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  1. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=signature+backgrounds
  2. Elfo τραβα κοιμησου.
  3. οχι δεν το λυσαμε. Με ψηνει τωρα ο demy στο skype με τις βλακειες που λετε.
  4. Come to real life man. If you go to find a job in a company or something they will ask for papers to prove it. Nowadays, everyone says that he has "skills".
  5. 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  6. The real question is... why did you encrypt it?
  7. Bump. (The link might not work for some people, because we changed hosting service and the transaction takes from 24 to 48 hours)
  8. [4/1/2012 10:42:31 PM] L2 Instinct: Hello Pauler [4/1/2012 10:44:11 PM] Pauler: Hello L2 Instinct [4/1/2012 10:45:04 PM] L2 Instinct: Are you interested for the domain name? [4/1/2012 10:45:10 PM] Pauler: Sure. [4/1/2012 10:45:15 PM] Pauler: How much [4/1/2012 10:45:41 PM] L2 Instinct: Only domain or you need a website too? [4/1/2012 10:45:50 PM] Pauler: domain only. [4/1/2012 10:46:45 PM] L2 Instinct: What Currency do you prefer? [4/1/2012 10:46:55 PM] Pauler: euros [4/1/2012 10:47:38 PM] L2 Instinct: 300 euros [4/1/2012 10:48:46 PM] Pauler: WHAT TA FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHYYYYY? ARE FUCKA KIDDA ME? HOY MADA SHIIIT ? WHY ARE YA DOANG WITH TO MA. [4/1/2012 10:49:05 PM] L2 Instinct: ??? [4/1/2012 10:50:07 PM] Pauler: 300 EUROS FOR A NO FAME MADA FUCKA DOMAIN? WHATS WRONG? ITS A APRILS FOOL JOKE. NO WAY MADA FAKA WANNA FAK. WHY ARE DAING THIS [4/1/2012 10:51:10 PM] L2 Instinct: who said that is "no fame".And if it is "no fame" as you say why you choose it for buying it? [4/1/2012 10:51:40 PM] L2 Instinct: You know that is a very catchy name.that is the reason you choose it [4/1/2012 10:52:18 PM] Pauler: IT IS NO FAME EVEN MY FAKA BITCH DOT NOW IT. I WANNA BA IT BECAUSE I DO A DOMAIN COLLECTIO. ARE YOU MADA FUCKA FUCKIN G KIDDA ME? [4/1/2012 10:52:46 PM] L2 Instinct: If you can not afford it i can make a discount to you without more offers. [4/1/2012 10:52:49 PM] Pauler: I GO BUY .NET FOR 12 EUROS YOU FUCKA KIDDA ME [4/1/2012 10:53:42 PM] L2 Instinct: go for it then.You are a collector or not?you want it you buy it.You don't you don't buy it [4/1/2012 10:54:45 PM] Pauler: I WANA BUY IT FOR A MADA FUCKA PRICE NOT A FUCKING ONE USA 300 EUROS I CAN BUY DA BEST DEDI SERVA. I HOPA DA IS A JOK [4/1/2012 10:55:50 PM] L2 Instinct: too much words.tell me an offer and if i agree ok,otherwise i can not do something.That is business. [4/1/2012 10:57:06 PM] Pauler: 50 DA EURA MOST CANT OFFER MORE FOR A MADA FUCKA DOMAIN IT A FUCKA SHITA JOK [4/1/2012 11:00:42 PM] L2 Instinct: I hate people who want to buy expensive car at price of chocolate bar.This "FUCKA domain" as you call it 120 euro. [4/1/2012 11:01:17 PM] L2 Instinct: We both know that the name is GOOD and catcy. [4/1/2012 11:01:58 PM] L2 Instinct: We do not have to make it complicated [4/1/2012 11:02:51 PM] L2 Instinct: I am tired of this typing [4/1/2012 11:02:59 PM] L2 Instinct: 100 yes or no? [4/1/2012 11:03:09 PM] Pauler: 120 EUROS BY BITCHA COST MORE DA FUCKA DOMAIN NO COST MORE DA 