); player.getCubics().remove(cubic); } } npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player, Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), 1, 1, 1)); player.useMagic(SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), Integer.parseInt(eventParam2)), false, false); } else { if (player.getSummon() != null) { npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player.getSummon(), Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), 1, 1, 1)); SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(Integer.parseInt(eventParam1), Integer.parseInt(eventParam2)).applyEffects(player.getSummon(), player.getSummon()); } else { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!", false, "Return", "main"); } } } st.takeItems(CONSUMABLE_ID, cost); if (TIME_OUT) { addTimeout(st, 3, TIME_OUT_TIME / 10, 600); } } return SMART_WINDOW ? null : buildHtml(eventParam3); } case "castBuffSet": if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { if (!FREE_BUFFS) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < BUFF_SET_PRICE) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color=LEVEL>" + BUFF_SET_PRICE + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, CONSUMABLE_ID) + "!", false, "0", "0"); } } List<int[]> buff_sets = new ArrayList<>(); final int player_class; if (player.isMageClass()) { player_class = 1; } else { player_class = 0; } final boolean getSummonbuff = isPetBuff(st); if (!getSummonbuff) { try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement getSimilarNameCount = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buffId,buffLevel FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE forClass IN (?,?) ORDER BY id ASC"); getSimilarNameCount.setInt(1, player_class); getSimilarNameCount.setString(2, "2"); ResultSet rss = getSimilarNameCount.executeQuery(); while (rss.next()) { int id = rss.getInt("buffId"); int lvl = rss.getInt("buffLevel"); buff_sets.add(new int[] { id, lvl }); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } for (int[] i : buff_sets) { npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player, i[0], 1, 1, 1)); SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(i[0], i[1]).applyEffects(player, player); } } else { if (player.getSummon() != null) { try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement getSimilarNameCount = con.prepareStatement("SELECT buffId,buffLevel FROM npcbuffer_buff_list WHERE forClass IN (?,?) ORDER BY id ASC"); getSimilarNameCount.setString(1, "0"); getSimilarNameCount.setString(2, "2"); ResultSet rss = getSimilarNameCount.executeQuery(); while (rss.next()) { int id = rss.getInt("buffId"); int lvl = rss.getInt("buffLevel"); buff_sets.add(new int[] { id, lvl }); } } catch (SQLException e) { print(e); } for (int[] i : buff_sets) { npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, player.getSummon(), i[0], 1, 1, 1)); SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(i[0], i[1]).applyEffects(player.getSummon(), player.getSummon()); } } else { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!", false, "Return", "main"); } } st.takeItems(CONSUMABLE_ID, BUFF_SET_PRICE); if (TIME_OUT) { addTimeout(st, 3, TIME_OUT_TIME, 600); } } return SMART_WINDOW ? null : rebuildMainHtml(st); } return rebuildMainHtml(st); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Override public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO); if (st == null) { st = newQuestState(player); } if (player.isGM()) { if (SCRIPT_RELOAD) { return reloadPanel(st); } return rebuildMainHtml(st); } else if ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime")) { return showText(st, "Sorry", "You have to wait a while!<br>if you wish to use my services!", false, "Return", "main"); } if (!BUFF_WITH_KARMA && (player.getKarma() > 0)) { return showText(st, "Info", "You have too much <font color=FF0000>karma!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you don't have any karma!", false, "Return", "main"); } else if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(player)) { return showText(st, "Info", "You can not buff while you are in <font color=FF0000>Olympiad!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you are out of the Olympiad.", false, "Return", "main"); } else if (TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(player.getObjectId())) { return showText(st, "Info", "You can not buff while you are in <font color=\"FF0000\">TvT!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you are out of TvT!", false, "Return", "main"); } else if (player.getLevel() < MIN_LEVEL) { return showText(st, "Info", "Your level is too low!<br>You have to be at least level <font color=LEVEL>" + MIN_LEVEL + "</font>,<br>to use my services!", false, "Return", "main"); } else if (player.getPvpFlag() > 0) { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't buff while you are <font color=800080>flagged!