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Everything posted by Avel

  1. without costums server could be the best
  2. i cant log in :/. The gameguard update was canceled. There was a problem when running game guard Error code=610. What need to do?
  3. opws leei kai to title psaxnw an uparxei script gia na taizei to pet apo mono tou.to psaxnw edw k 10 lepta alla tpt :S.euxaristw
  4. only kids play there.this server sucks,only farm is good cause it's easy.no balance at pvp...and i think dumanist cant fix it.many bugs. if u log in u will see 4 classes,sps/daggers/archers/tyrants.SPS CAUSE CANCEL WITHOUT FLAG!OMG!
  5. lol they just dont even try to make any balance...
  6. that's what server need....then everything will be perfect
  7. server is ''good''.easy farm but no balance at pvp.Archer can own everything and daggers got success lethal 90%.Mages sucks...finally pvp sucks...
  8. koita filarako otan bgaineis k exeis to 50euro panw s pou sou edwsan oi goneis sou gia na perasei kala to paidi tous(filika panta) dn mporeis na katalaveis tin oikonomiki krish.Otan tha bgaleis ta dika s lefta k tha deis oti dn sou ftanoun oute gia tis vasikes sou anagkes 8a ktlveis poso megalo einai to provlima
  9. yes that's right but if you put number 3000 when u fire crosshair will stay roughly close.Can u tell us what number put after cl_dynamiccrosshair?
  10. there is one command for Counter Strike Source,try this one cl_crosshairscale 3000.
  11. 8elw na paw na to dw re gmt to 404 alla thelw na ta dw me tin seira!!341 eftasa
  12. paw sto 333 episode :D revenger to agaphmeno mou htan ekei pou ederne tin kuvernhsh tora exw ksenerwsei ligo me to love island lol :P
  13. A8ina Peristeri zero pros ta p pefteis?
  14. Date Registered: January 23, 2007, 01:18:44 PM ^^
  15. kai ti thes na kanoun?etsi kai alliws oloi mas katastrefoume tin gh mera me tin mera.Nmz pws tha eprepe na paraponiese an tha sto eklinan stin mouri to reuma kai oxi me tin epiklisi pou kanoun.
  16. 1 lepto se oli tin gh na kleisoun to reuma nmz ginete polu megalh e3ukonomisi energeias...ara oti kai na kanoun kalo tha einai
  17. pantws an to deite apo edw einai pio sigkinitiko apo oso fenete :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8843da7nT2g&feature=related
  18. dn mporo na psifisw maresoun poloi...kala sigkrineis kazatzidi me olous tous allous?autos einai legend file mou
  19. Avel

    PC provlima

    ti enoeis?uparxei kapia lush?
  20. Avel

    PC provlima

    Exw ena provlima stin ekkinisi tou mozilla.Otan patao diplo klik sto eikonidio mou bgazei authn tin proidopoihsh: Δεν μπορει να ενεργοποιηθει η μοναδα ασφαλειας της εφαρμογης.Η πιο πιθανη αιτια ειναι προβληματα με τον καταλογο συνολου των χαρακτηριστικων σας.Βεβαιωθητε οχι εχετε δικαωματα εγγραγης/αναγνωσης στον καταλογο κλειστε την εφαρμογη και διορθωστε το προβλημα.Αν συνεχισετε να χρησιμοποιητε αυτη την εφαρμογη σε αυτην την συνεδρια θα αντιμετοπισετε ποβληματα κατα την προσβαση σας σε ασφαλης σελιδες. Oute msn mporo na mpw,oute na kano kapio upload oute post sto site.To post to kano apo to internet explorer.Xrhsimopoio windows vista.An pathso to ok sthn proidopoihsh pou mou bgazei me afinei na mpo sto internet...kamia idea?
  21. Otan o alos einai flagarismenos(mov) mporeis aneta na ton hittareis xoris ctr dhladh patontas ta F autos einai enas tropos na min perneis kai pk otan kseflagarei o antipalos stamataei na ton xonei monos tou o pexths.Otan dn einai flagarismenos(aspros dld)tote gia na ton hittareis prepei na pathseis to ctr.
  22. Τhe end of world is not in effect as long as for the end internet something they make in order to him they gain money. All these they is false that believes other religions for the end of world.
  23. Avel

    Eurovision 2008

    noble dn nomizo oti metraei mono i emfanisi....to tragoudi tis oukranias htane geloio!kala ta phgame kai fetos.+fwnw gia osa eipate fisika gia tin rwssia
  24. OMG this they is unique!nice share!
  25. pedia auto to thema to eixe o xardavelas exthes ''Paidia Indigo kai ta paidia Crystal''.Den poli asxolithika epidi nistaza apla akousa oti ta paidia indigo tha kanoun polu kalitera pragmata apo tous prohgoumenous sto mellon.Kante ena search na deite kai ti einai ta paidia Crystal.
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