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Everything posted by Avel

  1. http://www.4shared.com/dir/1279887/60245db5/MaxBastards.html
  2. omg l2forever is off server no hlapex there.if you want hlapex www.l2wasted.nl
  3. HOME-->party buffs-->tha s exei mia sthlh pou tha s leei buffs 1-2..vale ta buffs pou theleis klikareta dipla-->pio dipla exei kathe posa minite na ta kanei kai pio dipla to name ston char pou theleis na ta kaneis. gia heal:pata home-->party heal-->klikare to heal dipla vale sto poso % theleis na kanei heal,dipla ti skill theleis na xrisimopiei kai dipla ston player pou theleis na to kanei. GIA NA KANEIS HEAL KAI BUFFS O PLAYER PREPEI NA EINAI PARTY I FRIEND
  4. re visurako to dokimasa ston ae alla dn petixe kapia mlkia ekana.exo human figher.eksigise to mia re vima pros vima.
  5. hehe i dont need hack for headshots etc :P i buy Kalaznikof and 1 shot all :P
  6. na zisis thanouli kai xronia pola megalos na gineis me aspra malia pantou na fotizeis tis polis to fos kai oloi na lene na enas SOFOS! Xronia polaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Fisa mia na ta sviseis!
  7. 1.Lineage II 2.Counter Strike Source 3.Call of duty II 4.Lord of the rings battle of middle earth II online
  8. dual kesh +4 kai tallum heavy alla sinithos oloi oi servers exoune poli perissoterous magous tote nightmare + dual kesh +4
  9. No exploits, no hacks for L2 Revenge.Hlapex is dead! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php See this plz. from MewMew
  10. Liverpool ftw! Krima pou exase....to aksize.
  11. Welcome, kokireti. Private Messages: 0 Unread, 67 Total. Total time logged in: 5 days, 7 hours and 18 minutes
  12. kapios m eixe valei kai emena alla pali kala apo to spiti m mono x10k servers pezo opote oti kai na m eperne sta @@ m.pleon min empisteueste kanenan.
  13. Avel


    http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=4223.0 Dialekse afto pou theleis,pare to code kai kanto antigrafh sto signature
  14. Solution an thes na mpoume mazi se kanenan C5 omos gt dn exo interlude poli euxaristos an thes kane kanena search gia kanenan 10k kai pes m
  15. ti na po kai ego re pou exo 50 post kai konteuo tis 5 meres?
  16. lol no exploit for safe enchante!
  17. Welcome, kokireti. Private Messages: 0 Unread, 50 Total. Total time logged in: 4 days, 17 hours and 23 minutes.
  18. 350
  19. makari na pareis tin ferrari kai na stoukareis kai to koloamaksi s na ginei komatia
  20. kalo einai na min empisteueste kanenan mono filous na kanete add opos kai ego
  21. Nomizw afto tha sas aresei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P1GgwhLJjo
  22. ego paidia ston official me to bot pou xrisimopoiousa sto c5 to xrisimopoio kai tora sto interlude Koyfo: Only in English
  23. prota anoikse to hlapex wait 8 secont kai meta anoikse to l2
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