</font><br>Wait some time and try again!", false, "Return", "main"); } else if (player.isInCombat()) { return showText(st, "Info", "You can't buff while you are attacking!<br>Stop your fight and try again!", false, "Return", "main"); } else { return rebuildMainHtml(st); } } @Override public boolean showResult(L2PcInstance player, String res) { if (SMART_WINDOW) { if ((player != null) && (res != null) && res.startsWith("<html>")) { final NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(); npcReply.setHtml(res); player.sendPacket(npcReply); player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } return super.showResult(player, res); } private String getSkillIconHtml(int id, int level) { String iconNumber = getSkillIconNumber(id, level); return "<button action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " description " + id + " " + level + " x\" width=32 height=32 back=\"Icon.skill" + iconNumber + "\" fore=\"Icon.skill" + iconNumber + "\">"; } private String getSkillIconNumber(int id, int level) { String formato; if (id == 4) { formato = "0004"; } else if ((id > 9) && (id < 100)) { formato = "00" + id; } else if ((id > 99) && (id < 1000)) { formato = "0" + id; } else if (id == 1517) { formato = "1536"; } else if (id == 1518) { formato = "1537"; } else if (id == 1547) { formato = "0065"; } else if (id == 2076) { formato = "0195"; } else if ((id > 4550) && (id < 4555)) { formato = "5739"; } else if ((id > 4698) && (id < 4701)) { formato = "1331"; } else if ((id > 4701) && (id < 4704)) { formato = "1332"; } else if (id == 6049) { formato = "0094"; } else { formato = String.valueOf(id); } return formato; } static public void main(String[] args) { new NpcBuffer(); } }
  2. I have all sql's installed correctly....so in game..when i press AUTOBUFF, nothing happend...all buttons it's dead..no1 working
  3. and i //reload quest, still nothing happend
  4. i have 2 sql's with buffer: npc_buffer.sql and npcbuffer_buff_list.sql . i have to delete npc_buffer.sql?
  5. ok..no one error in GameServer...in game work Buffer spawn and 2nd click...(i see schemes) but when i press any button..nothing happend...where i`ts wrong?
  6. only 1 error and it`s done...i make all what did you say Solomun, and i get a little error. 1. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1656) if (st.getQuestItemsCount(skill.getItemConsumeId()) < skill.getItemConsu meCount()>) ^ Syntax error on token ">", Expression expected after this token ---------- 1 problem (1 error) Syntax error on token ">", Expression expected after this token Dead code Dead code [15/09 21:18:18] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\L2Aris\game\data \scripts\custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java. See NpcBuffer.java.error.log for detai ls.
  7. all done..you read my mind..i get another errors .. 1. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 456) st.playSound(IAudio audio) ^^^^^^ Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s) ---------- 2. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 456) st.playSound(IAudio audio) ^ Syntax error, insert ";" to complete Statement ---------- 3. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1132) System.out.println(getScriptName() + "#onAdvEvent('" + event + "'," + (n pc == null ? "NULL" : npc.getId() + npc.getName()) + "," + (player == null ? "NU LL" : player.getName()) + ")"); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method getScriptName() is undefined for the type NpcBuffer ---------- 4. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1658) if (st.getQuestItemsCount(skill.getItemConsumeId()) < skill.getItemConsu me()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type Skill ---------- 5. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1660) return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You ne ed: <font color=LEVEL>" + skill.getItemConsume() + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, ski ll.getItemConsumeId()) + "!", false, "0", "0"); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type Skill ---------- 5 problems (5 errors) Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s) Syntax error, insert ";" to complete Statement The method getScriptName() is undefined for the type custom.NpcBuffer.NpcBuffer The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.m odel.skills.Skill The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.m odel.skills.Skill Dead code Dead code [15/09 20:32:26] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\L2Aris\game\data \scripts\custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java. See NpcBuffer.java.error.log for detai ls.