50 IT ID GOOD BUTTA NO FAME NO MY BITCHA MADA FUCKA NOW IT I FUCKIN ASK HIM NO KNOW I FUCKA OFFER 50 FUCKA EUROS MADA FUCKA NOW WANNA OR NOT [4/1/2012 11:03:25 PM] L2 Instinct: 100 [4/1/2012 11:03:26 PM] L2 Instinct: 100 [4/1/2012 11:03:27 PM] L2 Instinct: 100 [4/1/2012 11:03:40 PM] L2 Instinct: 100 for you [4/1/2012 11:05:48 PM] Pauler: I ASK MY DAMN MADA NO FUCKA ACCEPT DAT I TOLD YOU I WANT FUCKA BUY YOUR MADA FUCKA DOMAIN IT IS NO FAME JUST A FUCKA DOMAIN DONT MAKE ME .NET. MY LASTA OFFER IS 55 EUROS ONLY FOR YA BUT DAT IS NO MORE SHITTA MY BITCH DONNA ACCEPT DAT DO YOU MADA FUCKA ACCEPT DA MADA FUCKA OFFER OR FUCKIN BITCHING. I TOLDA YA 55 EYROS [4/1/2012 11:06:50 PM] Pauler: I DONNA LIKE MADA FUCK JOKES STON BITCHIN WITH APRIL FOOLD COME TAKE DA MADA FUCKA EUROS AND GIVE ME THE MADA FUCK DOMAIN [4/1/2012 11:07:49 PM] Pauler: MY FUCKING DOG DOESNOT EVA KNOW IT [4/1/2012 11:08:02 PM] Pauler: NOT FAME FUCKA DOMAIN FOR 100 EURA MUST BE A JOK [4/1/2012 11:08:12 PM] L2 Instinct: We are NOT friends to JOKE at you. Business is taking place here. [4/1/2012 11:08:25 PM] L2 Instinct: I do not know EVA [4/1/2012 11:08:27 PM] L2 Instinct: anyway [4/1/2012 11:08:41 PM] L2 Instinct: I had yesterday [4/1/2012 11:08:42 PM] L2 Instinct: an offer [4/1/2012 11:09:25 PM] L2 Instinct: 540 euro with the site as saw it and with more changes [4/1/2012 11:10:30 PM] L2 Instinct: i haven't agreed with this offer yet because i want to avoid the coding part and the whole changes at website [4/1/2012 11:10:41 PM] L2 Instinct: i prefer to sell the Domain only [4/1/2012 11:11:29 PM] L2 Instinct: You know that your offer is not Worthly for this name. [4/1/2012 11:11:39 PM] Pauler: YOU SAID WE ARE DA NOT FRIENDS BUT YOU KEEPA JOK ON ME 540 EUROS WHO DA FUCK IS A MADA FUCK BITCH TO BA IT DID YOU FUCKA FUCK HIM AND STOLE HIS FUCKA MONEY WAS HE A HOMO I FUCKIN WANNA PEE ON HIM THE LOOSER OK I LIKE YOU 60 EUROS NOT EVA A SINGLA EURA MORE MADA FUCKER [4/1/2012 11:13:02 PM] L2 Instinct: I tis not your business but i will tell you to avoid your irritating typing. This offer made by a Canadian man. [4/1/2012 11:14:00 PM] Pauler: DAT CANADIAN DOG MUST BE JUSTIN BIEBER NO SHIT FAME DOMAIN TELL ME 60N EUROS TIS FUCKIN MOMENT [4/1/2012 11:15:03 PM] L2 Instinct: I do not cooperate with DOGS but if they make good offers to me i have NO problem to do that. [4/1/2012 11:15:59 PM] Pauler: SO TELL ME MADA FUCKA YOU DA NOT ANSER I TOLD YA FUCKA 60 EUROS DONT MAKE ME PEE ON DA BITCH FUCKA OF MADA SHITTY TELL ME 60 EUROS TELL ME DONT MAKE ME MAD FUCKA SHIT NO FAME [4/1/2012 11:16:53 PM] L2 Instinct: Let me think about it and i will inform you. We will keep in touch. [4/1/2012 11:17:15 PM] Pauler: DONT BE LATE I FUCKA NEED DAT [4/1/2012 11:28:53 PM] L2 Instinct: Hello again [4/1/2012 11:29:04 PM] Pauler: ? [4/1/2012 11:29:18 PM] L2 Instinct: 70 € [4/1/2012 11:30:29 PM] Pauler: I SAID 60 DONT TRY TO JOKE ME MADA FUCKA WANNA FUCKING 60 SHIT EUROS FOR DA DOMAIN [4/1/2012 11:30:33 PM] Pauler: ? [4/1/2012 11:58:05 PM | Ο-Η 4/2/2012 10:44:10 AM απομακρύνθηκε] L2 Instinct: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε από το Διαχειριστή [10:01:38 