  8. Solomun, I appreciate your help...but i get some errors in GameServer. Check this. 1. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 32) import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 2. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 286) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 3. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 362) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 4. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 382) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 5. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 402) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 6. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 426) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 7. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 448) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 8. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 474) st.playSound("ItemSound3.sys_shortage"); ^^^^^^^^^ The method playSound(IAudio) in the type QuestState is not applicable for the ar guments (String) ---------- 9. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 520) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 10. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 541) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 11. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 582) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 12. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 729) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 13. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 764) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 14. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 934) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 15. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1065) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 16. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1085) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 17. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1150) System.out.println(getScriptName() + "#onAdvEvent('" + event + "'," + (n pc == null ? "NULL" : npc.getId() + npc.getName()) + "," + (player == null ? "NU LL" : player.getName()) + ")"); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method getScriptName() is undefined for the type NpcBuffer ---------- 18. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1229) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 19. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1245) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 20. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1285) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 21. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1317) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 22. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1496) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 23. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1676) if (st.getQuestItemsCount(skill.getItemConsumeId()) < skill.getItemConsu me()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type Skill ---------- 24. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1678) return showText(st, "Sorry", "You don't have the enough items:<br>You ne ed: <font color=LEVEL>" + skill.getItemConsume() + " " + getItemNameHtml(st, ski ll.getItemConsumeId()) + "!", false, "0", "0"); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type Skill ---------- 25. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1763) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 26. ERROR in \custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java (at line 1794) try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved ---------- 26 problems (26 errors) The import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved The method playSound(com.l2jserver.gameserver.enums.audio.IAudio) in the type co m.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState is not applicable for the argument s (java.lang.String) L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved The method getScriptName() is undefined for the type custom.NpcBuffer.NpcBuffer L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.m odel.skills.Skill The method getItemConsume() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.m odel.skills.Skill L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved L2DatabaseFactory cannot be resolved [15/09 19:42:01] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\L2Aris\game\data \scripts\custom\NpcBuffer\NpcBuffer.java. See NpcBuffer.java.error.log for detai
  9. Hi Developers...i add buffer in my server..and i get some error at line st.setState(STARTED) (i use l2jserver - High Five) here it`s error http:// And here it`s java code for buffer def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(STARTED) return InitialHtml Thank's.
  10. Solved..something was Hidden and i copy the code from package....
  11. look package custom.Services; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import com.l2jserver.commons.database.pool.impl.ConnectionFactory; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.data.sql.impl.CharNameTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.data.sql.impl.ClanTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; /** * @author Colet , Tradução OuTSide */ public class Services extends Quest { public static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Services.class.getName()); // NPC Id int servicesNpc = 9013; // Noble Items int nobleItemId = 57; long nobleItemCount = 1; // PK Reduce Items int pkReduceItemId = 57; long pkReduceItemCount = 1000; // Change Name Items int changeNameItemId = 57; long changeNameItemCount = 1000000; boolean logNameChanges = true; // Change Clan Name Items int changeClanNameItemId = 57; long changeClanNameItemCount = 50000; boolean logClanNameChanges = true; int clanMinLevel = 5; // Clan Level Items int[] clanLevelItemsId = { 57, // Level 5 to 6 57, // Level 6 to 7 57, // Level 7 to 8 57, // Level 8 to 9 57, // Level 9 to 10 57 // Level 10 to 11 }; long[] clanLevelItemsCount = { 6, // Level 5 to 6 7, // Level 6 to 7 8, // Level 7 to 8 9, // Level 8 to 9 10, // Level 9 to 10 11 // Level 10 to 11 }; // Clan Reputation Points Items int clanReputationPointsItemId = 57; long clanReputationPointsItemCount = 5; // Change Gender Items int changeGenderItemId = 57; long changeGenderItemCount = 50; public Services(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(servicesNpc); addFirstTalkId(servicesNpc); addTalkId(servicesNpc); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Services(-1, Services.class.getSimpleName(), "custom"); } public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (player.getQuestState(getName()) == null) { newQuestState(player); } else if (player.isInCombat()) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } else if (player.getPvpFlag() == 1) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } else if (player.getKarma() != 0) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } else if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(player)) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } return "Services.htm"; } public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmlText = event; QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName()); if (event.equals("setNoble")) { if (!player.isNoble()) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(nobleItemId) >= nobleItemCount) { st.takeItems(nobleItemId, nobleItemCount); player.setNoble(true); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "NoblesseServices-Success.htm"; } else { return "NoblesseServices-NoItems.htm"; } } else { return "NoblesseServices-AlredyNoble.htm"; } } else if (event.equals("levelUpClan")) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { return "ClanLevelUp-NoLeader.htm"; } else { if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 11) { return "ClanLevelUp-MaxLevel.htm"; } else { if (((player.getClan().getLevel() <= 1) || (player.getClan().getLevel() == 2) || (player.getClan().getLevel() == 3) || (player.getClan().getLevel() == 4))) { player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 5) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[0]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[0]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[0], clanLevelItemsCount[0]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 6) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[1]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[1]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[1], clanLevelItemsCount[1]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 7) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[2]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[2]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[2], clanLevelItemsCount[2]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 8) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[3]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[3]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[3], clanLevelItemsCount[3]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 9) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[4]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[4]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[4], clanLevelItemsCount[4]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 10) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[5]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[5]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[5], clanLevelItemsCount[5]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE clan_data SET clan_level=? WHERE clan_id=?")) { statement.setInt(1, player.getClan().getLevel()); statement.setInt(2, player.getClan().getId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.info("Error updating clan level for player " + player.getName() + ". Error: " + e); } player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } } } else if (event.equals("changeGender")) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(changeGenderItemId) >= changeGenderItemCount) { st.takeItems(changeGenderItemId, changeGenderItemCount); player.getAppearance().setSex(player.getAppearance().getSex() ? false : true); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "ChangeGender-Success.htm"; } else { return "ChangeGender-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (event.startsWith("changeName")) { try { String newName = event.substring(11); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(changeNameItemId) >= changeNameItemCount) { if (newName == null) { return "ChangeName.htm"; } else { if (!newName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")) { player.sendMessage("Nome incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } else if (newName.equals(player.getName())) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, escolha um nome diferente."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } else if (CharNameTable.getInstance().doesCharNameExist(newName)) { player.sendMessage("O nome " + newName + " já existe."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } else { if (logNameChanges) { String fileName = "log/Services/Name Change - " + player.getName() + ".txt"; new File(fileName); FileWriter fileText = new FileWriter(fileName); BufferedWriter fileContent = new BufferedWriter(fileText); fileContent.write("Character name change info:\r\n\r\nCharacter original name: " + player.getName() + "\r\nCharacter new name: " + newName); fileContent.close(); } st.takeItems(changeNameItemId, changeNameItemCount); player.setName(newName); player.store(true); player.sendMessage("Seu novo nome do personagem é " + newName); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "ChangeName-Success.htm"; } } } else { return "ChangeName-NoItems.htm"; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, insira um nome correto."