PM] L2 Instinct: Hello Pauler [10:03:12 PM] Pauler: Hello [10:04:12 PM] L2 Instinct: I can sell you the domain for 60€ as you'd like. [10:04:32 PM] L2 Instinct: Do you still need it? [10:05:00 PM] Pauler: ARE YOU FUCKA KIDA ME YOU MAKE ME WAIT LIKE A HOT BITCH NOW TELL ME 60 EUROS GET REAL FUCKA I OFFER 40 EURA NOW OR FUCKI KIDA ME [10:07:49 PM] L2 Instinct: I am offering you this price because i have a guy that it needs that but he asks me for website with lot features and i do not have the time to do.If i sell it i will avoid the offers with website construction. [10:09:01 PM] L2 Instinct: Do you want at 60€?I can not give it for less.I agreed to your price you would. [10:10:03 PM] Pauler: YOU SERIUS? FOR A FAKA DOMAIN NO FAME MADE ME WAIT FOR SHIT WANT 60 EURA I FUCKA OFFA 40 EURO DONOT MAK ME AGRY I WIL GIVE LESS [10:11:19 PM] L2 Instinct: There is no reason to swear.I did not swear at you. 50€ and we are done. No hard feelings. :) [10:12:39 PM] Pauler: YOU FUK DEAD DOGS ARE YOU SERIUS 40 OR SHIT WANNA NO FAME DOMAIN FOR MY MADA FUCKA COLLECTION DONOT MAKE ME FUK A SHIT [10:12:43 PM] L2 Instinct: You will see that you will have a lot traffic with this.It is already has traffic without advertisement. [10:13:37 PM] L2 Instinct: If you take it and you start the server inform me.I will be happy to check your server and how it is going. [10:14:58 PM] Pauler: WANNA PEE ON SELF FUCK MADA FUKA DOMAIN NO MONEY KIDDA ME NO FAME SHITA DOMAIN DONT MAKE APRIL FOOLS ON ME. I LIKE YA SO NO FUCK DOGS OFFER 45 EURO LAST OFFA L2 Instinct
  9. Bitch please. You just don't know how to lose.
  10. Nice joke, looser. The whole project is developed by me so it is impossible to be shared by someone.
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=234623.0
  12. In the banner, you say no customs.. In the topic, you say
  13. I am a very good php developer and I think my job is very good. I sent you a pm with my skype. Feel free to add me. Or send me a message on msn.
  14. I would like to share with you an auto vote reward for L2Ranksite.com. It is for interlude, l2jfrozen. It can be easily adapted for another chronicle or another project. First go to com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/handler/AutoVoteRewardHandler.java If you don't have this file, create it and add this: http://pastebin.com/cPEF2yk9 If you do have this file, just replace it or add the lines above to your own file. Then, go to com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/powerpak/PowerPakConfig.java Replace, the whole code with the following one. http://pastebin.com/ykeWSC2p or add public static String VOTES_SITE_L2RANKSITE_URL; after public static String VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL; and add VOTES_SITE_L2RANKSITE_URL = p.getProperty("VotesSiteL2RanksiteUrl", ""); after VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL = p.getProperty("VotesSiteTopZoneUrl", ""); Then, find powerpak.properties and replace it with the following code http://pastebin.com/1NAEpDp5 or add this VotesSiteL2RanksiteUrl= after VotesSiteTopZoneUrl= Have fun.
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