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } } else if (event.startsWith("reducePks")) { try { String pkReduceString = event.substring(10); int pkReduceCount = Integer.parseInt(pkReduceString); if (player.getPkKills() != 0) { if (pkReduceCount == 0) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, coloque um valor mais alto."); return "PkServices.htm"; } else { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(pkReduceItemId) >= pkReduceItemCount) { st.takeItems(pkReduceItemId, pkReduceItemCount * pkReduceCount); player.setPkKills(player.getPkKills() - pkReduceCount); player.sendMessage("Você limpou com sucesso " + pkReduceCount + " PKs."); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "PkServices-Success.htm"; } else { return "PkServices-NoItems.htm"; } } } else { return "PkServices-NoPks.htm"; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Valor incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "PkServices.htm"; } } else if (event.startsWith("changeClanName")) { if (player.getClan() == null) { return "ChangeClanName-NoClan.htm"; } else { try { String newClanName = event.substring(15); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(changeClanNameItemId) >= changeClanNameItemCount) { if (newClanName == null) { return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { player.sendMessage("Apenas o líder do clã pode mudar o nome do clan."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() < clanMinLevel) { player.sendMessage("Seu clan deve ter pelo menos nível " + clanMinLevel + " para mudar o nome."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (!newClanName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")) { player.sendMessage("Nome incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (newClanName.equals(player.getClan().getName())) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, escolha um nome diferente."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (null != ClanTable.getInstance().getClanByName(newClanName)) { player.sendMessage("O nome " + newClanName + " já existe."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else { if (logClanNameChanges) { String fileName = "log/Services/Clan Name Change - " + player.getClan().getName() + ".txt"; new File(fileName); FileWriter fileText = new FileWriter(fileName); BufferedWriter fileContent = new BufferedWriter(fileText); fileContent.write("Clan name change info:\r\n\r\nClan original name: " + player.getClan().getName() + "\r\nClan new name: " + newClanName + "\r\nClan Leader: " + player.getName()); fileContent.close(); } st.takeItems(changeNameItemId, changeNameItemCount); player.getClan().setName(newClanName); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE clan_data SET clan_name=? WHERE clan_id=?")) { statement.setString(1, newClanName); statement.setInt(2, player.getClan().getId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.info("Error updating clan name for player " + player.getName() + ". Error: " + e); } player.sendMessage("O novo nome do clan é " + newClanName); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); return "ChangeClanName-Success.htm"; } } } else { return "ChangeClanName-NoItems.htm"; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, insira um nome correto."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } } } else if (event.startsWith("setReputationPoints")) { try { String reputationPointsString = event.substring(20); int reputationPointsCount = Integer.parseInt(reputationPointsString); if (player.getClan() == null) { return "ClanReputationPoints-NoClan.htm"; } else if (!player.isClanLeader()) { return "ClanReputationPoints-NoLeader.htm"; } else { if (reputationPointsCount == 0) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, coloque um valor mais alto."); return "ClanReputationPoints.htm"; } else { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanReputationPointsItemId) >= clanReputationPointsItemCount) { st.takeItems(clanReputationPointsItemId, clanReputationPointsItemCount * reputationPointsCount); player.getClan().addReputationScore(player.getClan().getReputationScore() + reputationPointsCount, true); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); return "ClanReputationPoints-Success.htm"; } else { return "ClanReputationPoints-NoItems.htm"; } } } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Valor incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "ClanReputationPoints.htm"; } } return htmlText; } }
  12. i don't have something..first line it`s package custom.Services;
  13. ---------- 1. ERROR in \custom\Services\Services.java (at line 1) package custom.Services; ^^^ Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens ---------- 1 problem (1 error) Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens [14/09 21:50:07] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\L2Aris\game\data \scripts\custom\Services\Services.java. See Services.java.error.log for details. and in Services.java.error.log compilation failed
  14. So..i think your edit it`s working..i try and i tell you
  15. HI all..I have code for Service Manager. But in ServiceManager.java i have some errors. (i think it's not for last rev. of L2jServer) and i want to know how i can modify few lines for good function in game. This is errors in GameServer.bat http:// and here it`s code for ServiceManager.java /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 L2J DataPack * * This file is part of L2J DataPack. * * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package custom.Services; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.l2jserver.commons.database.pool.impl.ConnectionFactory; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.data.sql.impl.CharNameTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.data.sql.impl.ClanTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; /** * @author Colet , Tradução OuTSide */ public class Services extends Quest { public static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Services.class.getName()); // NPC Id int servicesNpc = 9013; // Noble Items int nobleItemId = 57; long nobleItemCount = 1; // PK Reduce Items int pkReduceItemId = 57; long pkReduceItemCount = 1000; // Change Name Items int changeNameItemId = 57; long changeNameItemCount = 1000000; boolean logNameChanges = true; // Change Clan Name Items int changeClanNameItemId = 57; long changeClanNameItemCount = 50000; boolean logClanNameChanges = true; int clanMinLevel = 5; // Clan Level Items int[] clanLevelItemsId = { 57, // Level 5 to 6 57, // Level 6 to 7 57, // Level 7 to 8 57, // Level 8 to 9 57, // Level 9 to 10 57 // Level 10 to 11 }; long[] clanLevelItemsCount = { 6, // Level 5 to 6 7, // Level 6 to 7 8, // Level 7 to 8 9, // Level 8 to 9 10, // Level 9 to 10 11 // Level 10 to 11 }; // Clan Reputation Points Items int clanReputationPointsItemId = 57; long clanReputationPointsItemCount = 5; // Change Gender Items int changeGenderItemId = 57; long changeGenderItemCount = 50; public Services(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(servicesNpc); addFirstTalkId(servicesNpc); addTalkId(servicesNpc); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Services(-1, Services.class.getSimpleName(), "custom"); } public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (player.getQuestState(getName()) == null) { newQuestState(player); } else if (player.isInCombat()) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } else if (player.getPvpFlag() == 1) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } else if (player.getKarma() != 0) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } else if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(player)) { return "Services-Blocked.htm"; } return "Services.htm"; } public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmlText = event; QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName()); if (event.equals("setNoble")) { if (!player.isNoble()) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(nobleItemId) >= nobleItemCount) { st.takeItems(nobleItemId, nobleItemCount); player.setNoble(true); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "NoblesseServices-Success.htm"; } else { return "NoblesseServices-NoItems.htm"; } } else { return "NoblesseServices-AlredyNoble.htm"; } } else if (event.equals("levelUpClan")) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { return "ClanLevelUp-NoLeader.htm"; } else { if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 11) { return "ClanLevelUp-MaxLevel.htm"; } else { if (((player.getClan().getLevel() <= 1) || (player.getClan().getLevel() == 2) || (player.getClan().getLevel() == 3) || (player.getClan().getLevel() == 4))) { player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 5) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[0]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[0]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[0], clanLevelItemsCount[0]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 6) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[1]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[1]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[1], clanLevelItemsCount[1]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 7) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[2]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[2]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[2], clanLevelItemsCount[2]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 8) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[3]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[3]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[3], clanLevelItemsCount[3]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 9) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[4]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[4]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[4], clanLevelItemsCount[4]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() == 10) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanLevelItemsId[5]) >= clanLevelItemsCount[5]) { st.takeItems(clanLevelItemsId[5], clanLevelItemsCount[5]); player.getClan().setLevel(player.getClan().getLevel() + 1); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); player.sendMessage("Seu clan é agora nível " + player.getClan().getLevel() + "."); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } else { return "ClanLevelUp-NoItems.htm"; } } try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE clan_data SET clan_level=? WHERE clan_id=?")) { statement.setInt(1, player.getClan().getLevel()); statement.setInt(2, player.getClan().getClanId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.info("Error updating clan level for player " + player.getName() + ". Error: " + e); } player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); return "ClanLevelUp.htm"; } } } else if (event.equals("changeGender")) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(changeGenderItemId) >= changeGenderItemCount) { st.takeItems(changeGenderItemId, changeGenderItemCount); player.getAppearance().setSex(player.getAppearance().getSex() ? false : true); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "ChangeGender-Success.htm"; } else { return "ChangeGender-NoItems.htm"; } } else if (event.startsWith("changeName")) { try { String newName = event.substring(11); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(changeNameItemId) >= changeNameItemCount) { if (newName == null) { return "ChangeName.htm"; } else { if (!newName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")) { player.sendMessage("Nome incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } else if (newName.equals(player.getName())) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, escolha um nome diferente."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } else if (CharNameTable.getInstance().doesCharNameExist(newName)) { player.sendMessage("O nome " + newName + " já existe."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } else { if (logNameChanges) { String fileName = "log/Services/Name Change - " + player.getName() + ".txt"; new File(fileName); FileWriter fileText = new FileWriter(fileName); BufferedWriter fileContent = new BufferedWriter(fileText); fileContent.write("Character name change info:\r\n\r\nCharacter original name: " + player.getName() + "\r\nCharacter new name: " + newName); fileContent.close(); } st.takeItems(changeNameItemId, changeNameItemCount); player.setName(newName); player.store(); player.sendMessage("Seu novo nome do personagem é " + newName); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "ChangeName-Success.htm"; } } } else { return "ChangeName-NoItems.htm"; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, insira um nome correto."); return "ChangeName.htm"; } } else if (event.startsWith("reducePks")) { try { String pkReduceString = event.substring(10); int pkReduceCount = Integer.parseInt(pkReduceString); if (player.getPkKills() != 0) { if (pkReduceCount == 0) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, coloque um valor mais alto."); return "PkServices.htm"; } else { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(pkReduceItemId) >= pkReduceItemCount) { st.takeItems(pkReduceItemId, pkReduceItemCount * pkReduceCount); player.setPkKills(player.getPkKills() - pkReduceCount); player.sendMessage("Você limpou com sucesso " + pkReduceCount + " PKs."); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "PkServices-Success.htm"; } else { return "PkServices-NoItems.htm"; } } } else { return "PkServices-NoPks.htm"; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Valor incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "PkServices.htm"; } } else if (event.startsWith("changeClanName")) { if (player.getClan() == null) { return "ChangeClanName-NoClan.htm"; } else { try { String newClanName = event.substring(15); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(changeClanNameItemId) >= changeClanNameItemCount) { if (newClanName == null) { return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { player.sendMessage("Apenas o líder do clã pode mudar o nome do clan."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (player.getClan().getLevel() < clanMinLevel) { player.sendMessage("Seu clan deve ter pelo menos nível " + clanMinLevel + " para mudar o nome."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (!newClanName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")) { player.sendMessage("Nome incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (newClanName.equals(player.getClan().getName())) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, escolha um nome diferente."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else if (null != ClanTable.getInstance().getClanByName(newClanName)) { player.sendMessage("O nome " + newClanName + " já existe."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } else { if (logClanNameChanges) { String fileName = "log/Services/Clan Name Change - " + player.getClan().getName() + ".txt"; new File(fileName); FileWriter fileText = new FileWriter(fileName); BufferedWriter fileContent = new BufferedWriter(fileText); fileContent.write("Clan name change info:\r\n\r\nClan original name: " + player.getClan().getName() + "\r\nClan new name: " + newClanName + "\r\nClan Leader: " + player.getName()); fileContent.close(); } st.takeItems(changeNameItemId, changeNameItemCount); player.getClan().setName(newClanName); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE clan_data SET clan_name=? WHERE clan_id=?")) { statement.setString(1, newClanName); statement.setInt(2, player.getClan().getClanId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.info("Error updating clan name for player " + player.getName() + ". Error: " + e); } player.sendMessage("O novo nome do clan é " + newClanName); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); return "ChangeClanName-Success.htm"; } } } else { return "ChangeClanName-NoItems.htm"; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, insira um nome correto."); return "ChangeClanName.htm"; } } } else if (event.startsWith("setReputationPoints")) { try { String reputationPointsString = event.substring(20); int reputationPointsCount = Integer.parseInt(reputationPointsString); if (player.getClan() == null) { return "ClanReputationPoints-NoClan.htm"; } else if (!player.isClanLeader()) { return "ClanReputationPoints-NoLeader.htm"; } else { if (reputationPointsCount == 0) { player.sendMessage("Por favor, coloque um valor mais alto."); return "ClanReputationPoints.htm"; } else { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(clanReputationPointsItemId) >= clanReputationPointsItemCount) { st.takeItems(clanReputationPointsItemId, clanReputationPointsItemCount * reputationPointsCount); player.getClan().addReputationScore(player.getClan().getReputationScore() + reputationPointsCount, true); player.getClan().broadcastClanStatus(); return "ClanReputationPoints-Success.htm"; } else { return "ClanReputationPoints-NoItems.htm"; } } } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Valor incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente."); return "ClanReputationPoints.htm"; } } return htmlText; } } Thank's.
  16. hello all...i looking for an augment command. Npc or direct voice command! Thx
  17. Reborn12, how i can make bypass? and voicecommand? i don't know how to make that. Thanks!
  18. Hi everyone....who can help me with java code for teleport? (.giran, .aden .gludio, etc). I try few forums (not from here) and give me much errors :) I use l2jserver (High Five ) pack. THX
  19. who can tell me about that code? what i have to edit to work commands in game?
  20. Edit gameserver.bat. Right click-->Edit and change -Xmx512m or -Xmx1024m
  21. who can help me to import userpanel from here? i put everything and don't work commands in game. http:// Commands id: .user .user1 .user2 and .user3. in Custom.properties i put all configs to True. Thank you!
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